Jamaica's real estate prices climb
According to more up-to-date maps from the Department of City Planning, the area would be rezoned R7A, which has a maximum building height of 65-80 feet and would allow 25,000 square feet of residential space to be built on the site.
Massey Knakal has the 6,250-square-foot lot at 88-09 153rd St. listed as a development site and notes in its Web listing that the "site lies within an R6 zoning district and has a residential development potential of approx. 15,188 square feet." The listing then notes that the area "is proposed to be rezoned to R6A in early 2007" and recalculates the potential buildable square footage at 18,750 if the change occurs.
1936 Photo of King Manor from NYC Parks Department
You see, this is one of the ways the city undercuts efforts at preservation.
"Hey, you got a gold mine. Cash out and retire!"
The preservation community has given us nothing to respond to this. I guess they never found a need because in the Village, or the Heights, this is never spoken.
If I were some greedy SOB
and I had planned to sell my house
and move away ....
I would love for my area to be up-zoned thus increasing my property value.
My now (lower density zoned) $800,000 investment suddenly becomes worth about three times as much.
So I'm gonna sell, then cut & run
and leave all the rest of you poor bastards
with over development, overcrowding, less green space, and the same crappy inadequate aging infrastructure.
Send you all a postcard from the Cayman Islands.
Is that the way these stories end?
We should actually send the guy on the Cayman island a postcard of his house in his Queens, showing him how the developer he sold it to demolished it and put up some piece of crap in its place, which might make the guy feel guilty at least as he sits on the beach sipping coladas and catching rap with a bikini clad babe.
"which might make the guy feel guilty at least as he sits on the beach sipping coladas and catching rap with a bikini clad babe."
.. or more often, a senior hounded by a real estate dog who is left out in the cold with no alternatives because our friends in preservation do not care a whiff to taylor their efforts for the outer boroughs.
Yet another reason to overturn that damn landmarks law and for the whole city to start at square one.
What is the long term prospects for a community when the elements that made it a good place, neighborlyness, common sense on parking your car, making noise, and maintaining your building is thrown out the window for mindless greed.
Taxes and stress will go up as quality of life goes down.
How do you place a dollar value to enjoying the sun in your backyard before some #$$^*%^ developer blocks it with a tasteless barracks?
No developer should be allowed to build a a building that blocks off sunlight to the backyard of a nearby residential home. There really ought to be a law against that.
In Astoria in the 1980's, the community hugely protested a downzoning from R6 to R5; because of property values.
"3rd anonymous" poster....
Don't go off half cocked!
I was ironically making fun of anyone
who would consider selling out their neighborhood.
My story was pure fiction.
And since I speak French and German.....
Switzerland would be my choice.... not the Caymans
if I were to retire!
I wasn't going off "half cocked" but full cocked ...especially when thinking about that bikini clad babe I concocted.
You see, I knew you were being ironic but was just pretending to take your comment seriously to launch an assault of my own on those who sell out their neighborhoods.
Auf Wiedersehen
Avien tot!
You got me up too "auf wiedersehen".
I'm just puttin' on my Speedo right now.
Race you to la femme in the water!
Bon chance' .
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