Overweight Trucks Restricted on Throgs Neck Bridge
The Metropolitan Transportation Authority said the bridge is safe for drivers, but as part of a biannual inspection, some damage to the bridge was discovered.
The maximum vehicle weight on the bridge is 80,000 pounds, MTA spokeswoman Catherine Sweeney said Thursday. But the program allowed certain state-permitted trucks with six or seven axles weighing 105,000 pounds to travel in the center lane at 30 miles an hour at any time.
Photo from MTA.info
So instead of supplying money to fix up bridges throughout the country the government is merely going to be imposing restrictions on traffic flow across them. Pretty clever tactic of the government, making it seem like they're doing something in response to that tragic bridge collapse without spending a dime.
I wonder which bridge all those overweight loaded trucks that removed the trees from St. Saviour's took!
When I tried taking a photo of this bridge last summer the guards at the main gate of Fort Totten informed me I couldn't. Defying this order I went out on to the jetty and was about to snap a photo of the bridge when a park ranger pulled up in a vehicle and started marching towards me.
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