Most borrowers will never see the maps that line librarian Sze Wai (Lacey) Chan's cubicle at the Central Library in Jamaica, but as the library system's official demographer, she's made a career of tracking them down.
Part statistician and part detective, Chan has studied the borough's newest immigrants since 1997. Using the data she gathers, she helps tailor new materials and programs to their interests.
But looming budget cuts may soon make much of her painstakingly-collected data useless because the library won't be able to buy new foreign-language materials to chase the changing population, library officials said.
For Chinese immigrants, those materials include a never-ending supply of Japanese and Korean films, while West Indians prefer Nigerian movies. And Russians can't live without their soaps.
Our tax dollars are subsidizing the acquisition and rental of Russian soap operas?
Here's an idea: During the recession, how about limiting libraries to what they were built for - education through BOOKS.
The QBPL has an entire department called New Americans.
wonder how many Americans have jobs at QBPL? that's diminishing. more immigrants work for th QBPL than do Americans.
have you used the library in Flushing? it's under Chinese command.
The library in Merrick is pigsty and the Long Island Room is now little more than a reseach place for local kids on Jamaica history.
Use to be filled when Asadorian was there.
Now they might get 5 people a week.
Diversity is strength!!
It's also.......Russian soap operas!!
Where would the United States be without Russian soap operas!!!
Tolstoy and Solzhenitsyn are rolling in their graves!!!
QBPL loves foreign DVDs and DVDs in general because they account for most of the circulation and QBPL loves having the highest circulation in the country.
"Here's an idea: During the recession, how about limiting libraries to what they were built for - education through BOOKS."
Actually, the mission of public libraries is to serve the community of which they are part. So, if the community wants Russian soap operas, the library is fulfilling its mission by supplying them.
To Auntie Invasion: All Americans are immigrants except for those who can claim 100% Native American ancestry. The New Americans program teaches people English and how to adapt to life in the U.S., among other things. Are you saying that immigrants shouldn't learn English?
What's a book?
So, if the community wants Russian soap operas, the library is fulfilling its mission by supplying them.
Based on your logic, if the Mexican community desired a "back room" at each Queens Public Library Branch with a full selection of pornographic DVDs (en Español, with "Latino" performers of course!), then the library would have to provide this in order to fulfill it's mission? Correct?
All Americans are immigrants except for those who can claim 100% Native American ancestry.
Here we go again with this BS canard!
The so-called "Native Americans" are also immigrants, you jackass, since they, along with everyone else living in the United States, can ultimately trace their ancestors back to Africa.
How do you think the "Native Americans" got here? Did they spontaneously evolve in North America?
But according to George the Atheist, Europeans are all related to actor Tom Berenger, so that makes all European-Americans Berengerians.
Or something like that.
We all came from Pangaea, Dick & Saliva.
@Deke DaSilva "Based on your logic, if the Mexican community desired a "back room" at each Queens Public Library Branch with a full selection of pornographic DVDs (en Español, with "Latino" performers of course!), then the library would have to provide this in order to fulfill it's mission? Correct?"
That's not my logic, nor is it my opinion. It's a fact - the mission of the public library is to support the community of which it is part.
Also, just because you disagree with my point doesn't mean you should call me a jackass. It certainly doesn't help further the conversation.
Anonymous said...To Auntie Invasion: All Americans are immigrants except for those who can claim 100% Native American ancestry. The New Americans program teaches people English and how to adapt to life in the U.S., among other things. Are you saying that immigrants shouldn't learn English?
Friday, June 11, 2010
Are you serious??? If this new program is teaching people ENGLISH and how to ADAPT to life in the United States, well friend their doing a PISS POOR JOB!!! NO ONE SPEAKS ENGLISH IN FLUSHING and Adapt "ASSIMULATE" they could care less!!! The newcomers don't give a rats ass about our language or the good ole U.S.A.
" Deke DaSilva said...
Based on your logic, if the Mexican community desired a "back room" at each Queens Public Library Branch with a full selection of pornographic DVDs (en Español, with "Latino" performers of course!), then the library would have to provide this in order to fulfill it's mission? Correct?"
You are a consistent idiot but you have outdone yourself here.
No one here is advocating that libraries sanction illegal activities.
Folks, this is what happens to someone when their fears and prejudices cloud what little judgment they may had been endowed with.
BTW: Try a library, they may even have books and videos about your hero Stallone.
Libraries are tax exempt not for profit institutions because they are educational. If they are going to distribute Russian soaps, then they should lose that designation. Furthermore, we shouldn't be subsidizing a quasi-government Blockbuster Video or Netflix.
No one here is advocating that libraries sanction illegal activities.
But you still conveniently avoided the issue of Russian soap operas, and you didn't express an opinion on whether it's wise to use tax dollars to purchase them.
But that's expecting too much from a lib-tard such as you, Lino. You'd rather use this issue to lamely accuse people of "racism", than taking a stand.
Folks, this is what happens to someone when their fears and prejudices cloud what little judgment they may had been endowed with.
It's called parody, brought to absurd lengths, in order to make a point. Lenny Bruce used to do it, so do lots of other comedians. Ever heard of parody? Look it up in the dictionary - at the library.
Only a clueless fool like Lino would miss the forest by focusing on a single tree.
BTW: Try a library, they may even have books and videos about your hero Stallone.
I borrow and read a hell of lot more books from NYPL then you do. NYPL is close to my Manhattan office, that's why I don't go to Queens Library, but I do occasionally get books in Queens that NYPL doesn't have.
I also put my $$$ where my mouth is. I contribute to NYPL, I'm a patron member. More than you can say, jerko!
I agree. If we have to jettison anything, all the entertainment can go first, regardless of language.
I see libraries as primarily adjuncts to education, and it is especially important for parents to access books so that their children can learn to read and write well.
"Deke DaSilva said...
But you still conveniently avoided the issue of Russian soap operas, and you didn't express an opinion on whether it's wise to use tax dollars to purchase them. "
Am I under some ordinance to jump through some asshole's hoops? I think not, especially when their premise is ridiculous.
My Brother is a NYPL librarian (MLS Queens College) He notes that branches often are authorized to obtain specialty media of interest to their neighborhood. Queens has a different system but I would expect the concept is the same.
"But that's expecting too much from a lib-tard such as you, Lino"
Ahh "libtard" can "islamofascist" be far behind?
"I borrow and read a hell of lot more books from NYPL then you do. NYPL is close to my Manhattan office"
False, NYPL is not open during office cleaning hours.
"I also put my $$$ where my mouth is. I contribute to NYPL, I'm a patron member. More than you can say, jerko!"
Great! They'll take money from most anyone these days.
This website is sooo educational on sooo many levels.
For example, look at the different styles of political debate.
First, Manhattan. Note the humor, the sharp wit, the sprightly exchange. Irony, intelligence, its all there:
Manhattan #1:
Its called parody brought to absurd lengths, in order to make a point. Lenny Bruce used to do it, so do lots of other comedians. Ever heard of parody? Look it up in the dictionary - at the library.
Manhattan #2:
"I borrow and read a hell of lot more books from NYPL then you do. NYPL is close to my Manhattan office"
False, NYPL is not open during office cleaning hours.
Now, let’s look at Queens. None of that above, but a sense of earnestness, of focus, of a place where 'being nice' is more important that actually winning battles (no loss because the ‘betters’ already decide everything and their resolution before the ‘great unwashed’ even get a hint of them) There, life is soooo easy!
Queens #1:
That's not my logic, nor is it my opinion. It's a fact - the mission of the public library is to support the community of which it is part.
Also, just because you disagree with my point doesn't mean you should call me a jackass. It certainly doesn't help further the conversation.
I would show Queens #2, but, like the world of astorians.com, having adult discussions on politics are still a little in the future for most of them.
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