But Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-Queens/Brooklyn) urged Mayor Bloomberg to loosen restrictions so that even more eligible New Yorkers can receive benefits.
"There is more that needs to be done to lower the barriers to getting food assistance," said Weiner, who is expected to battle Bloomberg for mayor next year.
Weiner fears thousands of needy families aren't applying for them because of a fingerprinting requirement.
"Imagine what you can do to if you reduced the obstacles further," Weiner said.
Joel Berg of the New York City Coalition Against Hunger agreed.
Struggling families must take time off from work to provide fingerprints "just to provide evidence that they are not criminals," Berg said.
Food stamps soar in the hungry city
HA HA HA HA HA!!! Time off from work? Sorry, but that's a real kneeslapper.
If people are getting by without being dependent on the government, why would we encourage them to do the opposite? Oh, that's right...it's that tweeding thing again. Weiner, have you met the Doorman?
Just for all you racists who cannot wait to respond to the crappers obviously politicly biased and probably bigoted commentary please note that according to the map above the commentary the region that has the highest amount of eligible welfare recipents is the same exact place that voted the strogest for John McCain.
Think about it....
There still are food "stamps"? All I see at the supermarket check-out is plastic being proferred.
Panem et circenses. BREAD and circuses. The Fall of the Roman Empire here we come.
Let's give everybody food stamps! With the way the economy is deteriorating, we'll all need them soon. No fingerprinting. We wouldn't want law enforcement to know that criminals and illegal aliens are among us. This government is such a joke. When is someone going to have the balls to end all this waste and inefficiency? No one has the guts to enforce the laws. It's ridiculous! Thanks for the heads up on Weiner. I will never vote for him!
"Just for all you racists who cannot wait to respond to the crappers obviously politicly biased and probably bigoted commentary please note that according to the map above the commentary the region that has the highest amount of eligible welfare recipents is the same exact place that voted the strogest for John McCain. Think about it...."
Don't know what your politically biased bullshit is about. You can't even read that map correctly. The map shows the percentages of poor who actually partake in the food stamp program. Washington D.C. has the highest number of those who do so. And I am certainly sure McCain was not their top pick.
Now as to Queens, the largest group applying for government benefits over the last 20 years has been Eastern Europeans. Shame on you for assuming we're talking about minorities. Now who's the racist?
Great, more dependency on Uncle Sam, just what our elected officials want. We are playing right into their hands!!!!
Weiner might be a closet "well red" if you know what I mean.
I believe it was the group ACORN, in the 1960's, who wanted to enroll as many people as possible onto the welfare rolls. The intention was to flood the system, and eventually bankrupt our capitalist system, leading to establishment of a communist state.
Maybe Weiner has the same idea in mind?
Anyone ever seen him reading "The Daily Worker"?
In this terrible economy our officials are supposed to find ways to trim the fat and SAVE money, not invent new ways to spend money and fill the void with new taxes. Doesn't Weiner get it? Hope he doesn't run for mayor. Glad he is showing his stupidity early on.
Crappy you know you hate everyone thats not white.
Since when do you like people who have not lived in Queens for at least two generations?
Was that D.C. comment alluding to the fact that you are not totally racist, that you only dislike black people?
I didn't realize I hate everyone that's not white. In fact, I am the only blogger to feature stories about and praise the leadership of predominately black southeastern Queens for fighting against overdevelopment in their area. I am also the only blogger in Queens who has spoken out against the exploitation and murder of immigrants and illegal aliens by developers looking to save a few bucks. The D.C. comment was interpretation of the chart, with knowledge of the fact that Washington D.C. votes heavily for Democrats. Try to have some fun today. The sun is out.
Crappy kicks butt! Crappy rules!
Weiner is simply arguing for a greater share of eligible families in NY to receive food assistance. This strikes me as a position to be encouraged from our representatives and not just another opportunity to engage in late 1990s anti-public assistance rhetoric.
Before giving out more food stamps, more welfare and other freebies, first our politicians need to weed out the scum bags who are cheating the system by working jobs that pay "under the table", and doing other crap to screw over those of us who actually work off a livng.
The people working jobs that pay under the table are not the ones cheating. They are being cheated. The ones cheating are the employers who, when paying under the table avoid paying their share for workers compensation, unemployment, and social security tax. By avoiding these taxes and fees, they operate at an unfair advantage over legitimate businesses. When workers are paid under the table, they are usually paid less than minimum wage, receive no overtime pay or other protections provided by labor laws.
By encouraging food stamp use, we are helping hard working families - mostly young children - avoid hunger and food insecurity. We are also bringing much needed federal dollars into a struggling city economy. Food is usually purchased close to home.
Queens Legal Services can prescreen for food stamp eligibility and help complete the application minimizing your contact with the welfare office. Call 718-392-5646 x. 36. For wage and hour questions call 718-657-8611.
Help us help Queens residents. Make a tax deductible donation.
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