Here we go again. These cards are being handed out at area high schools.

Located at 618 Fairview Avenue in Ridgewood. See if you can find a permit to convert this knitting mill into a lounge. See also if you can find a health dept inspection for this place.
Liquor license is pending. Check out the MySpace page of the underage dweeb running the show and see if you get the feeling that they plan to serve alcohol.
If you receive or see similar postcards, please send them to Queens Crap. Ditto for the prostitution calling cards that are being handed out at subways.
UPDATE, 4:30PM: I have been contacted by the owner who says the party has been "cancelled by the FBI".
I know this sucks. Although most of the knitting we're Illegal also. Non' Union and knocking off brands names, which the NYPD has a agency to stop that kind of practice. Also , I'm sure most of the younger people in our area will be there, can't stop that. It's not like kids from Jersey are coming. That's just the way it is. Sad, but could be worse.... trust me.
Just hope that responsible parents keep there kids away.. (DO YOU HEAR THIS PARENTS OF MIDDLE VILLAGE , WHO SPOIL THEIR KIDS)
Uh... what's the problem here??
What is the State Liquor Authority (SLA), Queens Community Board # 5, DOB, or the Dept. of Health, or the NYPD, or, for that matter, the Commissar Death and Taxes doing to verify that everything here is entirely legal and that no underage patrons will be served (or carry in) any alcoholic beverages?
The answer to that depends on who has paid off who.
underage drinking occurs all over the maspeth area look at the woodside tavern in maspeth got raided wednesday night and it was loaded with underage kids . To top it off the owner of the bar is a teacher at christ the king
This is Queens.
And they tell us we compete with Manhattan.
So what. Let the kids have some fun.
You people should get a life.
Previous comment posted by a piece of white trash from Middle Village South. (Mugsy, perhaps?)
The Woodside Tavern story needs looking into. Teacher at what H.S.? Hmmm...As for the whore's party--they picked this weekend, no accident. Very similar to the one a while back near the Red Zone that Crappy helped prevent, perhaps saving a life or lives--you never know.
Actually the other was at Metronome, two doors down from Red Zone.
I have been told that a slew of agencies have been contacted about this latest venue.
how is that tacky ad with the lady with a fat ass supposed to entice anyone?
"So what. Let the kids have some fun.
You people should get a life."
These kids are underage, yes underage as in stupid and dumb who go out and drink and kill someone or themselves.
I can't believe they're handing out this garbage at a high school. Can't the school's principal put a stop to it?
got 4 more lines, meet me on Metro
This is a serious matter, underage drinking in our neighborhods--much of it at people's homes (Dear parents, ...). The larger issue is people thinking laws do not matter. Driver's license? Liquor license; fire laws? They matter. How did this end up last night, I ask?
Actually, it's scheduled for tonight. But according to an e-mail I received from someone purporting to be the owner, it's been cancelled. I updated the post yesterday when I got his e-mail.
was there any substance to the woodside tavern story posted in a previous comment here?
what christ the king high school teacher owns woodside tavern?
Didn't you all go to parties and drink when you were minors? CB5 doesn't have any legal night clubs, does it?
maspeth mom says
Oh yeah the "anonymous" jerk who lets his kids drink and drive - Oh yeah its all fun and game until YOUR kid get hurt. You stupid one brain cell amoeba.
So I take it that none of you went to parties where they served alcohol (that you consumed) when you were 18?
How come you always delete any negative posting about the JPCA?
Hey Crappy, Dennis Pee Gallagher, the pink-colored grand-motherfucker perv is in the building.
There are other blogs out there where you are welcome to beat up on volunteers. This isn't one of them.
"So I take it that none of you went to parties where they served alcohol (that you consumed) when you were 18?"
The point is it was illegal back then (for most of us) and it is now.
Hey Crappy, Dennis Pee Gallagher, the pink-colored grand-motherfucker perv is in the building.
You guys all drank underage hypocrites.Go cure something more important.
let the kids drink!
maspeth mom says
Have you been to the hospital to see a kid hooked up to tubes and a breathing machine, that has been injured in a drunken driving car wreck. It doesnt just kill people - it kills families.
There is no way underage drinking can be justified.
And if you think giving kids liquor is okay you have the morals of a street dog and are missing most of your brain (probably from drinking)
"You guys all drank underage hypocrites.Go cure something more important."
Yes Crappy, I agree, we should address the problem of elder abuse and the pervs who prey upon them.
JOHN SCALFARO from the Physical Education Department at Christ the King Regional High School owns the Woodside Tavern.
Because the place is run by Maltese, Ognibene and their in-bred board of trustees?
Scalfaro at CK?
Yeah, we're CK parents and we know about him.
Now that the voters got rid of Maltese in the Senate and the old fart has no real job, he'll have nothing better to do than make sure that any bad news regarding CK and its faculty is fixed to his taste, like he did with HIS unjustified firing of Elizabeth Lawlor, the HS's best principal.
Seems like alot of people associated with Christ the King HS have moral and sexual issues. Really weird - Must be that oppressive and unimpressive Catholic environment.
The FBI is always c**ck-blocking my whore parties.
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