66-16 & 66-18 70th Street in Middle Village were rezoned R4-1 in early 2006 to prevent just this type of thing. This new zoning means that no more than a 2-family house is allowed on a lot within the zone. As you can see, these attached houses are 3-family apartment buildings (and ugly ones at that). This was a large lot that was subdivided. The permits for these houses were issued in December of 2005, in a desperate "get a shovel in the ground before the zoning is changed" move by the developer.
Can't you just see this house in a few years, with mismatched doors, pillars banged up, and a rusty white railing?
You know, we should start to insist on a moratorium on building and a borough wide conference be held in borough hall discuss this.
You know the developers will have their bully boys there, but at the rate that traffic is growing on Queens Crap we might, just might, have a chance to exchange some broadsides.
Somebody ought to "put a shovel in the ground" and bury the builder right next to" his creation"! (I'm only being sarcastic folks. I'm not suggesting homicide).
That's right, "anonymous," save that suggestion for the councilman in this area!
Looks more like a temple than a private home.
Add some junk to the porch and grafitti on the steps, yes, that is exactly what I want across the street from me!
A stairway to Heaven for the builder but a stairway to Hell for the neighbors!
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