Tuesday, January 23, 2024

General Gouging Electric


Crains New York

New York ratepayers will be on the hook for a $1.2-billion Con Edison project to boost electric grid capacity in southeast Queens. The utility said the new networks and substations will meet the area’s surging demand, partially driven by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority’s efforts to electrify its bus depots and fleet.

The state Public Service Commission on Thursday approved cost recovery for Con Edison’s Reliable Clean City Idlewild Project. The effort will divide the existing Jamaica network in two and build a pair of substations so that the local grid can meet a surge in demand brought on by New York’s efforts to electrify its transportation and building systems.

Con Edison describes the current Jamaica network as its largest, serving more than 162,000 customers, including transportation hubs such as John F. Kennedy International Airport, the Long Island Railroad’s Jamaica Station and at least four major MTA bus depots. In the utility’s petition to state regulators, it claimed that without the investment, demand during times of peak usage would exceed what the network was designed to handle by 2026.

In a statement, PSC Chair Rory Christian backed the utility’s project “to promote the transition to a clean-energy economy while ensuring the reliability of the electric grid overall.”

Typically, the need for major utility upgrades are hashed out as part of the regular rate case process for utilities, but because Con Edison raised the need for load relief at the end of last year’s rate case, the utility was allowed to file a separate petition.

PSC commissioner Diane Burman, who voted against the expense, said the investment should have been scrutinized as part of the rate case process. She similarly took issue with the need for state customers to foot the bill for upgrades primarily supporting MTA and JFK projects.

“If these were customers that were private developers, we would probably be having a more detailed conversation on the cost allocation that they needed to pony up rather than being borne solely by the ratepayers,” Burman said during the vote. She added that it’s not “sustainable” for ratepayers to bear the bulk of the costs of electrifying New York’s economy moving forward.



Anonymous said...

I'm gonna take a wild guess who they voted for.
​This is a economic climate change, we are broke, this is a continuation of the ponzi scheme.

Anonymous said...

In the 1970's the Ice Age was a coming all of Mankind was 30 years removed from Extinction. Opps wrong again. The 1980's/90's brought in Acid Rain, No more Ice Age instead Global Meltdown and Mankind would be Extinct due to drowning. Opps wrong again. From 2000 on the Hysteria Climate Change Experts fed up of their prediction being wrong "lumped everything together" Hurricanes during Hurricane Season, Snow Storms during Winter, Floods during the Spring Thaw, Earthquakes in Earthquake Zones, Hot Weather during Summer, Deliberately set Forest Fires all were added to the Stew Pot proving that Mankind was Doomed Doomed Doomed until of course the next deadline comes and goes....

Anonymous said...

According to the climate nuts, every year is "the worst on record!" and we're headed for certain and immediate DOOM!!!

This gets old -- especially after hearing this for more than 40 years, year after year.

But the real kicker is that these fraudsters are using the climate scheme as a hammer to bludgeon Capitalism -- the greatest economic engine and social improvement system ever devised, one that has bettered the lives of billions.

Make no mistake -- the climate fraudsters want Socialism on a grand scale -- an economic system that has been a proven DISASTER everywhere it has been tried.

Socialism: Where everyone suffers equally except the elite leaders they get the pot of gold.

NPC_translator said...

Maybe we should all just back away from insane "green energy" policies and electrification of everything. New York is going to be facing routine brown outs and black outs in a few more years if we keep on this crackpot path, all in service to a "climate crisis" that doesn't even exist.

Anonymous said...

I’m definitely suffering with Biden reality syndrome.