The document provides a rare glimpse of the long-suspected co-mingling of official, publicly financed Senate duties and the Senate Republicans' privately financed political activities.
Makes no different the country is already F_ed.
We already have 435 people in the US House and 100 more in the US Senate more interested in buying votes to stay in power than they were in the fiscal health of the entire nation.
Im convinced to the folks in elected office, WE don't matter, the country dont matter. The only thing that matters to them is getting and keeping power.
They stole the social security trust fund and looted countless other government reserves. The bastards sold all the analog TV frequencys and now tell us there is no more $$ for Digital converter box rebates.
Yet they continue to create new give-aways for the undeserving piece of sh*t as well as lazy good for nothing bloodsucking parasites .
....people so the lazy and undeserving it was the only way to buy the votes to keep them in office.
Congress has succeeded in utterly destroying the USA, by selling us out into oblivion.
Best thing is plan for the future and remember what happened to the Roman Empire.
History repeates itself !
That right $50 billion dollars of OUR money that was in trust is now gone.
Those converter box rebates are now worthless.
Not one PEEP on the TV news.
I bet the next step is to make broadcast TV reception addressable and taxable with these digital boxes.
For how many years has this state been a single party state?
For how many years have Republicans been licking the shoes of Democrats, like dogs at dinnertime, begging for some scraps?
What was the most recent original, imaginative, legislative proposal that would benefit NY state or city taxpayers? How about in the last 20 years?
When a sports team is caught throwing games, the punishment is disqualification from further league play. Why is the Republican party permitted to continue to even appear on any ballot?
Explosive? Something new here - this is NYS bro.........
the republican party is dead as we knew it.
and you have your greedy-ass selves to blame for it.
motherf#@*ing republicans who only cared about making $$ at any cost. and now you're going to pay. we all are.
we now enter the era of being more inclined to help the poor instead of the rich. good.
hopefully you rich f%#@s saved your $$. asswipes.
"we now enter the era of being more inclined to help the poor instead of the rich. good."
I really have no use for lazy, sellout Republicans, but, how is helping the poor related to Republicanism?
The wealthiest politicians at all levels of government happen to belong to the Democrat party.
Poor people do not start a business that can employ people; prosperous to wealthy people do that.
You want to help poor people? Make it easy for prosperous and wealthy people to open and expand business that employs people. Call that "helping the rich" if that helps you emotionally, but it is actually helping the less-than-wealthy.
Got a pension? A 401K? Your own stocks and bonds? You're invested in the rich. They're the moneymakers. Have insurance? A mortgage? A car loan? Wealthy people again - circulating money - making it from you, and allowing your hopes and dreams to come true.
Hate the rich all you desire. Next time you want money, ask a poor person for it.
By the way, what is this leftist obsession about rich-poor? Why the leftist obsession that government must compel charitable contributions from one income level of people to another?
Has anyone ever prevented you from donating any amount of money - all of it, if you want - to charitable organizations who help the poor? Why can you not sell all you have and give to the poor? Who stops you from having poor people live in your home or apartment? Why can't you exchange places with a homeless family, letting them have your residence and possessions, including all your money, while you live under a bridge?
There are no laws preventing you from helping the poor with all you have, so why are you not working to persuade all the people you know from joining with you to follow you in giving all you have to the poor?
Why do you see compulsive charity as the only way to help?
The wealthiest politicians at all levels of government happen to belong to the Democrat party.
Patently false. Unless, of course, you care to back up your assertion with some good old-fashioned facts.
Hate the rich all you desire. Next time you want money, ask a poor person for it.
This is where your reasoning leads you? Time to replace your logic circuit, Taxpayer.
Bill Clinton’s “Chicken in every Pot” and deregulation allowed to many people to live beyond their means and the suits to take advantage of the commissions on it all.
All the TOP BRASS of those banks knew they would never get paid back and set themselves up off shore with $$ billions for retirement
I have no debt, all my houses and cars are paid for. I saw this scam-opoly coming 10 years ago under that POS Bildo
I yanked all my bonds, stocks and CD at the beginning of this summer.
All my friends who tried to get me to "invest" with their brother in-law Wall Street gambelers lost everything. There kids college $$$ included.
However the gamblers in this case got to keep the commissions.
People called me a cheapskate pessimist who didn’t believe in debt or trust anybody that sports a Rolex or a suite.
Mad fun of my old cars.
Now they cry in there Caddy SUV's and want to borrow money from me.
This collapse is a big problem for me. NO LOANS...I beleive loaning people $$ only delays the inevitable and F_s yourself in the end.
The big crash is coming, wait till 3 million tweeds go hungry and start banging on doors in the suburbs.
If people think Katrina was bad.....Oh Boy.
I see this coming as well
"I have no debt, all my houses and cars are paid for. I saw this scam-opoly coming 10 years ago under that POS Bildo"
So in your mind this all Bubba's fault? Uh, I don't think so. Whatever Bill started, W. let go out of control.
"This collapse is a big problem for me. NO LOANS...I beleive loaning people $$ only delays the inevitable and F_s yourself in the end."
I kinda agree with you on that one. People shouldn't have borrowed the money that they did. But what were they supposed to do when the price for a shack was 700K?
"The big crash is coming, wait till 3 million tweeds go hungry and start banging on doors in the suburbs."
I fear you may be right. I'm already reading about a spike in bank robberies, car thefts, burglaries etc...
Are you suggesting, georgetheatheist, that we all start robbing banks? Or that we snipe Dubya? Why you treasonous little devil, you!
I kinda agree with you on that one. People shouldn't have borrowed the money that they did. But what were they supposed to do when the price for a shack was 700K?
Not buy it?
And what was the alternative? Rent a shack for $2,000 a month? Don't you think it's a waste?
And what was the alternative? Rent a shack for $2,000 a month? Don't you think it's a waste?
Live within your means.
For how many years has this state been a single party state?
Is Taxpayer lamenting that NY has been a Republican state for too long? Wonder of wonders!
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