Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Southeast Queens residents unite against the City of Mess


Anonymous said...

No, it's not global warming. NYC fires are caused by bla Blasio's million trees. He deliberately chose the cheapest and smelliest - Linden Trees - which produce an unwieldly amount of fallen autumn leaves. Further, well, ladies and gentlemen the Bronx is burning, thanks to rent and migrant rule changes and allowing improper extra apartments. Who will play Howard Cossel?

Anonymous said...

A same that our elected officials are voting for this City of Yes and the City of All. Also amazing most folks are unaware of the impact it will have on the outer boroughs.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

But white progressives know what is best for Black homeowners!

Anonymous said...

I live in Laurelton Queens and it seems like the City of Yes(mess) will be approved. My husband and I will be moving to New Jersey. NYC is a hot dam mess. If you can leave do it now.