From NY1:
Police Commissioner Ray Kelly said Tuesday that the New York City Police Department will have to cancel the January 2010 police class as a result of budget cuts.
City Council members promised to fight the cuts.
"All agencies are not created equal. We learned that. I thought we had learned that lesson and we are going to have to revisit it yet again," said City Councilman Vincent Ignizio.
This boy wonder sure knows how to hold a city together with its basic services. Did you fire any of your well paid staff yet mister pathetic mayor?
Get in your orders for bars on your windows and doors as during the Dinkens administration.
Mayor Bloomberg should also hire his own security staff as an example to the rich folks whom will need their own soon. Sort of like in Mexico City, Si Si Senor!
Naturally the Commissar would cut cops (as well as firehouses) because they directly serve the citizens of this city without hesitation.
The Commissar wants to keep his own caterer on our payroll at nearly $200,000 because she serves him alone, and she refuses to do anything for the rest of us, on his order.
"Let them eat cake", whines hizzoner!
Police protection isn't being cut in his neighborhood!
I guess many will consider packing some sort of piece for personal protection soon.
And we'll need to organize some private fire brigades too.
It sounds like it's back to the 19th century of Boss Tweed's days...eh Commissar Bloomberg?
cuts cuts cuts cuts o lets buid willets point
wow doe's this guy have to go
cut what the people need most police,fire, education so we will accept a tax increase just to keep our basic services , he will never cut the pork in the budget like his top staff where salaries have been increased he really knows how to screw the people.
Come this November,
Welcome Back Carter!
Mayor Bloomberg should also hire his own security staff as an example to the rich folks whom will need their own soon. Sort of like in Mexico City, Si Si Senor!
Sí, Se Puede!!!!
Come this November,
2012 - Ron Paul!!!!
And I always thought it was Welcome Back Kotter.
2012 - Barack Obama!!!
And I always thought it was Welcome Back Kotter.
The joke is a bit above your salary grade.
See here:
Can't you even PRETEND to be a nice guy. If not for a whole day, but even for a single post?
Can't you even PRETEND to be a nice guy. If not for a whole day, but even for a single post?
Oh come on! I've had a few threads where I "played nice".....now let me find those......this might take a few hours.......
You, my friend, are a cyberbully.
I'd bet 100 bucks you are a WUSS in person.
"2012 - Barack Obama"
for what? mayor?
Jan 2010 is half way through the next physcal year. A lot can happen before then. Sound slike a scare tactic to lubricate the taxpayers.
Shuttered hospitals, cancelled Police Academy classes, but we know what really counts--luxury skyboxes in the new Shea and Yankee Stadiums. More bread and circuses while Rome is burning! We should all hang our heads. New York, and America in general has become a laughing-stock. The Depression generation would not have been caught dead funding such horse-sh#t.
this is a good thing. the NYPD is a drain on resources and are only there to harass citizens and to issue fines and parking tickets. w are better off with private security and allowing people to have guns in their home as deterrents. neighborhood watch, etc...
"Shuttered hospitals, cancelled Police Academy classes, but we know what really counts--luxury skyboxes in the new Shea and Yankee Stadiums. More bread and circuses while Rome is burning! We should all hang our heads. New York, and America in general has become a laughing-stock. The Depression generation would not have been caught dead funding such horse-sh#t."
Very, very well said.
"this is a good thing. the NYPD is a drain on resources and are only there to harass citizens and to issue fines and parking tickets. w are better off with private security and allowing people to have guns in their home as deterrents. neighborhood watch, etc..."
I have a lot of problems with the NYPD. Beyond that, this City is MUCH better than it was in the 70's and early 80's. That is in large part due to the NYPD. Hoping for a 'private security' force is like hoping that Santa tucks you into bed tonite. Get real.
2012 - Ron Paul!!!!
Thats surprising consideering that a lot of your posts sound to the right and Ron Paul is not that at all. The Republicans did their best to marginalize him and not listen to a thing he said, just like they and democrats did to Kucinich.
Ron Paul would be excellent to oversee NOT handing out money to countries like Columbia,Pakistan,Israel,Saudi Arabia,Azerbijan,Georgia, and on and on at billions a year in military gear and cash handouts. He would actually care about the U.S. first instead of his own political career.
Thats surprising consideering that a lot of your posts sound to the right and Ron Paul is not that at all.
To the right in what manner? Point out where I defended: Iraq, Bush, Cheney, etc. etc.
I think you're making a simple mistake - just because I attack something on the left, doesn't necessarily imply I support something on the right.
Politics is all about supporting the LEAST WORST candidate. To me, Ron Paul is that man. I don't agree with EVERYTHING he says. But he's definitely the least worst of the whole bunch.
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