The standard Motor Products factory in Long Island City once buzzed with the sounds of heavy machines molding, stamping and pounding metal into parts to make cars go.
Today, those sounds are gone from the century-old factory - and the company's auto parts are made in Mexico.
But the sprawling building on the corner of Northern Blvd. and 39th St. is being reborn on the strength of one of the few local industries that has accelerated amid the deepening recession - film and television production.
The cavernous space that once churned out distributor caps and ignition parts is now home to a fledgling 55,000-square-foot production studio, where the independent movies "Coach" and "A New York Thing" were recently filmed.
Developer Jeff Rosenblum, who bought the building last year from Standard Motor, said his vision for the factory bucks the recent redevelopment model that has dominated the city.
Bad news.
---More California people to gentrify vote Democrat and give us up the wazoo.
That industry is just as bad as politics if not worse.
1-They only hire their own
2-You cant get a real movie made or even financed in New York or Ca unless the producer is Jewish.
I was an actor and a musician; it’s the dirtiest backstabbing MF industry on the planet.
I was banished because I refused to "play ball" and let people steal my money, song publishing, take crap or turn my head when people were getting abused.
---I could go on and on
This Jew and his studio is not a welcome sight at all.
The IATSE and IA mobsters will strong arm the dozen or so from the area that get hired and take 40% straight out of their pay checks.
I rather see a LED lamp or Solar Cell factory.
Shit Long Island last GOOD product was the F-14.
---Not Alec Baldwin or Lindsay Lohan.
Maybe Joe You should have been with an independent label or out out your CD's so you keep the profits.
As far as a car factory leaving or anything to do with it, go ask Flint Michigan residents who lost 10,000 jobs,(their houses) and many other auto workers how they feel as their jobs have been shipped to Mexico and South east Asia since 1981. The top executives cant make the extra 5 million a year without the fabricated Public Relations and out sourcing. Thats robber barron corportae greed that comes back to haunt.
Bad news.
---More California people to gentrify vote Democrat and give us up the wazoo.
The number of "California people" who'll move here as a result of this is minimal -as in zero. Since Mayor Lindsey simplified the processes of filming here in the 1960s, NYC has a huge pool of local talent.
California people can't stand the weather here either.
"2-You cant get a real movie made or even financed in New York or Ca unless the producer is Jewish."
Well you can move to my second city; Bangkok -huge media industry, it has become the New York City of Asia..and no Jews...well almost..
"I was an actor and a musician; it’s the dirtiest backstabbing MF industry on the planet."
Nah, common office politics are worse. I worked in the industry first as a child actor/model and later as tech, on and off Broadway, I was in one of the unions you mentioned and yeah, they were good at taming both mafia and the Westies back in Featherstone's days.
"I rather see a LED lamp or Solar Cell factory."
-But what you would get are more condos.
One way to look at this is to see that media is the new "product" of NYC. Where I live (UES) there are shoots going on almost continually -there is currently one on Madison ave in the 80s. It's much more recession-proof then traditional manufacturing and a lot cleaner.
"Thats robber barron corportae greed"
You cant pay american union wages and expect to buy your car for less than $20,000. The unions are what killed the industry, not corporate greed. That is why what little manufacturing is done here, is done in lower cost states like Alabama, Tenessee, etc. They car makers are able to pay the workers less, but still far more than workers in Mexico. I am not saying its a good thing, it obviously isnt, we need to bring manufacturing back to the US, but these are the reasons this industry is no Longer in NY and barely in the US.
Joe You should have been with an independent label
Independent labels are useless.
1-They cant pay
2-They usually dont have 1 Million dollars to pay the indie to get each artist they have on station play list.
(Payola is illegel so indies are used as middle man between the record companys & broadcast playlist depts so they can pretend they dont know each other)
Disney, Warner TV radio stations already play 75% their own product. Including music used on those horrible fake prime time realiety contest shows
My band was was doing world wide tours in 1982. Thats where you see the $$$
I was 22 and living next door to Vanna White on Hollywood Hill (and in a bigger house).
In general in 2008 it cost 1.5 Million dollars to get a song on the radio.
Bill Clinton really F_ things up when he passed the telecommunications act of 95 without reading it.
It allowed companys like Clear Channel to buy almost every radio station in every city. Today you could still drive Queens to California and hear the same songs (playlists) on your car radio
Anyway most of my last stuff stuff was soundtrack and Ghost playing & writing for 18 year old new "Monkees" (if you get my drift)as well as all the T&A selling sneakers and threads you see on MTV, Disney Channel.
"Herbie Fully Loaded" and its "loaded" star was the last straw.
I have a farm and do pool and building mantinence out on the North Fork now.
Nice people, my daughter goes to school with good kids, teachers.
No more garbage following her home or wolf calling in Mattituck.
They still pledge the flag and dont have off on Jewish Holidays out there.
The Town of Southold is still over 99% 3 generation Polish, Italian, German and Irish (in that order)
I still play on the N Fork during the summer.
oh, Joe's a hick!
The town of Southold is made up of hicks, rednecks, racists, and bigots (in no particular order).
"Bill Clinton really F_ things up when he passed the telecommunications act of 95 without reading it.
It allowed companys like Clear Channel to buy almost every radio station in every city"
Let's get some perspective here:
The 1996 Telcom Act was drawn up by a _Republican_ Congress and passed in the wake of the Dec 1995 government shutdown, Bill Clinton was still in survival mode. The republicans -wanted- major consolidations because it would lead to larger, more conservative ownership.
The assertion that CC "owns almost every radio station" is wrong, there are at present just over 14.600 AM/FM stations in North America. Clear Channel, by far the biggest owner, owns just over 1200. It's current owners Bain Capital-Thomas H. Lee Partners
have seen the company's stock plummet to approx 11 cents.
It and most of the other major owners have been served warnings that they will be de-listed from the NYSE as they are now penny stocks. Look for bankruptcies and fire sales soon.
You are thrashing around trying to blame Democrats for policies and and attitudes fostered by Republicans.
Not talking abot CC today
Its doesnt matter which crook or "crooks" drafted the 1996 Telcom Act, who pretended not to know each other, election airtime payola etc.
Its was Bill Clintons hand and pen that made it legel.
Bildo was to busy wondering who his next BJ was going to come from to read pages 60-70.
Within 2 years Clear Channel owned most the radio stations and concert venues (SFX Entertainment) in the United States, even wrestled the Nassau county executive for the Jones beach marine theater. (I had a front row seat with that F_ fiasco. They stole the place at gunpoint from Chip Quigley a personal long time friend of mine.
Ticket prices went from $17to $60+ plus Ticketmaster charges.
1996 Telcom Act did NOTHING for the baby Bell companys.
We are still stuck with Verizon, ATT, Sprint and they are the biggest they ever been.
"Ant said...
oh, Joe's a hick!
The town of Southold is made up of hicks, rednecks, racists, and bigots (in no particular order)."
So what you are saying basically is: Joe is Southold.
"Bildo was to busy wondering who his next BJ was going to come from to read pages 60-70."
Again, thrashing about. Presidents _do not_ read entire bills as they are presented, they rely on summaries.
In the last months since the economy collapsed, I have heard/read increasingly desperate assertions from The Right via their payed mouthpieces on AM radio. One favorite is to blame the (now) 32 year old Community re investment act for the irresponsible actions of mortgage bankers and investment houses.
Really, they might as well blame Mickey Mouse.
I have enjoyed your posts regarding technical issues (I have an FCC 1st class) but it's clear that you have allowed bitterness and extreme ideology to taint your comments.
One favorite is to blame the (now) 32 year old Community re investment act for the irresponsible actions of mortgage bankers and investment houses.
Really, they might as well blame Mickey Mouse.
I have enjoyed your posts regarding technical issues (I have an FCC 1st class) but it's clear that you have allowed bitterness and extreme ideology to taint your comments.
Ain't that the truth!
people that fail always look for someone else to blame. Joe your a failure.
"Anonymous said...
people that fail always look for someone else to blame. Joe your a failure."
The only racist nutter whose opinion I've ever even considered (only because if I didn't actually think about what he was saying that day, I would've been bored enough to test how far one can stick an ice pick up their nose) was Pat Buchanan.
Joe, you're no Pat Buchanan. Ted Nugent wannabe maybe, but definitely no Pat Buchanan.
I have an FCC 1st class Commercial ticket as well
Also, and a Amateur Extra Class took my CW in 1973 at the Hall of Science.
Have a couple restored Heathkit SB's, Drakes and an Collins R-390 (non a)
---The meters still glow.
BTW Ted Nugent is an ass he talks to much and flips flops more then bozo on immigration.
Many of his his club leaders married illegel wetbacks, Asians and work for him.
Talk about it or call someone out and he kicks you out of his clubhouse.
---F_ing redneck hippocrats.
Joe, just face it....your an asshole.
What's up with the Jew Haters on this site? They should take their white hoods and get the hell out of the NYC area if they feel that way!
Yeah Crappy,
You are definitely well intentioned. But I gotta tell ya, this blog brings out hostility in some of these people that is just misguided rage and doesn't accomplish anything ultimately.
*****What's up with the Jew Haters on this site? They should take their white hoods and get the hell out of the NYC area if they feel that way!
Yes its obvious theres many people on here yelling slurs and thats pathetic because there is real political, and racial favortism in this city like no other place in the country. Its not intelligent to act like that of course, and it hurts someones ability to talk about history of oh say...Israels war crimes and ethnic cleansing when that needs to be said, and it is said in other countries without the dumb rascist comments precluding them.
It was Bill Clinton who knew full well the implications of the telecommunications act and he let Clear Channel run wild buying up everything. Both sides were to blame though.
comments like Joes bring images of hitler era germany to mind. "We failed because of ____ (name your scape goat)"
half truths + speculation + bitterness dont = truth
you are a Tool!
What is wrong for a guy who likely has seen "plenty" to buy a 2nd house in Southold so his daughter can receive both a pleasant and proficient education.
If you guys had any brains you would know both go hand in hand
Perhaps he doesn’t want his kid to have a "multicultural" education. The schools in Queens and Nassau are a total mess with to many disruptive, unruly "ants in the pants" immigrant children. Now teachers have become den mother cops, kids can’t learn, test scores are 3 years behind the average of 1988
The wording may be in bad taste (for some) and nobody has proved the so called "racist" comments incorrect. If words are too harsh for many of these “transplants” and PC police DON’T READ QUEENS CRAP.
New Yorkers TELL IT LIKE IT IS and that’s what makes New York New York….you PC police and transplants want to take that away also right ?
Cow Tipping and Censorship - In
Archie Bunker and NIMBYs - Out
-Right, Got it
"New Yorkers TELL IT LIKE IT IS and that’s what makes New York New York….you PC police and transplants want to take that away also right ?"
Speaking as a life-long, working class New Yorker, that's a piss poor excuse for airing unbridled anger that does nothing for anyone at the end of the day. If you've got a gripe then make it a vehicle for positive change. It's not about censorship because you have every right to say what you want to say here (obviously). You're just pissing about with this censorship thing beacause people are calling you on your prejudicial bullshit. It's like all these right wingnut pundits bleathing about their freedom of speech being thwarted. It's not being thwarted. They are saying the same shit they've said all the while. They just don't like that the negative response to it is getting louder and louder.
So if you dismiss pleas for civil debate or suggestions for positive change as being the thoughts of elitists, you're just looking for more excuses for not thinking things through.
"They are saying the same shit they've said all the while. They just don't like that the negative response to it is getting louder and louder."
I think they could say the same about you.
-Joe said...
Bad news.
That industry is just as bad as politics if not worse.
1-They only hire their own
2-You cant get a real movie made or even financed in New York or Ca unless the producer is Jewish.
This Jew and his studio is not a welcome sight at all.
Gee. Why is it that I feel absolutely NO sympathy for you?
Yeah Crappy,
You are definitely well intentioned. But I gotta tell ya, this blog brings out hostility in some of these people that is just misguided rage and doesn't accomplish anything ultimately.
And don't expect Crappy to ever come out and denounce the racism.
I don't waste my time debating small-minded idiots. It should be a policy you adopt as well.
Point taken.
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