From the Daily News:
Former New York top cop William Bratton, bounced from One Police Plaza in 1996, is returning as the city's new police commissioner.
Bratton, 66, was announced Thursday as the new commissioner at the Red Hook Justice Community Center by incoming Mayor Bill de Blasio.
“Bill Bratton is a proven crime-fighter,” de Blasio said of his new commissioner. “He knows what it takes to keep a city safe, and make communities full partners in the mission.”
De Blasio said he and Bratton “will preserve and deepen the historic gains we’ve made in public safety” while protecting the civil rights of the city’s 8 million citizens.
“This is an administration that will do both,” he said.
This marks the second time that Bratton will succeed departing Commissioner Raymond Kelly as head of the nation's largest police force.
Where's Bratton gonna hang out after hours now? Elaine's is closed.
Too bad crime will still instantly rise to Dinkins-era levels the moment Comrade DeBlasio takes his hand off the Bible January 1st. (Was I the first one in with this? Do I win a cookie?)
Shouldn't this man be retired?
Aren't there any deserving cops in their 40s or 50s that can do the job?
Make way for some new blood and give the job to a younger man.
There isn't an original though in the mayor-elect's head.
Back to bad old days, folks. No Second Term! No Second Term!
He hasn't been sworn in yet and I can guarantee you there will be a second term. The same savy and intelligent new yorkers that voted for him and the same people that decided to not vote will do it again. His campaign committee will make failures a virtue and futility a noble endeavor and we will eat up. Remember, change is working out very well on a national level
The sheeple of nyc have spoken. Now there is no turning back. Nothing ever turns out good when a democrat is mayor of a big city. Detroit here we come right behind you with the crime and bankruptcy!!
An interview with my future boss Chief Bratton in Canadian magazine Maclean's that De Blasio would prefer to ignore:
Chief Bratton, have you ever been to Toronto?
Yes, quite a few times.
So you know a little bit about our city? You know about our problems? A 27-per-cent increase in the number of homicides from 1995 to today. A Boxing Day slaying where a 15-year-old innocent bystander was gunned down during a gang shootout on a major shopping street. Can I tell you -- it would be nice if you were our police chief.
Well, thank you. Tell me, the gang violence that you are experiencing, what is the racial or ethnic background of the gangs?
That's a refreshingly blunt question. Some say it may be as high as 80 per cent Jamaican. But no one knows for sure, because people here don't like to talk about that.
You need to talk about it. It's all part of the issue. If it's Jamaican gangs that are committing the crimes, well then, go after the Jamaican gangs. And don't be afraid to go after them because they're black. That's the last thing you need to be concerned with.
Oh boy, I can see the complaints coming in already. You have to understand the climate here. The major local daily in Toronto, the Toronto Star, says it doesn't believe in "gratuitously" labelling people by ethnic origin.
Well, that really helps identify who they are, doesn't it? The next step will be to refuse to allow the police to identify people by their race or ethnic origin. That type of societal consciousness really goes to extremes.
Looks too old for the job...but better than having that thuggy looking do nothing Kelly.
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