Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Driving in this state becomes more expensive

From CBS 2:

New York's 9 million drivers are furious because in a rush to raise money -- and to make it seem like they weren't raising taxes -- the Legislature increased fees on just about everything having to do with driving.

* The cost of license plates went from $15 to $25

* Driver licenses from $50 to $64.50

* Car registrations from $44 to $55

* And when you register your car you have to pay a county "use tax" of $10 to $60


Anonymous said...

Also motorcycle registration went from $14 to $42.50 if you live in NYC.

Anonymous said...

Are the new ugly blue-and-yellow plates mandatory for every car in NYS or just for the newly registered ones?

Anonymous said...

The fees are outragious. The new plate is an old plate look that was not popular then and I am going to miss the outgoing plate. Why spend money to redesign this - so follish like everything else Albany's Gov Patterson send our way - what a jerk!

Anonymous said...

Fuck this state. Fuck this communist worthless piece of shit state, and those piece of shit monkies in albany.

Anonymous said...

When I reregistered my car last week, I was still able to keep my old white plate for the bargain price of $122... double of what I paid two years ago!!! If I wanted to "upgrade" to the orange plate, it would cost about $144, while the option of keeping my old plate number on a new orange plate was around $164!

cherokeesista said...

I agree with Anonymous # 4 I've had it to!!!! COMMUNIST MOTHER FUCKERS!!!!

Anonymous said...

How come about 100 yrs ago - the United States had none of these numerous and ridiculous taxes that we have now and yet we were the most prosperous nation in the world? And now that we have taxes and fees for just about EVERYTHING you can think of we're broke as hell? It's quite obvious these good-for-nothing politicians (or as I like to all them "poliTICKians")are simply pocketing our hear-earned money. Why the HELL do we need all these representatives anyway? What do they REALLY contribute to our everyday lives??

Anonymous said...

I love it. Raising the price on driving is communist? When tomato growers raise their prices to balance their own rising costs or a loss of crop to drought do you accuse them of communism? Nope, that's good old capitalism, supply and demand economics. If the state is low on funds, it's fair enough that they charge you a little more for the privilege of driving. After all, most of the roads you drive on cost you nothing. And parking in most places outside NYC is free. Free parking? Now THAT'S communism!

You know what the most or second-most expensive country to buy a car is? Hypercapitalist Singapore, where taxes and fees jack the price of an auto up about 300%.

Queens Crapper said...

"most of the roads you drive on cost you nothing"


Who's paying for them then?

Lino said...

Queens Crapper said...

"most of the roads you drive on cost you nothing"

Who's paying for them then?

-We ALL pay for them, including those of us who don't have cars.

Lino said...

Anonymous said...

Fuck this state. Fuck this communist worthless piece of shit state, and those piece of shit monkies in albany.

"monkies"? Are they Buddhists?

Spoken like a true motorist. I think someone should develop a car horn that honks "ASSHOLE" (that is what they always yell at each other).

Queens Crapper said...

Most of this state is not public transportation friendly.

Queens Crapper said...

"-We ALL pay for them, including those of us who don't have cars."

Yes, and I pay for schools that I don't use.

Your point?

Having roads is for the greater good. Emergency vehicles, mail and delivery trucks all use them.

Lino said...

Q-C Writes;
Yes, and I pay for schools that I don't use.
Your point?

While we all pay towards services such as roads via taxes, I think that those who actually -use- them should pay a reasonable use-specific fee. The total increases exclusive of registration amount to just over $35. This is nothing compared to the costs of insurance, gas, repairs and if you want a garage plan on $700-950/month in this area, that is why I no longer have a car.

Roads are a common good and so are schools. If your kid attends a public school, you should contribute to such organizations as the PTA. Here in my area the PTA of my old school (PS6M)suggests $1000/yr.

There is no requirement to donate ofcourse but when you consider that private schools such as Dalton are now $34.000/yr (it was $2000 when I spent a year there) a -good- public school is huge bargain.

Queens Crapper said...

I agree w/you. However, remember we pay for not only the schools, but the school buses, the MetroCards, the meals, even when school isn't in session, afterschool programs, and probably a whole bunch of other things I can't think of right now.

Anonymous said...

i had purchased my plate years back.. so with this new plate i have to pay again to keep it? i hate the new colors and i don't understand why i should have to pay again..

Anonymous said...

What's even funnier is that if you pay all these fees for having a car, when you pay the tolls, alot of that money goes to the MTA? That's right, the MTA-you are also paying for the buses and trains you don't use.
Also, to the complainers, remember who you voted for and put in office-the people making up these fees. You have no-one to blame but yourselves.