The neighborhood lunatic of Crown Heights, Brooklyn, is getting $5,000 of your tax dollars to teach classes in a City Councilwoman's office about the origin of words.
"One of the main things we said to the Council lady was we needed money to assist in teachers' payments, and our library books and school supplies," said Lynval Samuels, 56. "We didn't know we were getting the money."
Samuels has been a fixture at Union St. and Utica Ave. for years, neighbors said - stopping traffic, splattering paint on parking meters and fire hydrants, and handing out flyers for his self-styled etymology classes.
But Councilwoman Darlene Mealy (D-Brooklyn) calls him "a fine king" and an asset to the neighborhood - earmarking $5,000 for him in the city budget and letting him teach in her nearby office on Saturdays.
Councilwoman Darlene Mealy needs to take a class (on her own dime) about the origin of tax dollars.
For $5000.00 a good community garden could have been funded if a suitable vacant lot was available.
Sufficient food could have been grown to help a number of hungry people get nutritious sustenance.
$5000.00 could have been used to fund a sewing class and teach people how to maintain and repair their clothing, replace zippers, fix tears.
$5000.00 could have taught a course in basic auto maintenance or using computers, especially if volunteers were recruited.
Great things can be accomplished with wise financial stewardship.
How vibrant and diverse.
Good Lord...NYC is beginning more and more to resemble Rome during its period of decline as each day passes!
And the NYC sales tax was just increased to support dopes like this?
Another POL whom should not be in office - obviously has no compunction to spend (waste) taxpayer dollars on garbage ideas. Perhaps it's her needy boyfriend or brother-in-law?
Read today's Daily News. The day after this story appeared, the mayor's office vowed to stop this funding from happening.
I have a hard time understanding why some people worship the late Haile Selassie. He was an abolute monarch, and he couldn't even foresee his own overthrow. Where were his divine powers to save him?
Even now, the monarchist movement remains marginal in Ethiopia.
Haile Selassie.
I'm Highly Delighted.
Ach, der jokes never schtopp. Anudder gut von.
If George had been approached at the right time by a religion that encouraged adherents to get good and stoned good and often, maybe he wouldn't be an atheist, Jah know.
Ghettos were made for jerks like these to keep them out of circulation within civilized society!
It's quite amusing how people are so quick to pass judgments against a person that they don't know personally. I’ve known Dr. Bidi personally for five years. I'm in full support of him, his teachings and organization. The knowledge that he has which he openly offers to share with the community is priceless and extremely beneficial to society. He is the most intellectual and kind person that I've ever met. We can all learn a great lesson from him in regards to standing behind our beliefs despite the many critics that we face. If we look at history, there are some great philosophers like Socrates for instance that ridicule throughout their life and classified as "mad." It is only after these individuals passed, that their findings became glorified and are still commonly quoted today. I put Dr Bidi up there as one of greatest minds of our time. I highly recommend that everyone take a step back and reassert their point of view. As Dr. Bidi says himself "we should allow our intellect to rule our emotions." Not the reverse!
I care about this because it's wasting $5000 of taxpayer money, but if something was wasting $5001 of our money, I'd be more bothered by that.
Well here's to Dr. Bidet..."the most intellectual" who has a place right next to my commode...not next to
You must be skin popping!
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