From Sunnyside Post:
Many residents have long complained that the throngs of soccer players who come to Lou Lodati Park (43rd and Skillman) each weekend fail to use the bathroom and urinate against the trees and back fence.
This weekend the players – most of whom come from outside of Sunnyside - answered their critics by establishing a makeshift bathroom.
For a long time, a bunch of these guys would take over the playground at 40th and Greenpoint on weekend nights, palying a weird form of volleyball (rather than hitting the ball, they'd catch it and throw it). They would behave in the same way. Then they disappeared. Same people, different sport?
If they like to urinate and deficate in the open air they should return to their homeland.
We want our parks back now! Where are the police? Where is are Feds - arrest these illegals already - they take over and destroy everything we paid for!
Why can't they piss and crap in the sewer? Put a make-shift privacy tent over the grating. It'll save cleaning the bucket.
george, that's a good idea. you should approach them.
Welcome to the Third World! Vibrant and Diverse!!! They should all be deported. The American Taxpayers have had enough!
i like how quickly this immediately becomes about race. i love across the street from this window faces that precise spot.
it's gross...don't get me needs to be stopped. but the irish in sunnyside pee, vomit, and sh*t outside plenty...and no one here is complaining about them.
wonder why?
Ah please.....I know a bunch of the guys who play late Sunday mornings. Romanians. They care about smoking, wearing clothes with well known labels, bathing in cologne....good as it may be....still too much, and looking good. They would never lower themselves to pee against fences. They play after the mexicans do, and before the said mexicans return to play volleyball.
take video of the violations and suggest that your c.p.b. or dept. of parks set up a porto/crapper at the location.
then call I.C.E.,they could be illegal aliens.
and what they are doing is a crime. next :deportation and empty park......
These a--holes are getting quite bold. That is not a good sign. My guess is that they draw their arrogance from this country's absolute refusal to deal with them, and the American liberal fear of offending them.
but the irish in sunnyside pee, vomit, and sh*t outside plenty...and no one here is complaining about them.
Maybe because other Irish (i.e. bar owners) clean up the next day?
This is not exclusively a Queens problem. Behold the vast urinal that is McCarren Park!
I don't care who the ilegals are Irish, Mexican, Purto Rican and Romainians - send them him after a sentence of picking up S*** from Parks for a week.
Come to Flushing where nobody flushes either!
Oriental moms let their kids piss in the street and change their toddlers shit loaded diapers....disposing them in public waste baskets.
Don't think of picking up a discarded newspaper for a free read from one of these cans....YECK ! just offended Grace Meng!
You're supposed to call Orientals Asians now!
That's her...whoopty doo...big contribution...the substitution of "Asian" on NYS forms.
Hubba, hubba, hubba.
just as i suspected, another racist tirade in the comments section by the idiots at qc.
just as i suspected, another racist tirade in the comments section by the idiots at qc.
Good thing you kept your comment brief. I doubt you can live very long with your head out of the sand.
This park has been like this for years. Now people are noticing. Did you know that CYO Girls softball teams play here with a permit in the spring, but every time they show up they have to ask these large groups to move off the field. Our experience has been they do at there pace staring down little girls and still using part of the field, which is not permitted. They don't care. Whose stopping them? They even have drilled holes in the ground of city parks??? What nerve. God Bless America.
The problem is also at the Windmuller Park 39th Drive Woodside. Children pee at the curb and trees. The back of the park smells so bad. Diapers full strewn all over the place not to mention the food from illegal barbeques and parties. Enough already the parks department is renovating the park at 39th drive it'll be a smelly reck in no time.
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