"Back on November 23rd of 2012 I reported to both Department of Sanitation and Department of Buildings a vacant lot that had all kinds of garbage on it and in front of the sidewalk (garbage bags, tires, litter, etc) and part of the wooden fence had fallen down, making it a dangerous situation (I have the photo attached). This lot is situated between an apartment building (91-26 175th St) and a house (91-20 175th St), so it is not always easy to tell what the address of the empty lot is, but I assume it is 91-22 175th Street. Regardless it is the only empty lot on that block, which is a pretty nice block and relatively clean. The sanitation service request, which I did two were (C1-1-804162201, which I could not find any information) and (2012WB5254085), which they stated "The Department of Sanitation found that the property is a private tax lot and not a vacant lot. Your Service Request was sent to the Department of Health and Mental Hygiene for further action." The Department of Buildings service request (C1-1-804162151) also gave no information. I even received a phone call that week in regards to this lot from Department of Sanitation and they were going to check it out.
Well from the after photo, none of the three departments checked it our or did anything about it. Today, February 2, 2013, over 2 months since I reported this major eyesore, nothing seems to have been done, the tire and the big garbage bags are still there, along with new garbage, plus the majority of the fence is now completely down.
This chronic garbage/litter/dumping problem has been going on for way too long with sometimes very little being down to address it or take care of it. Granted this is caused by the low class ghetto/third world immigrant people that populate way too much of Jamaica. But if Jamaica can get cleaned-up and enforcement of litter/dumping laws, maybe better businesses and a better class of people will come into our neighborhood, property values will go up and the low class pieces of garbage who cause this problem will no longer afford to live here and be gone to other areas such as East New York, Brownsville, Hunts Point, etc where they can live among their own kind who engage in the same type of behavior. I really do not give a shit where they get shipped off to as long as they are out of our community for good.
But as long as city leaders and lazy do nothing politicians do not really address this issue, make sure laws are enforced and proper zoning laws are put in place, this issue will continue. I have so little faith in most of the batch of Jamaica politicians, I find them to be pretty much joke, questionable with ulterior motives and do not have the best interest of the community or the people in mind. Because if they did, Jamaica would not look the way it does. When I mention I live in Jamaica, most people just roll their eyes and the words ghetto, crime, dirty, violent, etc pop up. Is that the reputation you want of Jamaica, because that is certainly what you have right now and have had for years.
I lived in Long Island City for many years, even before it was developed and it never looked like Jamaica, not even the low class section where the Queens Projects are. In fact no other area in Queens looks anything remotely like Jamaica nor has the extent of this issue. Again low class people and do nothing questionable city officials and politicians are to blame.
You all should be totally ashamed of yourself for letting this problem get so out of hand for so many years. I certainly will remember you all during elections. For my money, Senator Tony Avella, is the only qualified candidate for Queens Borough President to take over that useless piece of shit Helen Marshall who has sold out most of Queens. Senator Avella is the only candidate who actually cares about Queens and the people as opposed to the other politicians who are whoring out to real estate developers and attempting to sell off our park lands and destroy them (Take note Mr. Comrie, I know where you stand on those issues)."
Joe Moretti
"....and the low class pieces of garbage who cause this problem will no longer afford to live here and be gone to other areas such as East New York, Brownsville, Hunts Point, etc where they can live among their own kind who engage in the same type of behavior."
When you get into writing stuff like this you show your true colors and alienate those reading your comments.
EVERY neighborhood had situations like this. Here in Manhattan on east 81st St between second and third aves there was an abandoned 3 story building that sat vacant for over 30 years. It was cinderblocked up but broken into and the area in front often saw garbage dumped.
The difference: Local residents kept the area in front cleared.
Stop bitching and get together with your neighbors and DO SOMETHING POSITIVE!
"Elected officials" aka people you give permission to, to be criminals.
Agree with the above comment..
Send in the 311 complaints to Sanitation regarding the fence and litter, with photos. Follow up in a couple weeks.
Bring it up at the local Community Board meeting if you can attend, send in the issue if you cannot. And get together with people to do a community clean-up party - post a Meetup or make a few simple flyers for the neighbors.
Or rant online about how filthy destitute sub-humans are ruining your neighborhood and need to be shipped off.. I'm sure that resonates too. :-\
I think the point of the matter is that the electeds do not want people like this poster around - all they want is photo ops with the 'disadvantaged' and welfare programs to keep this element in the community so that they can be tweeded a la Tammany Hall.
This is born of frustration. Why call 311? Nothing happens. Why call the press? The pols own it with their cozy ads. Why get in touch with the civics? The political culture in Queens encourages the 2nd and 3rd stringers who would never have a position of any responsibility in the real world but like the Roman mob can be bought with trifles.
If the distastefulness of this situation knocks holes in your fantasies about old skol liberalism ... tough shit.
This is the real world in Queens. Deal with it. We need a new dialogue and and new reality.
Crappy is doing it. Democracy is messy.
You like polite tidiness?
Go to North Korea.
Send in the 311 complaints to Sanitation regarding the fence and litter, with photos. Follow up in a couple weeks.
Bring it up at the local Community Board meeting if you can attend, send in the issue if you cannot. And get together with people to do a community clean-up party - post a Meetup or make a few simple flyers for the neighbors
My true colors, sorry but I am just stating facts, the low class people of Jamaica are the ones who cause the problem in the first place, throwing garbage on the ground, dumping in lots (those tires and garbage bags certainly did not get there by upstanding educated individuals), but people do not want to face that facts about who the culprits are. And not every neighborhood has the degree of this problem that is pervasive throughout Jamaica. As to the comment about bitching and doing something, I always contact the Department of Sanitation, Department of Buildings, politicians and city agencies with photos and addresses (if you actually read the article, you will see that I listed the service requests numbers), I attend community board meetings, have meet with local officials, have worked with the sanitation committee and actually pick up garbage in my community when I come across it. Now what exactly do you who have made the comments about me actually do to better your community.
Fore every Joe Moretti there are thousands of slobs. Just take a good look while driving and see all the litter on our NYC roadways.People in NYC can litter with impunity !
Joe is vested in his community. I also feel the same way about mine. I own my home and want to ensure that it's value is nit undermined by those who don't care.Get some of your neighbors to join up in the crusade to better their neighborhood
Why not point out when third worlders come here and make a mess? We are told by elected officials that every immigrant has moonbeams coming out of his ass, so why not shed a little light on the truth? If you come from a filthy country, you're bringing that shit here. Queens neighborhoods were immaculate when they were filled with Germans. It's cultural. Just deal with it.
Here in North Flushing newly arrived immigrants own millions dollar + homes on my block and have no covers on their garbage cans. They never sweep the sidewalk or curb but rather wait for the wind or the city sweeper to pick up the mess. Before anyone chimes in I do get involved on my block and have called 311 to report the "Queens Crap" ! It's like water torture dealing with them. :-(
It's the Age of Obama: "Yes, WE can."
There is no INDIVIDUAL responsibility any more. The government will do it.
You made your beds. Now lie in them.
Isn't collectivism grand?
Read this Crappy followers.
Right here in North Flushing a call to 311 fixed the problem for me and all my neighbors. Get involved you can make a difference. :-)
CREATED ON: 01/12/2013 12:00:00 AM
DETAIL: Condition Attracting Rodents
STATUS: The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene found rodent violations on this property and follow-up inspections and/or exterminations and/or clean-up work will be scheduled in the coming months. You can get more rodent-related information about this address or your neighborhood by going online to www.nyc.gov/rats.
LAST UPDATED ON: 01/23/2013 12:00:00 AM
Get involved you can make a difference. :-)
come to the real world
come to Vallonia.
The joke is on you for doing nothing but being obnoxious behind your keyboard buddy.
'hahaha' is not being any different than the obnoxious anonymous habitues hiding in smoke filled rooms filled with 'consultants' and 'lobbyists'.
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