When the City Council, by a count of 29 yeas to 22 nays, decided to approve an amendment to the term limits law last month, Vallone voted in favor.
"The bad news is, I won't be your next borough president. The good news is I will be able to run again," Vallone told Community Board 1 at the board's November meeting. He had been a candidate for borough president but will now seek re-election to the council.
Vallone Was Torn On Term Limits
Bad news for District 22, good news for the rest of Queens. And who really believes he thought long and hard about this? He represents Astoria and his last name is Vallone. What did he have to lose by voting "yes"?
All 51 council members were keeping very strict numbers on all the phone calls, emails and letters that were coming in against voting for term limits. 95% of all the calls, emails and letters were against the vote and told their appropriate council member so. Each council member kept very precise notes with names, addresses and phone numbers along with the way they wanted their council member to vote as their representative. When these council members say that they voted for their constituents the more of a lie they are speaking.
I have filed 29 Freedom of Request forms to each council member that voted for the measure to see the actual numbers of how many people contacted them to tell them to vote no on the bill. I am hoping that the Freedom of Information request will not only overwhelmingly show that most constituents were against the vote but it will also give us real numbers to show how far these council members went against their own constituents wish and how thoughtless these council members really are when the numbers are finally released.
It seems that they are dragging their feet with the numbers and I will be filing an order to show cause as to why I believe that the city council is stone walling my efforts of getting this information in a timely manner and how they are trying to cover up these numbers, so they are not used against the council members when they go to run for office next year. It is very important that we vote out all 29 council members out of their seat for going against the will of the people. This is going to be a battles like never seen before because we plan to go against all 29 that voted the mayors way.
Please keep this story going so that people will not get tired of hearing it so that next year they will be pissed of so much so that they wee unseat as many of them as we can to send a message back to them about how the misrepresented the constituents and we are letting you know how we feel though our votes.
"What did he have to lose by voting "yes"?"
He would have lost the money being spent by Commissar Death and Taxes!
can someone provide us with more information on the $1.8 million they got from bloomberg?
is this true?
why did they get it?
is this story being killed in the local press?
is this a bribe?
It is very important that we vote out all 29 council members out of their seat for going against the will of the people.
This will be impossible. The local press is a mouthpiece of the machine.
As long as they publish this:
instead of this:
the clueless seniors, authority awed peasants, and happily funded tweeded will vote for a yellow dog if the machine ran one.
This hits the nail on the head:
Putting this on astorians.com was one of the reason the machine threw me off.
"Funny, my father and brother are both bald but I have a full head of hair!" Amazing!
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