A hot-headed City Councilman let loose a curse-filled tirade at a local car dealer last week that left stunned employees demanding an apology.
"I couldn't believe this was a politician acting like that," said Elliott Rothman, the service manager of the Star Nissan repair shop on 172nd St. in Flushing.
"He had anger in his eyes. He was standing a foot in front of me, pointing at me.... I've run multiple dealerships and nobody has ever spoken to me the way I was spoken to by him."
Rothman received the brunt of two recent rants from Councilman Daniel Halloran, who says he's fed up with noise from the repair shop that disturbs nearby residents.
A video of Halloran's visit to the shop last week shows the Queens Republican angrily threatening the shop with recriminations if it doesn't keep its doors closed to control the noise.
"I'll park every f---ing city agency down here for the rest of f---ing two years," Halloran is heard to say on the video, an apparent reference to the two years left in his term.
"I'm not f---king joking. Either these doors stay closed, top to bottom, all the f---ing time or we're gonna have a problem! This is the last time we have this conversation!"
Halloran says his outburst was justified because of the dealership's long history of conflict with neighbors - including his chief of staff, who lives a block away.
Oh, so that's why it's a big deal.
Hollerin' Halloran on Halloween!
That's the spirit! BOO!!!
this halloran guy is awesome!
rude disrespectful arrogant obnoxious and useless yeah the owner of star is a piece of garbage but have a little class you drunking mc
we know youve been hangin with the boys from bochetto but you aint no capo
I love the brutish honesty, the willingness to say what he feels without the calculation of most pols. But when he says things like "for the rest of two years," you get a feeling that this guy is swinging for the fence on every pitch. If he was once the darling of the GOP establishment, an up-and-coming star, since his story about a Sanitation slow-down last winter, this guy is quickly spiraling down the drain. Watching him perform on facebook, and with incidents like these, I kind of wonder if he'll be eligible to run security at one of the many pubs in his district. Ah well. Authenticity and raw unprofessionalism are only a value if you're running for President.
"I couldn't believe this was a politician acting like that," said Elliott Rothman, the service manager of the Star Nissan repair shop on 172nd St. in Flushing.
"He had anger in his eyes. He was standing a foot in front of me, pointing at me.... I've run multiple dealerships and nobody has ever spoken to me the way I was spoken to by him."
It's about time someone spoke to you this way. Maybe now you car dealership will be a good neighbor and respect the community.
Thank you Council memberHalloran.
Adolescent is more like it!
Where was "doofy" Dan (of the G-d complex) "bending the elbow" before his tirade?
He has more than a couple of screws lose. His damn mother board is fried!
Just how close is "hollerin" Halloran
with his (female) chief of staff?
I hate to admit Ackerman's Queens Tribune having been right all along about Halloran!
This thuggish Theod chieftan/pol is a fruitcake....heavily dosed with rum, no doubt!
I only voted for him because his opponent Kevin Kim would have been an even worse disaster.
I'm counting the days 'til his term is over so we can get a real representative.
He's, obviously, a very disturbed man.
Paul Vallone
for our next city councilman.
Just how close is "hollerin" Halloran
with his (female) chief of staff?
funny how she is the leader of the civic that has been fighting with star and their bad neighbor behaviour
taking things a lil personal?
Thug. Jerk. Embarrassment. Take your pick. No wonder he only threatened the guy with the remaining time in his current term.
Did (C.M. Dan's chief) Chrissy drink the Kool Aide or what?
She appears to think he's some kind of saint lately.
Halloran does wear a sexy mean lookin' skirt while he's performing his Theod rites.
I thought that Halloran and Associates were going to (LOL) boycott "Queens Crap"?
It sure don't look like it.
His trolls
are still busy scoping and posting.
While his motives are questionable (helping out a staffer in this case), we need more action like this.
far too often business like this are able to flaunt the rules, because politicians dont want to rock the boat or the government simply does not have the teeth to do anything.
Star Nissan/Toyota/etc has been the worst neighbor they can be to this community for years on end. Whatever Dan or any politician can and will do to get in there face is justified.
Anyone who can't side with Dan (or whomever) on this issue is complicit with the shitty neighbors that Star Auto dealerships are.
He apparantly put on this tirade hoping to pick up a few votes in the Star Nissan neighborhood! What about all the noise that's going to be made on 154th Street once Joey Franco's place starts to swing? He's your pal Dan.
Hey listen. If a red-faced roly-poly guy in an ill-fitting suit yells at me with spittle on his lips, I'd definitely shut the door. Quite simple all around.
'strue. Discretion is the better part of valor.
I'd like to see Dan go after some bigger fish, instead of just taking on a crooked traffic agent and a car dealer. If you want to really make a name for yourself, go after Christine Quinn and her patronage.
the homeowners adjacent to the auburndale star dealer repairs facility/bayside car dealerships, have been complaining to the local civic associations for the past twenty to thirty years . every politician elected,be he democrat or g.o.p. ,could not curtail the commercial noise and community disturbance from these businesses.
i was a regular at the local civic for thirty years. the members affected by this intolerable ,every day ,nuisance were extremely upset.
i do not have a solution,except to rezone the commercial out of the area. but we know that will never happen.
to turn this third personal plea visit for the community, to Star management, by the newest CM, Halloran in our district , into an ATTACK ON HIM is really vicious spin BY HIS DEMOCRAT OPPONENTS.
this type of direct action is long overdue, after decades of bureaucratic B/S.
I hope this tactic backfires on the DEMOCRATS MACHINE.
my councilman the F*#@ING A*#HOLE
that's awesome! haha
You can hide behind your anonymity and hurl personal innuendos but the fact remains that if someone had gone after Star like this at any time in the last ten years maybe some of the issues would have been resolved. But everyone, from city officials to elected were too busy acquiring Star cars and protecting a multi-million dollar business interest to acknowledge the havoc reeked by this entity on the surrounding residential community.
Congratulation Councilman Halloran, the rant is a nice beginning. Now lets see some real results. There is already one noise violation, there is no compliance with the Admin Code ventilation requirements, ZR 42-411 requires doors and windows to be closed unless serving customers, more cars on premises, in or out, than allowable by C of O, no parking plan, loading dock MIA, dumpster no screened, other screening inadequate, no C of O for 40-40.
Problem is Dan always puts on a big show, points fingers, yells, screams , and then fades away. Remember the Police academy in college point? I was at the cb meet that night, Dan put on the show, when asked about the lead from the Bullets being vented into the community he said it was a bad idea all around. Has anyone heard anything else about this? NO! And I bet you won't! So Dan, shut the f*~k up and do something already. I for one am tired of your one pony show.
when the nyc council has 49 liberal/democrat/progressive members to 4 g.o.p./conservative members , how do expect one minority CM to get any action from this group ?
these similar majorities existed for all of the years that star/nissan has been violating the homeowners living space.
and you anti-Halloran idiots are aware that the democrat machine turned their backs on the taxpaying homeowners in Auburndale/Bayside.
especially when the DEMOCRAT DISTRICT LEADER & BP.Manes had a twin brother who owned the BMW dealership in Bayside.
Star has this coming - they don't have a stellar reputation - so bravo I say.
Halloran and the White House Restaurant's owner Joey "d'or" Franco seem to be good buddies.
Isn't Joey purported to be a member of the Gambino crime family (according to a major newspaper account)?
So exactly where does that leave "doofy" Dan?
Did the mob raise some money for his campaign?
What does holerin' Halloran owe to his ex-wife....the "wise guys"(?)....outstanding payments for his Jaguar, etc. ?
I'm afraid we've elected a screwball.
That mistake won't be repeated!
Is he not an embarassment?
Wow, guys. We all know Dan and I don't see eye to eye, but to attack his chief of staff like that? Come on, lets focus on the issues and not make wild accusations here.
that sexual innuendo comment should be deleted and the commenter banished for a period on the site.....
that sexual innuendo comment should be deleted and the commenter banished for a period on the site.....
I don't know about that, limiting ones freedom of speech and all. However, one has the option of responding.
We all know Dan and I don't see eye to eye, and have gone toe to toe, so please don't get me wrong. But, he is a public figure and thus open to criticism. So in my eyes he is fair game, to go after one of his employees and make alegations when nothing has proven otherwise, well thats why Crappy gives us the opportunity to respond to all comments.
I couldn't banish the commenter if I wanted to. Blogger doesn't have that capability. Besides, the chief-of-staff is not the one Halloran's banging.
The only reason Dan did what he did was for his Chief of staff, and we all know this. Just look at what he did with Franco. Too bad she didn't live in Whitestone. Ahh but who cares about that right? As long as his girls are protected all is good .
Anonymous said...
You can hide behind your anonymity and hurl personal innuendos
I chust luff dis zite. It's zo zalaaaayshush! Hahr-hahr.
pice of shit , loser
He's such an idiot that the Mayor didn't even invite him to an event in his own district. That goes to show you what a loser he is.
No one finds it sad that there is not a person out there that can tell me what this idiot has done for his constituents?
he did not post his weiner on the internet to young women.....and he did not make cigar sex with his intern under his desk....and he did not make a baby with a female worker ,while his wife was dieing from cancer....he was not impeached or disbarred ....
Wait til word gets out about what he did do...
My kids watched the video and asked me why he cursed so much so I had to tell them that's what happens to stupid councilmen who have no balls to fight his battles the right way and stoop to a level of a fat bully thinking his obese self and his foul mouth will scare somebody. What a f*cking moron
CM Halloran was a guest at our civic meeting last month. He looked very trim to me.
maybe you should get to local meeting more often , and get your facts updated ?
CM Halloran was a guest at our civic meeting last month. He looked very trim to me.
Fat Slim who cares! What has he done for the people he has sworn to represent????????????????
He is a buffoon, rude, nasty, and and embarassment.
Who hasn't done a damned thing other than sell us out!
Who gives a F*@#ing Sh@t! about his physical appearance!
why would a local conservative politician want to be in the company of doomsberg,(OWS & BIKE LANE ENABLER ). he is a loser rino.
his pal is now democrat /liberal J.liu ( paid my fine ) nyc comptroller.
Unemployment is at 14% and we are in a the worst economic times and idiot Dan is trying to go after the one company that employs the most people in queens because of some noise. Way to go I hope your chief of staff is very impressed with you because she will be out of a job in two years as well as you.
your Queens company employment data is flawed.
the airlines @ Jfk and Lga employ many more workers than Star Nissan.
the d.o.e and nyc agencies employ even more.the CUNY system has many more.
Verizon,Direct cable employ many more.this includes Macy's. Dunkin donuts,starbucks,Macdonalds ,Wendy's,Burger king, etc. etc.
UNDEREMPLOYMENT is reportedly 16%....UNEMPLOYMENT is 9.1%....the U.S. has a $14 TRILLION DEBT. (up $4 TRILLION since dems. & obama were in control ).45 million American's are getting food stamps.and yet wall street gave obama double the campaign $$$ than G.Bush ?
when obama leaves office ,many NYC & NYS dems. will be voted out with him. eg. your new U.S.Cong. Robt. Turner.
the OWS freak show will backfire on the community organizer's presidential campaign. ACORN has today been exposed as OWS's initiator, under a new name.
the community organizer led ACORN in Chicago.
No he didn't, Gramps, and you know it. He had nothing to do with ACORN's leadership.
By the way, ACORN, thankfully, is out of business and they have not reorganized under another name. Whatever you think is around is the figment of the imagination of Fox "News" and the Far-Right websites.
RE: OWS./ACORN according to BIG GOV.com ACORN is now operating under the name NY COMMUNITIES FOR CHANGE in Brooklyn.
for the rest of the story that you will not read in the daily news or ny times.read "ACORN SCRAMBLING AFTER #OCCUPY ORGANIZING EXPOSED.big gov.com
keep tuned on obama connection.
So I just slogged through the effluvient swamp of these comments and it's apparent that Halloran has opponents quaking in their boots, and the ignoramuses (ignoramii?)as usual, displaying their shortcomings.
RE: OWS/ACORN/OBAMA connection,click: JUDICIAL WATCH .com "ACORN BEHIND OWS PROTESTS". in Boston they rebranded the name to "NEW ENGLAND UNITED 4 JUSTICE"
Obama gave this group's affilliate to N.E.U.4.J., "Affordable Housing Centers of America " a $78,819.00 grant to combat housing & lending discrimination.10/5/11
JW uses F.O.I.L. for it's gov. info. reported to you.
READ: "the manchurian president", by Aaron Klein,
obama's extensive connection to ACORN and it's Union AFFIliate.
Anon. No. 54:
Oh yes, Big Gov. A truly unbiased, non-partisan website. They're going to have a lot of fun trying to survive the Shirley Sherrod lawsuit.
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