We know you guys can't wait to see this
slideshow about how great overdevelopment in Queens is, put together by the office of our illustrious Borough President, Helen Marshall. It includes the hideous plan for the Queens Family Court building and also highlights the high-rises along the LIC waterfront.
QC's said it before and we'll say it again: "Thank God for term limits!"
She's no moron! Just a marionette fulfilling her service contract. The builders come first and her constituents come second! After all, whose money put her in office? I doubt it was yours or mine! Examine the list of her campaign contributors, then arrive at your own conclusions! Behind that seemingly blank smile lies a crafty individual very well-suited to her office!
Former Beep Claire Shulman also exhibited a warm beaming smile and friendly demeanor, while she was busy at work executing the unfinished plans for our borough, begun by her previous boss the late Donald Manes! Remember that "Little Red Riding Hood" fairy tale quote, (from "Red" to the disguised Wolf) "But, Grandma, what big teeth you have" ! Take a lesson: Don't believe in the "benevolence" of your Borough Presidents, whoever they may seem to be on the surface! Beware of the Beeps. They all bite!
I publicly challenge our borough president in this public forum:
1. why does she show that slave mistress Queen Catherine on her website?
2. Why is she mute while our people are segregated from Silvercup, and at our Queensbridge houses, we will be permanently put in the shadow of the sun? Is open space and sunlight only for white people?
Now that we have Black History month upon us, let her answer those questions from her community!
I love how they included an old picture of Bowne house, which is now off limits because no one can come up with the funds to open it up to the public. Let's advertise the historic landmarks we've neglected.
Hey, anonymous, maybe a newspaper will do a piece on how her régime is propped by the bayonets of developers.
I need my second cup of coffee.
"MOST SIGNIFICANTLY" ?!?!?!?!? I like that! Over two million people, a fantastic place with rich culture past and present. And the most significant thing about it is .... buildable land?!?!? Well, I think the writer of that drivel should apologize to the people of Queens. Where in the hell did you get this crap, Queens Crap?
It's right there on the Boro Prez's home page. Believe it or not, she thinks we like all this building!
Didn't she make a big deal about "Illegal Conversions"?
Funny stuff. Good to see our municipal gov't at work.
True! A portrait of Queen Catherine of Braganza still hangs in Borough Hall. She is supposed to be the queen that Queens is named for. But no serious original-source evidence exists proving this to be true . This notion was probaby "beefed- up" sometime around 1898 to promote our borough at the time Queens was incorporated into Greater New York and has been taken as Gospel ever since. What's known is that she condoned the enslavement of Africans and after she returned to Portugal, she acted as Regent for her ailing brother who had continued the practice of burning Jews as heretics, long after the Spanish Inquisition had ended! Is it proper for Helen Marshal to continue to allow this offensive image to be openly displayed in Queensboro Hall?
We get what we pay for, or in this case, who we vote for. You can't make a silk purse from a Sow's ear! To expect a person who's "waited on tables" for the real estate gang to give a damn about her constituency, now that she's got her "starring role" as Beep is a joke!
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