"Anchor babies" is becoming well-known term in the nation's debate over immigration and may become its next focal point.
According to Time magazine, the term is being used to describe children born in the United States to illegal immigrants. The thought is that they help "anchor" these families into the country.
Legislation is being considered both in some states and at the national level that would deny birth certificates to these children, reversing a birthright currently guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution's 14th Amendment.
Many on both sides agree the debate will likely find its way to the Supreme Court.
The 14th Amendment states that "All persons, born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States. No state shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States."
According to the Library of Congress web guides, the 14th Amendment was ratified on July 9, 1968. "All persons born or naturalized in the United States" included freed slaves and their children.
Time states that Pearce believes the amendment was "hijacked" by illegal immigrants who "use it as a wedge" to "gain access to the great welfare state we've created."
NPR reported that similar legislation has been introduced in Congress and in two other states, Oklahoma and Texas.
The federal bill has 91 co-sponsors. ABC News stated that the "Birthright Citizenship Bill" would only grant citizenship "if the person is born in the United States of parents, one of whom is:
– a citizen or national of the United States;
– an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the United States whose residence is in the United States;
– or an alien performing active service in the armed forces."
i'm thinking that 1968 is the wrong date
This is unconstitutional. I thought these teabaggers were all about the Constitution. They probably never even read it.
fucking stupid people
FOCUS ON CORPORATIONS AND BUSINESSES that hire illegals. The law is on the books but NO enforcement. We must demand a hotline to report illegal practices and these business must be sanctioned severely for hiring illegals.
no jobs no illegals.
This is unconstitutional. I thought these teabaggers were all about the Constitution. They probably never even read it.
fucking stupid people
FOCUS ON CORPORATIONS AND BUSINESSES that hire illegals. The law is on the books but NO enforcement. We must demand a hotline to report illegal practices and these business must be sanctioned severely for hiring illegals.
no jobs no illegals.
keep them out in the first place.
Border guards should shoot pregnant woman in the stomach as they try to cross the border.
Ok let me get this straight. It's Ok to break the law and enter the United States Illegally, but it's not ok to arrest and deport these people!! I feel for the kids but their parents made the CHOICE TO BREAK THE FUCKING LAW!!! So Send them back with MOMMY AND DADDY:) There are consequences for ones actions!!! If I break the law I pay the price for it, correct??? Enough of this bullshit, I'm tired of my tax dollars paying for some illegal skanks 10 kids!!! ARREST ALL ILLEGALS and THE PEOPLE WHO EMPLOY THEM!!! and DEPORT ALL THEIR ASSESS!!! But as for the last comment by "Anonymous" Shoot a pregnant woman your a fucking idiot:( to even say that:(
Anonymous said...
Border guards should shoot pregnant woman in the stomach as they try to cross the border."
What a sick creep. Go stew in your stick house.
Two of my own grandparents were illegal immigrants.
They took advantage of the U.K. policy of giving free passage across the Atlantic to Canada, the Empire wanted to increase the english speaking population in Canada at that time. The policy was in place for decades.
They both then simply hopped on a train from Halifax, Nova Scotia to New York. There were no border checks in those years. Hundreds of thousands of others did the same.
I have a copy of my Grandmothers' social security card, issued in the 1930's, they granted it without any nationality check, she died in 1963 without ever becoming a formal citizen.
My Father served in the US military in Germany, right after WW11.
Will they, in their next bill come after us?
Will they, in their next bill come after us?
Boo f#cking Hoo!!! Are you the type of wimpy white guy who gets all teary eyed every time you see a 4'3" 200 lb. woman from Oaxaca crossing Roosevelt Avenue, holding hands with her 2 children, pushing a third child in a stroller, with another one "in the oven"?
Why not simply let ANYONE who shows up in the U.S. to stay here? Sign 'em up for social security, welfare, affirmative action, and give 'em a Democratic Party voter card!!! Si se puede!
Ever read the book Camp of the Saints? I suggest you do so, creep!!!
Such a law would be constitutional because the Supreme Court has never ruled on whether "...and subject to the jurisdiction thereof..." included illegal aliens.
People who are tourists, passing through international transit lounges, etc. don't become citizens. The rules could be clarified in a way to make the children of citizens of a foreign country without legal permission to be in United States recognized only as citizens of the countries of their parents.
To citizen for now: My mother and your grandmother were required to report for registration at the Post Office once a year (I believe in September) starting in 1940. They would have been deportable had they not done so. Congress ended annual alien registation in 1981. My mother was proud to become a citizen in the 1950's and flew a flag in front of our house of the national holidays.
People around in the 1960's and 1970's can recall PSA's: "Aliens! Attention Aliens! All aliens must register at the Post Office in September(?)"
"People who are tourists, passing through international transit lounges, etc. don't become citizens."
What does this have to do with anything? The Constitution says "All persons born or naturalized in the United States", not all persons who get on a tour bus.
The Constitution is quite clear on the issue. The only method of changing this would be to repeal the Constitutional amendments ending slavery, which seems to be the new conservative cause from what I'm hearing. Good luck with that. This is why we are now able to have a black president with former friends like Wright and Ayers, 59 Senate seats, a large House majority, and despite all the bluster, polls show the Democrats still controlling both Houses in November.
As far as the Oaxaca comments, there was a massive rebellion in Oaxaca on the day NAFTA went into effect, the leaders of which are called the Zapatistas. They rebelled because they knew exactly the intent of NAFTA. Americans voted for politicians to implement NAFTA, which had the intended effect of destroying Mexico's economy. So what did Mexicans do when their rural economy was completely destroyed? They moved here. Americans implement NAFTA so their farmers can make more money, then bitch and moan when all the out of work Mexican farm laborers move to the US because we destroyed all their jobs in Mexico.
If my parents rob a bank right before I am born, and are arrested for it a few years later, do I get to keep the money? Just asking....
Americans implement NAFTA so their farmers can make more money, then bitch and moan when all the out of work Mexican farm laborers move to the US because we destroyed all their jobs in Mexico.
It's amusing how guys like you love to selectively pick-and-choose your facts, and "blame whitey" for every freaking problem/ill in the world!
If "whitey" was really as "all pwowerful" as you purport him to be, how come you're not a lamp shade right now?
Just sayin'.......
The best answer for the anchor baby problem is to adopt a Japanese styled birth right. At least one of the parents must be a legal citizen and biological parent as well.
Whether anyone likes it or not we need the anchor babies. White women in this country refuse to have remotely enough children to fill the workforce and pay for all the baby boomers who are retiring now. There's going to be 100 million old retired white people soon and someone is going to have to take care of them.
Patrick Sweeney said...
1. There has never been a Supreme Court decision which granted birthright citizenship to the children of illegal aliens. This is why there is still a debate about this going on.
2. The text of the 14th Amendment was never "plain" "All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."
What exactly is meant by "and subject to the jurisdiction thereof" is the part that is not plain.
3. It may take a law or a constituional amendment to get clarification of this. This is why we have a political process. Let your side try to get its law or amendment passed and let my side try to get its law or amendment passed, but do not think that a pre-emptive "...it's clear..." and accusations of bad faith are going to be enough.
old white lady said...
Whether anyone likes it or not we need the anchor babies. White women in this country refuse to have remotely enough children to fill the workforce and pay for all the baby boomers who are retiring now. There's going to be 100 million old retired white people soon and someone is going to have to take care of them.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
WHAT???? Are you serious??? ROFLMAO!!! So your saying we need anchor babies to take care of OLD WHITE PEOPLE!!! That's Fucking PATHETIC!!!! And darling I'm half white I wish I could have more than one child:) But raising a child is expensive and unlike many IDIOTS I REFUSE TO BE ON THE SYSTEM!!! I want my child to have a great life a great education and go on to contribute to society:) NOT 10 FUCKING KIDS THAT WILL SUCK THE SYSTEM DRY!!!! Do the Illegals show up every week to do your landscaping and clean your house? Or do their anchor babies?
"FOCUS ON CORPORATIONS AND BUSINESSES that hire illegals. The law is on the books but NO enforcement."
wouldn't it be just as racist for an employer to ask about immigration status as it would for law enforcement to ask?
what's the difference? someone is still trying to determine the immigration status of an individual which according to all the ticklefighting retards is racist
need to change the law, so anchor babies don't get citzenship... if I were traveling in Europe while I was pregant and went into labor, this does not make my child a citzen, it just states child was born in Europe, parents of USA... mexican know and abuse our system and it needs to fxxking stop.
"old white lady said...
Whether anyone likes it or not we need the anchor babies. White women in this country refuse to have remotely enough children to fill the workforce and pay for all the baby boomers who are retiring now. There's going to be 100 million old retired white people soon and someone is going to have to take care of them."
There is a problem with this theory that people overlook, assuming large scale immigration is allowed and these people are allowed to become citizens, what happens when THEY become old?
Most will not be returning to their former countries so what you'll have done is push the problem of retirement/social services down a generation or two...then what. Even more immigrants?
Immigration from Latin America and Asia has brought me my longest, closest friendships but the idea that we can have unlimited waves of newcomers to pay for those already here is unrealistic and ultimately ruinous.
Not only that but they aren't making the type of wages that would support a program like Medicare.
Anchor babies are just that - it's a pathetic attempt to have an umbilical-cord to citizen-ship. The Supreme Court will surely find a grave issue with an illegal individual purposely here to give birth on US soil for the express purpose of that child obtaining citizenship and increasing the chances of the parent to obtain the same later on. the founding fathers of our nation never envisioned nor intended or would today want this to occur.
The Federal Government actually encourages illegal births as these illegals avail themselves of services including medical which they don't pay for. The Federal Gov must enforce the law as it exists, not what is socially necessary.
old white lady said...
Whether anyone likes it or not we need the anchor babies. White women in this country refuse to have remotely enough children to fill the workforce and pay for all the baby boomers who are retiring now.
I am so stupid - i f only I had taken up with all these Mexicana broads looking for citizenship years ago - I would have a string of children by the greatest assortment of women. I would never had a need to ever put on my underpants ever to go to work - the babies would have paid my way into free housing, food stamps, medical and POL who supported my generous macho gifts to all these women looking to satisfy all of my fantasy's. Yes - sit around naked with illegal women lining up to please me.
Instead like an idiot I went for the formerly middle class ideal, took a wife for life, we both went to work, raise a child, pay for medical, housing (yes we were stupid and bought our own place) pay for private education for 16 years and paid taxes including AMT.
So, I don't enjoy the throngs of women looking to sit on my chihuahua to reward me with Governement heirs!
old white lady said...
Whether anyone likes it or not we need the anchor babies. White women in this country refuse to have remotely enough children to fill the workforce and pay for all the baby boomers who are retiring now.
I am so stupid - i f only I had taken up with all these Mexicana broads looking for citizenship years ago - I would have a string of children by the greatest assortment of women. I would never had a need to ever put on my underpants ever to go to work - the babies would have paid my way into free housing, food stamps, medical and POL who supported my generous macho gifts to all these women looking to satisfy all of my fantasy's. Yes - sit around naked with illegal women lining up to please me.
Instead like an idiot I went for the formerly middle class ideal, took a wife for life, we both went to work, raise a child, pay for medical, housing (yes we were stupid and bought our own place) pay for private education for 16 years and paid taxes including AMT.
So, I don't enjoy the throngs of women looking to sit on my chihuahua to reward me with Governement heirs!
There is a problem with this theory that people overlook, assuming large scale immigration is allowed and these people are allowed to become citizens, what happens when THEY become old?
There's an even greater problem that obfuscating morons such as Lino overlook - if we import large numbers of people from Mexico into this country, we cease becoming the United States, and become Mexico 2.0.
Have you ever combined a spoon of feces and a gallon of chocolate ice cream? I haven't, and I don't intend to. But if you do, it doesn't still taste like chocolate ice cream, despite most of the mix being the ice cream.
Think about it.
Immigration from Latin America and Asia has brought me my longest, closest friendships....
That is so touching! Who would have thought? Without immigration, Lino would be lonely and without friends?
Maybe that should be the slogan of the open borders, unrestricted immigration crowd -
"Immigration - Without it, Lino has no friends!"
Ein schpoon uf feecees mit ein galoon uf shokolade eiskreem. Ach. My mouth ist vatering already! Gut vor der muscles! Hahr, hahr.
If I travel to Spain and prematurely give birth in that country, my child would not be a citizen of Spain. My child would be a US citizen that was born abroad. Mind you, if I traveled there, I would have produced my passport and would have the right to be there. I can't understand how any child born here illegally can be a US citizen. If the parents are illegal, then the child is illegal. That child is a citizen of the country of their parent's birth, but born on US soil. They are not documented. Allowing illegals to come here and give birth to citizens would triple the amount of illegals in this country. It just can't be allowed. Stop cheapening our citizenship. Americans think it is a very valuable commodity.
Ahh, thank you! Someone gets it!
That's what was meant by the phrase in the 14th amendment; "and subject to the jurisdiction thereof."
The US does not have jurisdiction over an illegal alien on its shores. Jurisdiction lies with the alien's home country.
The intent to "naturalize" an alien to become a US citizen is for the alien to submit allegiance to the US. To understand its ideals and become part of the "great experiment". The providence of a free man in the pursuit of life, liberty and happiness.
Didn't some schmoe write something to that effect?
It's Ok to break the law and enter the United States Illegally, but it's not ok to arrest and deport these people!
Bottom line folks, the law is not enforced by the Federal Government, thus when Pols talk about amnesty, they are basically erasing criminal behavior and encouraging more criminality.
100's of thousands of South Americans, including Mexicans do immigrate to our shores legally. They apply and wait literally years and decades to be allowed entry for residency to our country, to these folks I welcome them. For those who do not take the legal route and jump the fence or are smuggled in illegally, then they must face criminal charges for their crimes- endangering and breeching our security.
"Klink Cannoli said...
Ahh, thank you! Someone gets it!
"The US does not have jurisdiction over an illegal alien on its shores. Jurisdiction lies with the alien's home country."
WHAT! OH mother..what an idiot.
It is almost cruel to respond to someone so dense..
"Section. 1. All persons born or naturalized in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside."
Lino, why can't you ever seem to respond without calling people names?
..And yet another clown opined:
"Have you ever combined a spoon of feces and a gallon of chocolate ice cream? I haven't, and I don't intend to. But if you do, it doesn't still taste like chocolate ice cream -Deke DaSilva (Born in NY"
How nice of you to liken a race of humans to feces.
I'll yield to your obviously greater experience with the taste of shit.
Queens Crapper said...
Lino, why can't you ever seem to respond without calling people names?
-Sorry Q-C some of this stuff is just appalling.
I will try to be more humane.
Because Lino loves me so, QC. No doubt he's looking for a fight.
Lino, I'm not wasting my time with you again. It's pointless. I've come to the conclusion that you're simply a bigot on this subject.
Keep quoting Section I. One day you might actually see the phrase "and subject to the jurisdiction thereof."
English language hint: definition of the word qualifier.
Also learn how to properly quote Section I of the 14th. You omitted an important comma.
'Keep quoting Section I. One day you might actually see the phrase "and subject to the jurisdiction thereof.""
I knew that you were obsessing over those three letters. Semantically you might have a point -if- there weren't decades of settled law and numerous challenges to this clause.
As for the jurisdictional aspect, with the exception of diplomatic immunity one is under the jurisdiction of any country they are guests in -if- no condition of war is in effect.
When I go to Thailand I must watch what I say about the government there or find myself jailed or permanently expelled. The freedom we have to say -almost- anything about our President and government doesn't exist in many countries worldwide and the fact that I come from a place that has this sort of free speech does not exempt me from the strictures in other lands.
Born here =citizen.
Just so you won't feel picked-on here are some other countries where this is so:
Lino, let them be your "guests".
Sing the "Be our guest, Be our guest. Put our service to the test." song. Invite them over to your apartment or home and make them feel welcome.
What Supreme Court decision made anchor babies birthright citizens?
The law and the constitution are vague on whether a state or federal law could potentially deny anchor babies birthright citizenship. This is self-evident given the fact that there continues to be attempts to pass laws and amend the constitution to define birthright citizenship in a way that excludes illegal aliens.
So what would everyone say to the scenario of a person coming over illegaly, having a child and then later becoming a tax paying US citizen....is that child still an illegal by the idea that a child born to an illegal is an illegal?
Anonymous said...
So what would everyone say to the scenario of a person coming over illegaly, having a child and then later becoming a tax paying US citizen....is that child still an illegal by the idea that a child born to an illegal is an illegal?
Sunday, June 20, 2010
I say if they came here ILLEGALLY, they should be DEPORTED!!!! Then maybe just maybe if they had some COMMON SENSE they would try to come here the correct way next time and follow the damn law:) Does that answer your question friend:)
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