From the NY Post:
Two of Queens' largest parks are hotbeds for animal sacrifices, according to park rangers and advocates.
Longtime Parks Department ranger Joe Puleo told The Post that killing animals for ritualistic reasons in the city is widespread, but that Forest Park and Highland Park are the most common locations.
Perpetrators of the outlawed act are rarely busted because they perform their bloody rituals in the dead of night, and the two parks no longer have 24-hour patrols due to budget cuts.
Animal sacrifice - a job that Americans are no longer willing to do!
Now we know why pet dogs and cats are disappearing at certain times of the year from our backyards. Lucky that these types, have moved beyond sacrificing virgins.
Got Religion? The root cause of most of the worlds problems.
If its dog...Koreans eat them.
If it's's a Chinese delicacy.
Doggone it!
Let's sacrifice some clubhouse politicians (heh, heh) at the voting booth!
I did NOT need to see that picture before breakfast.
I'm gonna pre-empt "George the atheist"...organized religion (NOT FAITH) is the root of all evil!
Chairman Mao (a rough translation):
"Religion is poison".
What? The police are now forbidden to patrol parks in unmarked vehicles, or undercover?
Parks are NOT churches. The people who do this are NOT religious. This is simply an exercise in gruesome violence against the helpless.
How doe this differ from the report about the girl who put the kitten into the oven to be cooked?
Mindless violence? The root cause of most of the worlds problems.
As is willful hatred of religion.
And what makes a dog or cat any different than a chicken who was happily clucking around until someone chopped it's head off so YOU could have grilled chicken tonight? Or how about the little fishy who was happily swimming along until some fisherman sticks a hook through it?
^ yea true but this sacrifice thing is a shame
Do you know how many Human remains have neen found in Kissena Park over the years?
Now it'll be more since the security patrols have been curtailed!
It'll be back to those nostalgic days of "wilding" in Flushing Meadows Corona Park soon.
Good luck Queens Museum and Theater In The Dark with your attendance!
Now if they fired the likes of overpaid patronage employees such as Terri Osborne...NYC would have the money for park security!
Some variants of this religion also include human sacrifices. There are a variety of offspring from African Voodoo practices ranging from the benign to the malignant.
Several years ago, a drug gang whose leader practiced a black magic West African version of Voodoo killed several people to gain power.
I would be very uncomfortable with animal sacrifices, especially as the animals used became larger or fiercer (i.e., a dead doberman is more worrisome than a dead chicken, because the symbolism is darker).
There's a VERY BIG DIFFERENCE "Italian girl"!
Gratuitously killing animals, leaving them behind and not actually eating their flesh for your sustainment/survival violates any code of ethics in my book!
Native Americans respected and often prayed beforehand for the animals they were about to kill for food.
Then the used every part of them for their needs.
They didn't shoot Bison from trains as the "white eyes" did for sport and pleasure...leaving their carcasses to rot on the "Great Plains"!
I sincerely urge you to think about that before you speak with "forked tongue" in the future.
Oh relax! It's Monday morning and way too early to have a stick up your rectum. Chill out.
Nonsense, Italian Girl, it's never too early for that!
Come to think of it...
that frightening, disgustingly distasteful and barbaric BLOOD SACRIFICE image of Christ dangling from a cross in church (classrooms, etc.) doesn't strike me as particularly civilized or humane either.
That's why I'm a lapsed Catholic with but still my own brand of Christian.
Now I'm going to hear from a bunch of disgruntled Catholics shortly...I suppose.
And what have you had...uh...for breakfast this morning...brown 'n serve sausage..."Ital girl"?
I can go for it as long as you can
'cause I'm a guinea too...and Sicilian!
You'd better both chill..."Italian girl" and that "Sicilian".
What do I have for breakfast? I have cereal with skim milk and fruit everyday.
this is cultural diversity at it's best folks.
as long as nothing connected with white people can be mixed in with that cultural diversity. it only works for Latinos and once in a while a Bemgali, but not too often.
This is also happening in the Powells Cove park in College Point. Santería ....
And Rodmans Neck, and St Michaels Cemetery.
This is what happens when you tweed an area and everyone and his brother comes in.
Thanks clubhouse. You are doing a great job of trashing a boro, a city, and a nation.
And what makes a dog or cat any different than a chicken who was happily clucking around until someone chopped it's head off so YOU could have grilled chicken tonight? Or how about the little fishy who was happily swimming along until some fisherman sticks a hook through it?
Oh boy! Looks like a vegetarian is on her high horse, and wishes to display her "moral superiority" over the rest of us meat eating carnivores!
Human beings have evolved over hundreds of thousands of years by eating meat. Grains have only come about in the past 10,000 years or so. Our bodies haven't fully evolved to handle a solely plant based diet.
Too much of anything is not good for you. Meat is good for you, but in moderate amounts. Too much starchy carbs such as rice, wheat, etc. is also not good for you. A half glass of wine at dinner each day is good for you. 4 glasses a day is not good for you. Moderation.
Thank you Professor.
Meat is not good for us and not good for the planet. It is the number one cause of global warming and water shortage and pollution. Also we were vegetarians before fire was created. learn some facts.
The police are now forbidden to patrol parks in unmarked vehicles, or undercover?
Yes, it keeps the crime stats down.
--remember the 3 monkeys ?
Same crap in the Flushing Meadow must be over 100living in the marsh.
A small person riskes getting jumped by more the one bike-riding.
I had a hord of brown eyeballs on me riding around the bridge 3 weeks ago.
These people looked freaky, like rain forest indians ready to throw spears or someting.
An average female wouldnt have a chance
Meat is not good for us and not good for the planet. It is the number one cause of global warming and water shortage and pollution. Also we were vegetarians before fire was created. learn some facts.
So now "meat" is the no.1 cause of global warming? Not the dreaded auto? so it's not OK if I ride my bike to Smith and Wolensky's? But is if I drive my hummer to go to the green-grocer?
Agnus dei, qui tollis peccata mundi, miserere nobis. (O Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.)
Said by the priest or minister over the bread during the liturgy of the Mass.
Based on ancient Hebrew ritual of slaughtering a lamb during the Passover, Jesus is the symbolic lamb.
No one's supposed to be in the parks after 9PM. That's why animal sacrifice is illegal. Slaughter you goats and lambs in your own private "temple".
And no one sees or hears anything late at night in the parks? Just what ARE the cops doing on the night shift? I just came back from the LI Expressway and brand new extensive graffiti is on the north walls east of College Point Boulevard. Besides the illegible scribble, the graffiti-ist proudly and defiantly wrote "5 AM". It must have taken him 5 -10 minutes out in plain view. And no one sees him doing this at that hour?
holy shit some sick bastards are in the park at night killing animals, god helps us all, if next it's a humans and we are arguing about nonsense.....
why doesn't the city cops do more to stop this and i'm surprised the animal nuts haven't been to bloomturds office complaining.
crapper this has to be the nastiest shit so far.....
Too much fruit maybe..."Ital girl"
...might account for your loose
Hold back on the bran a little too.
Isnt multiculturalisn great ?
Whats next monkey meat & muitilation on 14 year old girls like in Africa ?
All the Bees are getting stoned from all the pot plants on Jackson Heights roofs.
The bees are not making it back to the hives to take care the young.
These people the Mayor keep importing are going to kill us all Im telling ya.
I have cereal with skim milk and fruit everyday.
Thats what I have.
Usually Fresh Grits with chilled apple sauce in the middle.
Sausages give you colin cancer and Lamb smells like dead roadkill.
The smell of Lamp cooking makes me cunsulsive vomit how can anybody eat that stuff !!!
I was in Astoria playing a party with my band just after Easter.
I got so sick I couldnt play & people thaught I OD'd on drugs or was poisened
There were freshly skinned goats heads in windows acroos my friend Georges Music store. The smell was unexplainable
To be honest, I think a diet full of meat is pretty disgusting.
I'm more picky than cat when it comes to food.
To all you carnivores out there, I'll likely live longer than you. So HA!
Looks like a vegetarian is on her high horse, and wishes to display her "moral superiority"... Human beings have evolved over hundreds of thousands of years by eating meat.
And sacrifice of animals has been part of that meat-eating tradition in most cultures worldwide. So, while we're criticizing those "high horse-riders" with their "moral superiority," why don't we also look in the mirror, Wadey-poo?
And sacrifice of animals has been part of that meat-eating tradition in most cultures worldwide.
Cannibalism was also part of humanity, are you willing to defend that also?
What's your point? You're OK with people sacrificing animals in public parks?
So, while we're criticizing those "high horse-riders" with their "moral superiority," why don't we also look in the mirror, Wadey-poo?
Again, what's your point? Last I checked, eating meat is still legal, and freedom of speech is still in the U.S. Constitution.
I don't perform any mumbo jumbo rituals, I just enjoy my meat!
As the bumper sticker says: "I Love Animals.....They're Delicious!"
Although I must say, I'd sure love to build a large bonfire in a public park late at night, tie you up to a spit, crank up some Black Sabbath music, sacrifice and roast you, and enjoy the feast!
I'm with "Italian girl"... I'm not a full vegetarian but I choose not eat mammals...any animal group that nurses it's young.
It's a somewhat of a religious and compassionate thing with me.
Fish & foul , veggies, grains only.
By the way DUMMY...during those years of human evolution hunters (and their village groups) ate animals that were FREE RANGE...not pumped up with carcinogenic hormones!
Live long & prosper.
Now if yo want a real he-man diet...
eat your local crooked pols.
(No sexual reference please).
Cannibalism has its rewards in this case but your BM the next morning will be a real doosie!
Although I must say, I'd sure love to build a large bonfire in a public park late at night, tie you up to a spit, crank up some Black Sabbath music, sacrifice and roast you, and enjoy the feast!
Leave it to Wadey-poo to turn a conversation about meat consumption and coincident animal sacrifice into a warped paean to cannibalism.
Actually the conversation was about animal sacrifices and someone turned it into an anti-meat thread. Veering off-topic is what you folks always seem to do whenever I post something.
So, so sorry Crappy. It will never happen again.
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