Tenants in a Williamsburg building forced their way back into their apartments this week after a year-long fight - but their landlord still won't turn on their water, electricity or gas.
Five families used a crowbar to break open a padlock on the N.Eighth St. building Sunday after their landlord refused to let them back in despite their victory in a legal battle.
"We are going to be living there the best way we can," said Peter Pawlak, 50, who said he'll use flashlights and shower at friends' apartments until utilities are turned back on, but won't give up the apartment where he's lived for 15 years.
Tenants charged the landlord, Jamal Alokasheh, is trying to clear out the rent-stabilized building so he can cash in on having condos near trendy Bedford Ave. "It's disgusting," Pawlak said. "Slowly but surely, he squeezes people out."
The saga started a year ago, when renovations in the basement destabilized the building's foundation, and the city Department of Buildings ordered everyone out.
Alokasheh stalled on making repairs for months. Faced with contempt of court, he finally made them, and the vacate order was lifted last week.
But an inspection Tuesday found new damage to the foundation - and late Tuesday, DOB officials ordered the building cleared again.
Residents charged the landlord deliberately damaged the foundation to foil their return.
The homecoming didn't last long.
Round up the usual suspects.
Animals should be barred from having control over others.
If you dont own the place where you live, you have no rights. tough shit. pack up and move.
People who hunker down in rent controlled apartments are just bad as union worker. They think having their ass in a seat for x amount of time is all that matters.
"Landlord did not return calls for comment." The coward is probably hiding behind his lawyer.
Idiot said: If you dont own the place where you live, you have no rights. tough shit. pack up and move.
People who hunker down in rent controlled apartments are just bad as union worker. They think having their ass in a seat for x amount of time is all that matters.
And where the fuck do you live? High class condo or co-op? The landlord is an asshole for fucking with the lives of his tenants, regardless of how long they lived in the building.
I hope your ass ends up living on the street.
If you dont own the place where you live, you have no rights. tough shit. pack up and move.
People who hunker down in rent controlled apartments are just bad as union worker. They think having their ass in a seat for x amount of time is all that matters.
You're a moron. Just because someone doesn't own where they live doesn't mean they don't have any rights. This landlord is a scumbag, as are you, based on your comments.
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