Thursday, September 26, 2024

Eric Adams makes history as first Mayor to be indicted while governing New York City


 New York Times

Mayor Eric Adams has been indicted on federal criminal charges, according to people with knowledge of the matter, and will be the first mayor in modern New York City history to be charged while in office.

The indictment is sealed, and it was unclear what charge or charges Mr. Adams, a Democrat, will face or when he will surrender to the authorities. Federal prosecutors were expected to announce the details of the indictment on Thursday.

The mayor, in a videotaped speech posted online late Wednesday, adopted a combative tone, saying any charges against him would be “entirely false” and “based on lies.” He said he had been targeted by the federal authorities because he had “stood my ground” for New Yorkers.

Mr. Adams, 64, also made it clear he had no intention of resigning, which he is not required to do under the City Charter. He said he would request an “immediate” trial and would “fight these injustices with every ounce of my strength, and my spirit.”

The indictment comes a little less than a year after federal agents searched the home of Mr. Adams’s chief fund-raiser and seized the mayor’s electronic devices as he left a public event in Manhattan.

The mayor and his aides have said he was cooperating with the authorities, and Mr. Adams has continued to insist that he has done nothing wrong.

Mr. Adams, a retired police captain, was elected New York’s 110th mayor in 2021 after a campaign built on a pledge to reduce crime, bring professionalism to City Hall and tap his personal brand of “swagger.”

But he staffed top positions with friends and loyalists, and his inner circle became engulfed by federal investigations. This month, federal agents seized phones from numerous top city officials, including a top aide to Mr. Adams, the schools chancellor and the police commissioner. The commissioner, Edward A. Caban, and the schools chancellor, David C. Banks, later resigned.

Mr. Adams, the second Black person to lead the nation’s largest city, was already facing a competitive primary in his run for re-election next year, and the indictment was likely to prompt more challengers to enter the race.

Here’s what else to know:

  • The indictment raised immediate questions about Mr. Adams’s ability to serve as mayor, adding to the growing pressure for him to step down. Gov. Kathy Hochul has the power to remove him from office.

  • Mr. Adams made it clear in his statement that he had no immediate plans to resign. If he changes his mind, Jumaane Williams, the city’s public advocate, will become the city’s acting mayor.

  • Several federal corruption investigations have reached top people around Mr. Adams, with some of the highest-ranking officials in his administration coming under scrutiny. Read more about the investigations here. Here is a timeline of the key moments leading up to the indictment.

  • The swarm of federal inquiries in the lead-up to the indictment of Mr. Adams plunged his administration into a free fall, further diminishing his political stature. It raised doubts about his re-election chances next year and his ability to engage with other political leaders. Read more about the challenges in City Hall here.

At around 11:30 p.m., Frank Carone, the former City Hall chief of staff, exited Gracie Mansion. In a grey suit, Carone described the mayor as “strong” and said he would not respond to calls to resign. “Like anybody else, he is innocent until proven guilty and he deserves his day in court,” Carone said. In response to questions about whether Adams would or should be replaced, he spoke sternly. “There is one mayor of New York City, and that is Eric Adams.” 




Anonymous said...

zero pity for this pos

Anonymous said...

If you fire people and cut their budgets, they will seek revenge with false or exaggerated charges. Do you remember the Giuliani sheriff who cut his budget in half and merged it into the Finance department, demoting himself? They brought up charges because he asked staff to look at his son's laptop. And Giuliani was in a hurry to swear hm in so insisted he pursue still open cases while sheriff, only to have it used against him.

Anonymous said...

What a joke. The Deep State is taking him down because he bitched about the Biden migrant invasion. Why else? Democrats couldn't care less about corruption, since they are all corrupt.

Well, Swagger is finding out that you don't cross the Deep State. They've tried twice now to kill Trump, and will probably manage it before the election, since all their phoney-baloney lawfare cases failed. We are living in a lawless tyranny, where real crimes by the millions go unpunished, but if you cross the Powers That Be you will get it good and hard.

Electing Trump is our only way out of this, maybe, but between the ballot harvesting and the ongoing attempts to kill the guy, it doesn't look good.

Anonymous said...

The NYC administration is rotten to the core. Just like Congress, the White House and the Supreme Court. It doesn't matter if it's Republican or Democrat, they are all owned by large corporations or foreign governments.

Knickerbocker Knickers said...

Boss Tweed and Tammany Hall would be so proud. Buddy Cianci is smiling down on Bojangles from Heaven.

Anonymous said...

Adams is being charged as a foreign agent under FARA (26USC611+).
Well, your local Greek churches are also guilty as the 2024-2027 Greek
Foreign Ministry Strategic Plam for Expatriate Hellenism blatantly
admits using "Ellinomatheia" in churches to turn Americans of Greek
descent into a lobbying force. They also call them by the nazi term
Homogeny Diaspora as they are expected to be unassimilating colonists
not immigrants to promote trade with Greece. This is why Yaya never
learned English or became a citisen after all those decades. Further
by refusing to preach in English, they are able to spread evil
propaganda. They are raised and sworn to rebuild Besant. The heathen
Greconians need to instead heed their Turkish cousins to eradicate the
Moist & Mouldy Moscow Mokosh Magog.

georgetheatheist said...

"They've tried twice now to kill Trump." Who's the "they"? 2 lone wolves?

Anonymous said...

What you say is probably true, but he should have known not to throw stones in a glasshouse when he's being a bad boy himself.

Anonymous said...

This is a good take on the selective prosecution of Adams. The whole thing stinks.

Miss Zoë said...

Maybe if Mayor Swagger been less concerned with the city’s first “chocolate administration” (his exact words not mine) and been concerned with doing the job citizens of this city elected him to do, his administration wouldn’t be in shambles and they wouldn’t all be facing a potential 40 years in the crapper
Oh, and It appears through every photo he is always surrounded by blacks in his administration. No white people, what happened to diversity that democrats preach???
Stupid New York voters caved to the ANIFTA, BLM and other terrorist movements and voted for this shit administration.
Now they been taking it right in the ass since and cry about it.
.....and you know they never learn and will vote for the same shit again as we saw with deBlasio and King Cuomo's I and II


Anonymous said...

He vowed to make crime a "Personal Priority" and he DID IT!!!

Chester the Dog said...

Will he wear monogrammed shirts at Rikers?

Anonymous said...

Wasn't Adams the one ranting on about "Outside agitators' or "foreign agitators" when those students were protesting against Israeli terrorism and land thieving?
It turns out that Adams is the "Outside agitator". Working for Turkey and Israel, but not for New Yorkers.

Anonymous said...

I see Zoe just came back from her weekly KKK meeting. Crazy Joe will be posting soon I'm sure.

Anonymous said...

Not that I like this racist to begin with, however, I do think he's being taken down just because he did complain about the illegals. And now nyc will probably just go backwards all over again and vote for that elderly person murderer, Cuomo.

-Zoë said...

I see Zoe just came back from her weekly KKK meeting.

Nope, not a chance because I'm not and will never be welcome at one.
For one, I refuse to accept Christ or any other organized religion or form of brainwashing, manipulation. I had enough of that bullshit, and abuse by those mega manipulative low life brain washed pieces of buffalo chunks as a child in Catholic school. I learned early to stay way from it
2-Being a breeding capable female who has not produced numerous white (or any other color) bible packing children marks myself one of them "childless cat ladies" these Christian fanatics including the KKK speak of.
With the KKK anyone capable of yet not producing white children by choice is the lowest of the lowest. They will call you gay, a witch, a pagan, a heathen and will attack you etc.
Educate yourself jackass!!

Last: It sucks I have no choice but to vote for such fanatics, Vance is awful.
Question is how many "childless catladys" will now be voting democrat.
I think Vance has already sunk Trump!!
