
It doesn't look good.
Sotomayor's endorsement of this ruling is a strong sign that she has little or [no] interest in protecting constitutional property rights. Her appointment is likely to exacerbate the second-class status of property rights in the Court's jurisprudence.
I read Volokh's post. She voted to expand Kelo. This is the kind of justice that hands your property over to the Rattner/Boymelgreen types, always, of course, at a fair market price, as determined by the buds of the developers sleepin with the Mayor/CityCouncil.
Why would someone who grew up in public housing and works for the government believe in property rights?
"I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life." - Quota Queen Sonia Sotomayor
Equal justice taking a back seat to tribal justice.
georgetheatheist said...
"I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life." - Quota Queen Sonia Sotomayor
Equal justice taking a back seat to tribal justice.
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Include Sotomayor's next sentnece the next time you use this quote. As with all of the other members of right-wing fantasy land, you're quoting her out of context.
Here's a link to the full text of her speech. Read it. It's obviously the first time that you have:
As with all of the other members of right-wing fantasy land, you're quoting her out of context.
The favorite crutch of the apologists for the left - "you're quoting her out of context"!
Yes, us "right-wing fantasists" have a history of "quoting out of context" the words of those great intellectuals of the left - Jeremiah Wright, Ward Churchill, Louis Farrakhan, Spike Lee, etc. etc.
How dare we "take their words out of context"!
The great Thomas Sowell addresses the so-called "taking out of context" claim here:
and here, Part II:
Of course, now our Lefty apologist will probably accuse Sowell of being a paid shill for the "vast right wing conspiracy", or some other trope....
Wade Nichols said...
As with all of the other members of right-wing fantasy land, you're quoting her out of context.
The favorite crutch of the apologists for the left - "you're quoting her out of context"!
Yeah, Lefties like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly. They love to use that line.
Yeah, Lefties like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly. They love to use that line.
Well, when you disavow: Jeremiah Wright, Ward Churchill, Louis Farrakhan, Spike Lee, Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Joe Biden, Michael Moore, Lindsay Lohan, and various other Lefty "Fellow Travelers", I'll disavow: Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly.
Wade Nichols said...
Yeah, Lefties like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly. They love to use that line.
Well, when you disavow: Jeremiah Wright, Ward Churchill, Louis Farrakhan, Spike Lee, Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Joe Biden, Michael Moore, Lindsay Lohan, and various other Lefty "Fellow Travelers", I'll disavow: Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly.
I never avoewd them, so there's nothing to disavow.
Obviously, youi never read the speech, either.
"Wade Nichols said...
Yeah, Lefties like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly. They love to use that line.
Well, when you disavow: Jeremiah Wright, Ward Churchill, Louis Farrakhan, Spike Lee, Lenin, Mao, Pol Pot, Joe Biden, Michael Moore, Lindsay Lohan, and various other Lefty "Fellow Travelers", I'll disavow: Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly."
Yeah, being "taken out of context" seems to be a big favorite saying of your boy there Michael (Savage) Weiner when disparaging homosexuals, immigrants, mainstream Islam and autistic children to the point of almost being fired.
Yeah, being "taken out of context" seems to be a big favorite saying of your boy there Michael (Savage) Weiner when disparaging homosexuals, immigrants, mainstream Islam and autistic children to the point of almost being fired.
My boy Savage? Obviously you haven't read anything I've written.
Have fun with your pictures of Sotomayor in the bathroom tonight! Wanker!
And you enjoy your photo of Ann Coulter!!!
Have fun with your pictures of Sotomayor in the bathroom tonight! Wanker!
Anonymous said...
And you enjoy your photo of Ann Coulter!!!
Ha! Ha! Ha!
Wank out!
The worst !
She's going to bring us straight into a mass police state as well as socialism.
She agrees with those crazy Judges in Chicago who just ruled the Constution does not apply to states and municipalities.
This means
1-All gun owners must turn in there guns
2-The City could force you to rent your spare room and dictate the price.
3-Jail you is sombody gets offended with what you say
...the city could demand anything
It gets worse.
The Decision by the court states that "some" of the first 10 Amendments to the Constitution (Commonly known as "The Bill of Rights") "do not apply to the states" while others, do!
Lastly, the Court ruling says that ideals that were important in the 1780's when the Constitution was adopted, should give way to more contemporary views.
Story here
"I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion than a white male who hasn't lived that life." - Quota Queen Sonia Sotomayor"
How do you think she got to this point? By acting like she's still from the projects and is looking out for the regular people?
She knows how to go along/play with the right crowd. What's that saying "go along to get along"... People who go against this don't usually make it to this career point...
Have fun with your pictures of Sotomayor in the bathroom tonight! Wanker!
I'd rather toss it to her than Ann Coulter. At least Soto's got a bit of that Vanessa Delrio thing going on.
I'm sick of all you "devoted" Reps or Dems!
Left wing or right wing...they're all politicians...which puts them just one step up from child molesters!
As far as the U.S. supreme court is concerned...I'd rather have that 60's group "The Supremes" as chief justices!
"Equal justice under the law", my f----g ass!
It's still a case of the finest justice that money can buy...here or anywhere!
Who's kidding who? You've either got a pile of cash to litigate up to that highest level or your toast along with your ersatz rights!
OR you can go to Don Corleone for TRUE JUSTICE (ha, ha, ha)!
Joe said...
"1-All gun owners must turn in there guns
2-The City could force you to rent your spare room and dictate the price.
3-Jail you is sombody gets offended with what you say
...the city could demand anything"
A total exaggeration! First of all,#1 will NEVER happen and if it did, I would be the first one to celebrate.
OR you can go to Don Corleone for TRUE JUSTICE
Sadly they are all in the cematary or still getting ram rodded in court.
Obama picked this idiot because she was both a woman and hispanic.
Apparently Obama knows nothing about taste or smart decisions.
The guy went to a Broadway play dressed like Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
Like the Eurotrash, no tie, buttons open--looked between a bum next to his wife (who was all decked out) according to ALL the Local 1 stagehands.
Messed up all the traffic and ticket holders standing in the rain who were groped up like terrorists
First of all,#1 will NEVER happen and if it did, I would be the first one to celebrate.
The first thing they did in countries such as China, Cambodia, North Korea, any other Marxist/Leninist/Communist/Socialist/Stalinist/
Maoist whatever you want to call it country, is round up the guns, so that no one could fight the tyranny.
Maybe "Ragazza Italiana" is showing her true colors: "Well RED"!
I wonder what her "Party Line" is?:
Partito Comunista Italiano (PCI)
Partito della Rifondazione Comunista (PRC)
Partito Democratico della Sinistra (PDS)??????
They're all so tempting....
Out of a population of over 300 million people, why do we ever have to tolerate any office holder on our payroll who treats our God-given rights as trivial gifts from the government?
Exactly what is so special about Sotomayor that we should trust her with having any say is to the what the responsibilities of OUR government is to us who pay all the bills?
If she's that stupid, drop her and find someone else!
Don't we have enough self respect to demand someone better?
First of all,#1 will NEVER happen.
Wrong it ALREADY HAS happened in Obama's state 2-By his crazy appointed judges.
The news isnt reporting it so it can fly under the RADAR.
"District of Columbia v. Heller, 128 S. Ct. 2783 (2008)"
Its now a Chicago ordinance.
It sats an individual right to bear arms under the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment meant to applys to states and municipalities.
I understand sheep cant read, Google or comprehend well so here is a snip in simple english for you.
By Andrew M. Harris
June 2 (Bloomberg) -- A Chicago ordinance banning handguns and automatic weapons within city limits was upheld by a U.S. Court of Appeals panel, which rejected a challenge by the National Rifle Association.
The unanimous three-judge panel ruled today that a U.S. Supreme Court decision last year, which recognized an individual right to bear arms under the U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment, didn’t apply to states and municipalities.
“The Supreme Court has rebuffed requests to apply the second amendment to the states,” U.S. Circuit Judge Frank Easterbrook wrote, upholding lower court decisions last year regarding Chicago and its suburb of Oak Park, Illinois.
You think that it is sad that the degenerate mafia lowlifes are dead or in jail? That shows your mentality.
The Supreme Court has always ruled, since the passage of the 14th amendment after the Civil War, that the 2nd Amendment right to bear arms is a limit on the federal government and not the states. I don't agree with it, but Sotomayor was following Suprement Court precedent that has been consistently applied for over a century. This is what she is obligated to do as a 2nd Circuit appeals court justice. Do any of you bother to learn about things before you comment?
Taxpayer - "God-given rights"?? So God came down and talked to you and told you what our rights are? Your views are dangerous. Religion should have nothing to do with government or the passage or interpretation of our laws.
Partito Comunista Italiano (PCI)
Partito della Rifondazione Comunista (PRC)
Partito Democratico della Sinistra (PDS)
italian girl said...
They're all so tempting....
We have a choice? Wow! That's better than a certain 3rd term mayoral election.
I choose Avella! Will someone inform the media that he is running as well?!?!?
You think that it is sad that the degenerate mafia lowlifes are dead or in jail?
That is so wrong !!
Fact is the Queens old Goodfellas were not lowlifes. Its the younger dumbass agressive juicers that F_ it all up.
Its terrible especially for people in Ridgewood, MV or Maspeth.
Those old timers kept the criminal element and tweeds out. I distintly remember them keeping a good eye on the priests in the schools as well.
All the Italian Kids went to St.Leanards, St.Barberas and St.Josephs.
I remember as a kid on Knickerbocker ave if anybody had a problem you would go see the corner man.
One of these guys R.I.P taught me how to play guitar one summer. A Gibson Les Paul showed up under my grandfather Chistmas tree.
(I still have it)
Nobody threw garbage in your yard, Nobody dare come around to break into your car, cat call a woman.
July 4th everbody got free fireworks, Sambuca, Wine & Grappa for tha adults. The old guys would put it out on a little table with white suger coated almonds
---Even in parts of Ridgewood, Middle Villiage and Ozone park in the 70's
Now you have to drive to Circo's Bakery in Bushwick to get a fresh sfolliatelle or good cookies.
You then need to swing $80 for a compleate wheel alighment.
Grand Ave and ALL of Woodside is like driving in Willets Point.
The wise Latina's "richness of her experiences":
1. Dancing the Merengue.
2. Eating pig's intestines
3. Playing Bingo with garbanzo beans
Yes indeed, read the damn speech.
"Left wing or right wing...they're all politicians...which puts them just one step up from child molesters!"
OMG!! I love this :)
"Taxpayer - "God-given rights"?? So God came down and talked to you and told you what our rights are? Your views are dangerous. Religion should have nothing to do with government or the passage or interpretation of our laws."
Must be tough to have a founding document like the Declaration of Independence. Do you sit and boil on July 4?
Jefferson's last words (per wikipedia) "His last words were, "I resign myself to my God, and my child to my country."
"Your views are dangerous." What are your views that would supplant those you disagree with? You can reinvent a few thousand years of political/social/moraldevelopment based on what? - A couple of college courses? OK midget, tell us how you would reorder the world under your regime.
I dont mind debating issues, its these maggots graduating college, thinking they know all. Never made a budget, never raised a child - no life experience at all. The idealism is cute - for about 10 seconds, then they should really understand what life is really like.
It looks like "George" (or is it Georgina?) has got PMS cramps again!
georgetheatheist said...
The wise Latina's "richness of her experiences":
1. Dancing the Merengue.
2. Eating pig's intestines
3. Playing Bingo with garbanzo beans
Yes indeed, read the damn speech.
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Of course you did. And you learned a great deal from it.
Read this.
"Mr.Ricci, for example, who is dyslexic, made intensive efforts that appear to have resulted in his scoring highly on one of the exams, only to have it invalidated. But it simply does not follow that he has a viable Title VII claim."
The opinion of Sonia Sotomayor in the US Court of Appeals for the 2nd Circuit (June 2008).
Disadvantaged New Haven firefighter Frank Ricci, a son of Italian immigrants, studied his ass off to become a lieutenant.
He scored highly but so-called "disadvantaged" Latina Sotomayor threw the case (Ricci vs DeStefano) out the window.
From Meet The Press:
MR. GREGORY: One more question on this point, and that is this New Haven case that has been debated where she...
SEN. SESSIONS: The Ricci case.
MR. GREGORY: The Ricci case. She played a major role, in which you had a group of white firefighters who sued the city because they passed a promotion exam, the city did not recognize it because no African-Americans passed that same exam. And it was Judge Sotomayor who upheld the, the city's decisions when they decided not to recognize that promotion test.
SEN. LEAHY: As did, as did the Second Circuit Court of Appeals and Judge Barrington Parker, who is a Republican, nominated by a Republican president. Said she was bound--not matter how you feel about it, she was bound by the precedence of the Second Circuit, which she...
MR. GREGORY: Well...
SEN. LEAHY: ...which she followed. Now, the U.S. Supreme Court may decide to reverse those precedents, which it can. But she was--whether she liked it or not, she was following the law. It's, it's the kind of judge that the Republicans always say they want, somebody who doesn't make law but follows the law.
Sotomayor was following Suprement Court.
--Well yeah... they are just as crazy and pinko as she is.
Perhaps WORSE !!!
Joe Biden, Ted Kennedy, Michael Moore and Lindsay Lohan --IN
Constitution and Bill of Rights --OUT.
One can only wonder what they have planned to enact such a desperate tactic to grab all the guns.
Something really REALLY bad is in the works when the Goverment is that scaired of it own people
Gold confiscation ?
A new money ?
E D whole neighborhoods and citys to China to secure these trillion dollar bailout funds ?
I see no other way to pay for this debt !
SEN. SESSIONS: ...It was a divided court, pretty strongly divided. Hispanic judge criticized Judge Sotomayor pretty aggressively for not dealing with the serious constitutional questions that arise when you take a person who made the best score on the test and then invalidate it for basically a racial concern.
-Joe said...
Sotomayor was following Suprement Court.
--Well yeah... they are just as crazy and pinko as she is.
Perhaps WORSE !!!
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Which Presidents have appointed the most judges to the current Supreme Court?
President Clinton appointed two. Who appointed the others?
Both Bushes and Ronald Reagan. What party do they (or did they, in Mr. Reagan's case) belong to?
BTW the "Hispanic Judge" that Sessions mentioned above was Jose Cabranes, born in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico. Bill Clinton considered him for the Supreme Court before finally selecting Ruth Ginsberg. He was the first Puerto Rican to be appointed to a federal judgeship in the continental U.S.
Jose Cabranes was a graduate of Flushing High School.
Forget this racist bullshit. No one answered my question: How would a lifelong government employee and child of "public housing" (handouts) have an idea of what property rights mean to the middle class?
Actually, Ford appointed Stevens.
Taxpayer - the founding fathers decidedly did NOT want religion in government. That was one of the historical problems in Europe. And read Jefferson's personal writings - he was no believer in religion.
Are you also in favor of defending the mafia losers like others on this blog? Unbelievable.
- A Bigger Taxpayer
Anonymous said...
Actually, Ford appointed Stevens.
Taxpayer - the founding fathers decidedly did NOT want religion in government. That was one of the historical problems in Europe. And read Jefferson's personal writings - he was no believer in religion.
Are you also in favor of defending the mafia losers like others on this blog? Unbelievable.
- A Bigger Taxpayer
You're absolutely right about Stevens, but the point remains the same. He was appointed by a Republican, as have most of the Justices on the Supreme Court.
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