First, we have an official trash delivery route that takes Queens garbage through LIC and then on a sightseeing tour of Greenpoint before depositing it - in LIC!

Then there's a route from Middle Village to Maspeth to LIC down a route that is not a truck route. In fact the turns listed here are not correct. They'd be turning right on Fresh Pond and left on Flushing. 61st Street and Maspeth Ave are not truck routes.

The truck route laws as they currently exist are impractical. They often force trucks to drive miles out of the way using some of the most congested streets and intersections. I'm not saying that trucks should be allowed to use every side street, but more major roads should be added to the existing truck route network to make it practical, and a little common sense should be used in the enforcement of the law. To drive a mile or two around to avoid driving across one or two blocks is ridiculous. To follow the existing network adds a tremendous amount of unnecessary traffic and diesel exhaust to our communities. Think about it. If every truck is driving an extra 5 or 10 miles locally per day, and possibly more, that is a lot of extra diesel exhaust.
Flushing Ave is a truck route and runs pretty much parallel to Maspeth Ave, so your point is moot as far as this post concerned.
Years ago, my wife interviewd for a job with Sanitation where they were going to rationalize various garbage truck routes. The guy running the dept said there was a HUGE issue - it seems the union contract spells out the routes, and if they rationalize the routes, they have to renegotiate the contracts, so it gets done slowly, a few routes each contract
Have you actually looked at that first route? It is the most direct.
Queens Blvd ->Van Dam-> Review is more direct and keeps the trucks in Queens.
I don't ever wish hell on anyone, except in this case, and only if hell is a bedroom with the windows thrown open to let in the Maspeth breezes on a summer night, a baby in your arms that you are hushing to sleep...and a gotdam garbage truck roaring down the block every five minutes. Feel the same for Harley riders and rice burners :)
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