A couple of days ago, NY Post columnist Cindy Adams made her opinion of the Times Square chairs be known, saying loud and clear in her headline: "It's Broadway—Not Rockaway!" She went on, saying "the hallway to the Street of Dreams is now Beach 34th Street? What's next? Sand? A boardwalk?" She's worried that the tourists will now only see "Sprawling, bused-in out-of-towners with Coke cans and brown paper bags flat out on camp chairs noshing and burping and snoozing and playing checkers in the center of the capital of the world."
Now the paper has printed some responses, two in approval of the original piece, and one reading: "I take extreme exception to Adams' column comparing the trashing of Times Square to the Rockaways. There is more to New York City than Manhattan—the Rockaways are one of the city's crown jewels. We have clean beaches, clean water, manicured properties and tree-lined streets. I suggest that the next time Adams decides to bash a city neighborhood, she should try visiting the area first." Um, just keep her out of Far Rockaway for now.
I think Broadway is a joke now. Gimme a F!#$%^G break! One of the toughest cities in the world and they put a F!#$%^G costume on it! I absolutely hate it!!!!
In CINDY ADAMS' NYC there is nothing but Mnahattan. The other 5 boroughs are very happyabout that.
Ah Cindy, should have compared it to a community being hollowed out like Astoria Park - no maint., Bangla & Mex baby diapers everywhere - a real contrast to Gantry Park - who is getting taxes from the Astorians.
If Rockaway takes a knock, it is not entirely undeserved. I love the Rockaways, always have, but people are drowning because they think laws are for other people. They are annoying the residents with boorish behavior also. It's self-respect time, people.
I should have said other 4 boroughs...
Cindy knows Queens. She has to travel through it on her way to the Hamptons or the airports.
I work in the area. It' atrocious. She's right. Letterman has been poking at the thing as well. AN IDIOTIC EYESORE BY AN OUT OF TOUCH MAYOR.
Cindy got it right - her Rockaway line meant Bway is not Rockaway nor is Rockaway Bway. No slight in any of it. Cindy understands the other 4 B(urros) !
I am tired of people saying that Cindy Adams is stupid. I knew her when I was young. I knew her when I lived in queens and she came to my house many times.Cindy Adams was a beautiful caring lady like no other I knew before. She and her husband Joey traveled the world as goodwill ambassadors from the US appointed y JFK himself and confirmed by Johnson and Nixon. She was a close friend of Sukarno the president of Indonesia and even though she had the ear of so many great and powerful men she still had the time to sit me on her lap and listen to a young boy's questions. What a great Lady she is. I loved her then and I love her now. If you think that she is stupid then the world would be a better place with more stupid people like her. I never met kinder more caring people then Cindy and Joey Adams. I have been to their apartment and I can say with great pride that I knew them personally. If you did not know them on a one t one basis then you have no right to comment on her as a human being. I say with pride that Cindy Adams had the ears of some of the greatest most powerful people on earth and yet she took the time to listen to the ramblings of a young boy.She is a great lady and I love her and always shall because she earned that love and respect.
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