A sex offender bludgeoned his live-in girlfriend to death with a baseball bat because he suspected she was seeing another man, police said Wednesday.
Isaiah Smith, 48, pummeled Tiffany Pettiford, 28, in their Queens home as his two children - and his other girlfriend - watched in horror, police and witnesses said.
Smith - who was convicted in 1990 of raping a 10-year-old girl - was livid after Pettiford disappeared for a few days and allegedly took up with another man, one police source said.
Smith confronted Pettiford, and may have snapped after the woman went to the store and forgot to get him beer, a second police source said.
Smith has a 1-year-old boy with Pettiford and a 10-year-old developmentally disabled son with another woman - and they all lived in the same basement apartment on 214th St. in Queens Village, neighbors said.
Wow, a sex offender living in a basement apartment? Who would have thunk it...
Sean Bell Country.
Reminds me of that old joke:
What do they call Father's Day in Harlem?
Mass Confusion.
But seriously, how can anyone do that out of their life and bring children into the world in those condtions.
Only in the Ghetto and Hollywood do you find such trash.
It really is a man's world. Dating a girl 20 years younger, despite being a sex offender and living in a basement, he can still pull the pussy. This guy is the fucking man!
What's wrong with the deceased 28-year-old dating someone nearly the age of her father? Unless that older man was a celebrity or millionaire, this relationship defies logic. Ladies, you need to raise your standards.
damn, he didn't just kill her but beated her to death with a bat. fucking horrible. +
20 years older than her? sure it wasn't her pimp? the whole thing is a nightmare. her poor children will be traumatized for life and she's dead. this is horrible. not to mention the other girlfriend.
do they all have sub self esteem or are drug addicts/alcoholics?
Typical savage... he has another woman,but he THINKS she has another,so he kills her.
Maspeth Mom says...
Hopefully a conviction will put an end to this mans train wreck of a life, and he wont have any more children.
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