The Municipal Art Society published a map which shows where individual landmarks are throughout the city and in which council districts they may be found.
New York City Landmarks and City Council Districts3 council members have no landmarks whatsoever in their districts. 2 out of those 3 are in Queens.
We should requst landmarking status for these 3 coucilmen's asses sitting around doing nothing.
Where do I get the form for that?
When you look at this map depicting the location of all the landmarks throughout NYC, it's clear that Queens has just a sparse sprinkling of them. These appear like outposts on a vast frontier....like isolated scattered trading posts on an early map of our nation. What about LPC's promise to pay more attention to Queens? They can start by taking a damn good look at this map and see what catching up there is to be done! Meanwhile those greedy developers who are looking at the same map are thinking, wow what underutilized space to build upon. I wonder which neighborhoods have been earmarked for destruction first? We may take a guess but the city already knows! They're marked on their maps in the back rooms of the City Planning Dept!
Interesting that the MAS, like HDC, writes grants for support of their work in NYC (not just Manhattan).
Which means that a significant share of their unearned income comes from Queens.
You would think that as a thank you, they could have at least published something decrying this unaceptable inbalance.
Let's look at this differently. If they do not know anything of Queens, or make any attempt at knowing anything about Queens, perhaps all that money they raised in our behalf they should give to Queens.
We know how to make good use of it.
How many people on their board is from Queens?
I must ask where is the Queens leadership on this?
Oh yes, hoping, and praying, and sending letters and making lists .... (yawn)
Where is the outrage, guys?
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