Way back in October, the Willets Point Industry and Realty Association, a group strenuously opposed to the city's attempt to throw their businesses out of Willets Point so it could be redeveloped, accused former Queens borough president Claire Shulman of being an unregistered lobbyist for the Bloomberg Administration and the Economic Development Corporation on that issue. At the time, a spokesman for Shulman admitted to the Queens Gazette that she was a lobbyist and that she was going to revise the paperwork of her organization, the Flushing Willets Point Corona Local Development Corporation, to reflect that.
For their report today on Shulman's possibly illegal lobbying efforts on Willets Point, the Times questions city officials, who insist they weren't paying her to lobby -- though during the Willets Point campaign Shulman was "promising to meet with every member of the City Council as it prepared to vote on the plan last fall," says the Times...
The Mayor's spokesman, Andrew Brent, tells the paper that when the city gave Shulman $450,000 -- coincidentally, the same amount Shulman reported spending on lobbying work -- they never expected her to lobby with it. She was supposed to do "outreach, public relations, and marketing," says Brent -- she never mentioned lobbying (which might be defined as outreach, public relations, and marketing aimed at elected officials).
Now we know that every deragatory comment made about her is true.
So the Commissar never expected Shulman to use OUR $450,000 to lobby for the destruction of private businesses and union employment at Willets Point.
So he says.
Well, to show he's not totally full of shit, set DOI out to recover OUR money and prosecute her for fraud!
He won't. Because he's a cowardly liar.
We want OUR money back!
cover up where's the feds!!!
thank you someone finally said it where's the feds? i've been asking that for sometime now. why don't the feds come in and investergate this monster. how the hell does he make billions while the city is falling apart. AND now quinn is trying to make a deal on the CONDO's please, feds come in and look into bloomass books already. He's been cutting deals for his "special interest" for two years and pushing for a third term.
Quinn belongs in jail. Lets the bank foreclosed and they will auction the property cheaper than what Quinn is bailing out. They city can buy the foreclosed property at auction. Quinn is a fucking crook and if you really want to do something and volunteer against Quinn. Volunteer for Yetta or Maria. I think Yetta is the stronger candidate.
As interesting as the NY Time article is, it conspicuously omits additional troubling dimensions of the story, perhaps as a favor to those involved. The additional information will be revealed on a timetable determined exclusively by Willets Point property owners.
Let the feds grill that wealthy dwarf under oath and we'll find out who's lying fast.
H-m-m-m...let Bum-turd perjure himself then arrest him!
Since this news has come out, it seems that Mayor Bloomturd has curtailed talk about the Wallets Point project. For example, any mention of the project was conveniently left out of the edition where the Tribune endorses the Corrupt Commissar. However, on page 20 in the article entitled MAYOR REFLECTS ON HIS TWO TERMS AS HE RUNS TO SERVE A THIRD, the idol worshipping Schenkler and staff talk about other Queens projects, "Bloomberg discussed some development issues brought up in Queens, specifically Klein Farm in Fresh Meadows and St. Savior's Church in Maspeth, both of which have been turned down or ignored by the City for assistance in preserving the bucolic and historic nature of the sites." Hey what about Wallets Point, Mr. Mayor? Oops, did the looming corruption scandal make you rethink your propaganda? By the way, according to this piece of journalistic bullcrap, the mayor blamed the lack of Parks Department budget for the Klein Farm and St. Savior's debacles!
I can't wait to see the whole bunch of them in orange prison garb. Even if the media ignores the illicit activities of this crew, I am hoping that the wheels of justice will roll right over those who tried to take our money and hand it over to corrupt developers and lobbyists!!! Hey Schenkler, ignoring the issues won't make them go away but I am sure that all of Bloomturd's full pages ads in every edition of your rag didn't influence your endorsement decision...NOT!!!!!!!!
I don't get something....
Don't a LOT of people their age drop dead of natural causes like every day?
How come they don't?
In 8 years, the corruption just does not stop!!!!
I saw an ad for a "Schulman" in a local queens paper running for a council seat..................
The mayor is not playing dumb, he's just clueless. He has nothing in common with middle class people.
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