In his letter, Lee Principe said that 20 years ago when his father fought to rezone West Maspeth to save both the industrial sites and homes in the area, he envisioned that the church grounds would one day become a park. In fact, the meetings the elder Principe had with the Department of City Planning were held in the parish hall of St. Saviour's (the same part of the building the developer attempted to illegally demolish in early December).
The community board members applauded in response to the letter and the Juniper Park Civic Association says on their website today that they are looking forward to working with their councilman and CB5 to save the entire piece of land.
The only missing piece of the puzzle is the response of Councilman Dennis Gallagher, who has been making a deal with the developer to spare the church if building is allowed surrounding it. He wasn't present at the community board meeting last night. So the only question left to ask is:
"What will Dennis do?"
Hopefully Dennis will pay attention to the overwhelming preference of his constituents to save the land and church. Shouldn't he represent his people instead of a foreign developer??
This is a gem of an opportunity for St. Saviour's and CM Gallagher. It is time for the councilman to acknowledge a vast coalition of supporters and a history of 160 years in the making (1847-2007)! How often do we come across pristine land with direct ties to early settlers of Queens? Building around the church and obliterating the land and numerous trees, would be a catastrophe on the Queens front and our quality of life.
This is JUDGEMENT DAY for Gallagher...Will he work on behalf of his constituency and up above, or a developer whose record shows a "dismantling" of the law?
C'mon Dennis, the ball's in your court! Don't be short-sighted. Help save the WHOLE St. Saviour's site!
Isn't this the same creep who was caught on tape making deals with developers in exchange for a trip to Disneyland? How the hell did he get elected?
Control of the media is enough to sew confusion in the community. Remember, if you give the public one victory, no matter how small, like a drug they will come back for more and more. He is counting on the public's short memory.
Gallagher's guys must have complained and "twisted some arms". I see that the 2 borderline- lewd and tasteless comments from yesterday have been removed from this blog. Everybody still thinks that he should save St. Saviour's and make it THE WHOLE SITE. No abridged compromise deals!
C'mon Councilman Gallagher, we know that you and your guys are watching this site. We know that you're just dying to post an announcement yourself regarding St. Saviour's. Come out, come out, wherever you are! Let's have an electronic conversation . Are you going to support saving THE WHOLE St. Saviour's site? Be a good sport!
Save the St. Saviour's site and make it a park! Do the right thing Councilman Gallagher! Do you wan't to be remembered as a "schmuck" or a "hero". The choice is yours!
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