Queensboro Hill residents slam city rezone proposal
By Scott Sieber, Times Ledger
Riled up residents of Queensboro Hill took the Department of City Planning to task last week at a community meeting intended to iron out differences over the neighborhood's proposed rezoning.
It was standing room only inside the Lang Auditorium at New York Hospital Queens last Thursday, where many of the opponents to the rezoning wielded red signs that read "We Oppose."
"The problem is, I don't know if I want to convert my house now, but later on, I want to have the option," said Anthony Demaio, a 33-year resident of Booth Memorial Avenue who lives in a single-family home. "It's not a character thing. It's an economic thing."
City Planning wants to change the zoning on his block from R4, a general residence district that allows for high-density garden apartments, row houses, semi-detached and detached houses, to R2A, a designation that was created when Bayside was rezoned last year to allow only for single-family, detached homes.
New recommendations from the city include slicing up the neighborhood into eight different zoning designations, as opposed to the existing three. The main thrust of the opposition stemmed from those residing in the R4 area, which is proposed to be downzoned to R2A.
City Councilman John Liu (D-Flushing) organized the meeting after residents approached him with complaints that the city has overlooked their concerns. Some even went as far as to say the city is discriminating against the increasingly dominant Asian population of the area.
The city has attempted to quell fears of the rezonings by saying that the 105 blocks of Queensboro Hill, once rezoned, will be protected from overdevelopment. Future construction would have to comply with what is already there, said John Young, director of the Queens City Planning office.
"This will create predictable change so we know what's to come," Young said. "It offers provisions for change while still offering protections for community character."
But most at the meeting said it was too restrictive and the attempts to curb overdevelopment are too little and too late.
"Suppose in the future, I want to convert to a two-family home," said Demaio. "Now I can't, yet there's six houses on my block right now that are two-family. Why can't we make it one and two-family zoning like everybody else? We wouldn't even need this meeting."
His comment sent cheers through the crowd.
Young said he would relay that information back to City Planning, which is expected to vote on the plans on Jan. 26.
Others, like George McRae, have already submitted plans to the city to convert a single-family home to a two-family home, and if the rezoning passes as planned, he said the project would have to be scrapped.
"We'll have to wait and see," he said. "Hopefully, there's a middle of the road they could follow. This is overkill."
We'd all still like to know if John Liu is related to Alice Liu (Tommy Huang's wife)? Has anyone out there found proof yet? Furthermore, if I go travelling to somebody else's country and can't speak the language, I don't expect everyone else to learn mine, so that we can communicate with each other. Also, In this country everyone is supposed to get an equal chance and we're not allowed to "favor" any specific group emmigrating to the USA! Everyone (at least) is expected to learn to speak our language , which happens to be English! It is a requirement of citizenship. So if Mr. Liu wants Asians to get any "special language treatment" or "preferential status" then he is bucking the "melting pot" system that has (so far) made everybody a great American! But I guess, that if we refuse to "over-accomodate" Asians, he calls it racism. Mr. Liu, you are apparently, a closet anti-American and what I would consider, to be a reverse-racist!!!
Allowing someone to come to the US and be educated in a foreign language is a disservice to them as well as the rest of the community. How are we all supposed to communicate?
Well-said "Annonymous", it is a disservice ! You can't perform jury service (as a citizen) if you can't speak the language (which is required) of your newly adopted country. All legal documents for anything that you're going to do in your life are printed in English! It's required! Road signs are in English. What if you're unnable to read the word "STOP" on a sign? Does someone get hurt? If we are forced to translate the phrase "DANGER OF FIRE" into, lets say, 10 to 50 different languages....by the time you to get to "your language" and finally read the message.....it's too late! There are safety issues at work here. That's why there's a New York State Law (on the books since the turn of the1900s) that require the posting of English on all signs! Stop grand-standing Mr. Liu and do some "real work" to improve the lives of your constituents! We're all getting tired of hearing your knee-jerk Anti-Asian rants!
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