Stories of some of the people who currently live in the Atlantic Yards vicinity and those who wish to obtain an "affordable apartment" after it's built.
Brooklyn's basketball city evokes fear, hope amid gentrification
Don't hold your breath, guys. You'll probably be priced out of the city before ground is even broken for those apartments.
Graphic from Develop Don't Destroy: Brooklyn.
This is a real eye opener. No matter how it's cut, we can see that the poor get poorer, with a thinner slice of the pie chart! Keep on fighting ...... Brooklyn brothers! I wonder what similar pie charts look like for the Silvercup/LIC and Sunnyside Yards projects in Queens?????? Maybe G.A.H.S. might want to explore this.
you'll find this chart here: http://dddb.net/php/latestnews_Linked.php?id=324 and more displacement numbers here: http://dddb.net/php/latestnews_Linked.php?id=464
Not at all surprised. They are giving away the Astoria waterfront to rich people that don't live here callously mumbling something about affordable housing.
At the last minute it will be a bait and switch, or as in that racist Suna proposal, keep the dark skinned folks off site and out of sight.
You have to wonder if the people in Ravenswood know they are being used and lied to. We all know that those projects sit on real estate that's just too valuable for po' folk. Those projects will be converted to co-ops just like the ones in East Harlem are.
Thanks for the link. This is racism in its most rampant and incideous form! Remember folks, Vicki Match Suna (that's right...Suna as in Silvercup) used to be an LPC Commissioner (our so called representative)! If that isn't a "stacked deck", you- all out there don't know what the game it is they're playing on you! (As Pappy Maverick would have said).
Yeah. Once the Suna project is completed, they'll work on driving out the people from the Queensbridge Projects by converting vacant apartments to luxury units (just like they did in Stuyvesant Town across the river)! It's 143 years after the end of the American Civil War and they're still trying to keep Black Folk segregated from "Whites"!
And it's shameful that Borough Pesident Hellen Marshal seems to approve of all this! What a traitor she is to her own heritage! Is there nobody else she's willing to sell out? This person of color seems to prefer the color "green"
Well, one of the projects of the East River DEVELOPMENT group is to get a bank in the projects and to get the people thinking of home ownership.
Dovetails nicely with the postings on this board.
That guy that runs it, Rev Taylor, is Queens's answer to Obama.
Hey, maybe someone should ask Rev Taylor why he has said nothing about the Queensbrige Houses in the permanment shadow of rich people.
Or why the poor folk is being segragated.
Well .... pastor?
You are missing the third and fourth pie:
a breakdown of those households who are getting the profitable return on these projects,
and a breakdown those households who have to pay taxes for the infrastructure to support these projects (and by uncoupling them from the real cost, ensure the rich investers get a handsome return.)
Maybe Rev Taylor is what used to be known as a "Jive Turkey"!
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