If you think you’ve been seeing more people sleep on city streets, statistics back up the perception. The homeless population living on New York City streets has gone up 50-percent in the past year, according to city statistics.
The New York City Department of Homeless Services conducts a yearly survey of the streets of the city to count the number of homeless who are not in shelters.
The number of homeless in the borough of Manhattan is up 47-percent in the past year, according to the count. The 2010 count had 1,145 people living in the streets. That is up 368 from 2009.
The bourough of Brooklyn had the biggest increase of any borough. It saw a homeless increase of more than 100-percent in 2010.
And, as subway workers are laid off from the system, homeless people are taking their place underground. More than 1,000 people now live in New York City’s subway system. That’s up 11 percent in the past year.
Hey, remember this from 2006?
The mayor is promising to reduce by two-thirds the number of homeless people in New York City by the time he leaves office.
So that's why he needed to give himself another term...
The mayor could reduce homelessness by hiring them to work for his company. It would also help reduce unemployment. Whaddayasay, Mike?
Bloomberg manufactures homelessness by not allowing city attorneys (HPD) to really go after the slumlords. Slumlords should be paying millions of dollars in housing code violation fines, under the Republican administration ie. the real estate lobby, the judges don't do much for tenants. Homelessness starts in the Bloomberg NYC housing courts. Go see for yourself one day.
Poor people are being routed out of Manhattan and into the boroughs which are quickly decaying thanks to Bloomberg's machinations.
He screams for a mosque, yes because it's owned by one of his own, A Slumlord from Jersey.
Why isn't out mayor screaming that citizens be housed, be given medical care and educations? Ask yourself that. the answer is because he doesn't want to house homeless people. How about an affordable apartment building at that location? now that would be really rad.
Bloomberg is in the business of creating homeless people who can be further abused and shoved into our very own untouchable category.
Our Mayor doesn't live in Gracie Mansion. Why not let a couple of homeless people live in there?
How about creating really affordable housing not a sham?
Bloomberg is all about the rich helping themselves to government funds.
Next time you smell a homeless person on the subway, remember that's cents of Bloomberg you are smelling.
Bloomberg manufactures homelessness by not allowing city attorneys (HPD) to really go after the slumlords. Slumlords should be paying millions of dollars in housing code violation fines, under the Republican administration ie. the real estate lobby, the judges don't do much for tenants. Homelessness starts in the Bloomberg NYC housing courts. Go see for yourself one day.
Poor people are being routed out of Manhattan and into the boroughs which are quickly decaying thanks to Bloomberg's machinations.
He screams for a mosque, yes because it's owned by one of his own, A Slumlord from Jersey.
Why isn't out mayor screaming that citizens be housed, be given medical care and educations? Ask yourself that. the answer is because he doesn't want to house homeless people. How about an affordable apartment building at that location? now that would be really rad.
Bloomberg is in the business of creating homeless people who can be further abused and shoved into our very own untouchable category.
Our Mayor doesn't live in Gracie Mansion. Why not let a couple of homeless people live in there?
How about creating really affordable housing not a sham?
Bloomberg is all about the rich helping themselves to government funds.
Next time you smell a homeless person on the subway, remember that's cents of Bloomberg you are smelling.
Bloomberg manufactures homelessness by not allowing city attorneys (HPD) to really go after the slumlords. Slumlords should be paying millions of dollars in housing code violation fines, under the Republican administration ie. the real estate lobby, the judges don't do much for tenants. Homelessness starts in the Bloomberg NYC housing courts. Go see for yourself one day.
Poor people are being routed out of Manhattan and into the boroughs which are quickly decaying thanks to Bloomberg's machinations.
He screams for a mosque, yes because it's owned by one of his own, A Slumlord from Jersey.
Why isn't out mayor screaming that citizens be housed, be given medical care and educations? Ask yourself that. the answer is because he doesn't want to house homeless people. How about an affordable apartment building at that location? now that would be really rad.
Bloomberg is in the business of creating homeless people who can be further abused and shoved into our very own untouchable category.
Our Mayor doesn't live in Gracie Mansion. Why not let a couple of homeless people live in there?
How about creating really affordable housing not a sham?
Bloomberg is all about the rich helping themselves to government funds.
Next time you smell a homeless person on the subway, remember that's cents of Bloomberg you are smelling.
The homeless should do what the illegal day laborers do. Get a bunch of them together and rent a place and take shifts so someone always has a bed. This would get them off the streets. As long as they are homeless in the outer boroughs and not Manhattan, Bloomberg won't care.
This is ALL Bloomberg's doing by HANDING OVER our city to his billionaire developer friends.
It's all the fault of George Bush.
It's all the fault of Barry Obama.
I would like to hear what our Mayor has to say after riding the N to and from Astoria/Ditmars for a month where at least every few days, one car is occupied by car containing a passed homeless person who has soiled themselves.
I imagine that for legitimate security reasons the Mayor's "people" make sure that he does not encounter that on his "Potemkin village" subway car.
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