“This is my corner and this is my business,” said Mr. Hiletzaris, pointing to his building as he stood on the sidewalk. “My job is to keep people from out front of the building.”
As he spoke, a Salvation Army truck pulled up to the curb to serve the laborers hot lunches of chicken and rice. Mr. Hiletzaris asked the driver to move.
Before he could get a reply, Mr. Hiletzaris spotted a passing police car. He flagged it down and asked the officers to disperse the group of men. The officers refused and drove off, but the driver of the Salvation Army truck moved the vehicle across the street anyway.
For Day Laborers, an Intersection of Fear
"Although police cars passed the crowd of laborers without incident on this Tuesday morning, the arrests have stoked fear of deportation among the men, many of them illegal immigrants from Latin America.
“I’m afraid now they will send me back to my country,” said a 21-year-old from El Salvador wearing a baseball hat with “Brooklyn” embroidered on the front."
It is impossible to be an "illegal immigrant". An immigrant is a person from a foreign country who asked and was given permission to enter this country and stay for a set period of time and do a limited number of things.
Say the words: "illegal alien". It is a term used by all nations to give the legal description of an invader from a foreign nation. An alien can be returned - deported - at will by the victim of the invasion. All nations have similar laws. Mexico shoots to kill any invaders from south of its border - Guatemala - men, women and children - it's a crude but somewhat effective method of border control. Mexico doesn't want foreigners taking jobs from Mexican citizens.
To the 21-year old from El Salvador: Stay afraid that "they" (us) will send you back to your country. Take your hat with you.
We're on the verge of economic collapse - joblessness and bankruptcies are trending up, and we're supposed to care about ignorant, lazy slobs who take jobs from willing Americans? Time to send them all back on a bus with Commissar Death and Taxes.
All he had to do was bribe the cops with a "C" note once every couple of months and New York's "finest" would have done their jobs and dispersed the laborers!
We often bribe our sanitation workers to do their jobs in my hood with holiday gifts and the like.
Think of it as a tip to get a good table in a restaurant.
Ah... or like an added surtax for receiving municipal services which are supposed to be provided from regular taxes.
True dat... after being respectfully addressed as "officer", police love money even more!
Thank you clubhouse.
Tweeded aliens are the mothers milk of the machine.
Careful if you complain the machine will take your taxes not for services (that is declining - we have an economic emergency, remember?) and find money for ... a shape up hall!!
is it not funny that the opinions of the residents and taxpayers and citizens are not important?
the piece is written totally from the perspective of the democratic party machine.
i guess the rest of you just don't count: how does it feel to be invisble?
ignorant, lazy slobs who take jobs from willing Americans
a little harsh,.. no? These people are doing the jobs that no "American" wants to do and thinks is too menial and underpaying to do.
They are hardly lazy. A lazy person sits in their apartment and stares at people on the sidewalk all day.
It's time to sweep these aliens off the streets. There is an inglesia (church) on the corner of 69th & Roosevelt. Why not use that as a gathering hall? Let them congregate there. Since the police or the federal government don't care that they are breaking the laws of our country, at least they won't be urinating in the streets that we have to pass everyday on our way to work.
These people are doing the jobs that no "American" wants to do and thinks is too menial and underpaying to do.
It angers me to see shit like this. Dreamed up and pushed by someone with an agenda, but who snears at the real America, the America that I grew up in and still exists out there beyond the lights of the media.
Never ever tell an American that any work is beneath their dignity. If there is a job to be done, no matter how dirty, there is an American to do it - with pride - with his head held high.
We don't need someone to come in and run our country for us. We have done one hell of a job for hundreds of years thank you.
They are not "Day Laborors" or 'Illegels"
Xenophobes unite!
taxpayer said...
"We're on the verge of economic collapse - joblessness and bankruptcies are trending up, and we're supposed to care about ignorant, lazy slobs who take jobs from willing Americans? Time to send them all back on a bus with Commissar Death and Taxes"
I don't think they are ALL lazy. Well, maybe some are. But I have a feeling with Americans falling on hard times, there won't be such a demand for day laborers, landscapers, cleaning ladies etc... People are going to have to give up a lot of luxuries. If there's no jobs, these illegals won't have any reason to stay. And maybe they'll tell their relatives back home not to bother coming.
-joe said...
"They are not "Day Laborors" or 'Illegels"
Joe that's a huge generalization. Americans can be criminals and carry their share of diseases too. The U.S. has to shut down it's borders. This is the only way to keep out the undesirables. You want to come here, come here LEGALLY like everyone else.
Xenophobes unite!
Xenophbe: A word conjured up by liberal elitists designed to put down anyone with the audacity to speak up against their moronic socialist propaganda, and the imposing of their destructive failing social programs on what was once a productive and flourishing society. See also Archie Bunkers, Archie Bunkerism.
All he had to do was bribe the cops with a "C" note once every couple of months and New York's "finest" would have done their jobs and dispersed the laborers!
Annonymous #1, I don't know how or if police corruption is an issue here, but I do know for a fact that the NYPD is strictly forbidden by the federal government, the courts and the Commisar himeslf, from addressing the day laborer mobs that congregate on the streets. All they can do is just drive past them. Trust me, none of the cops I know like this any better than you or I do. As a matter of fact, they qre quite vocal to me about the frustration of not being allowed to deal with the situation at all. Any attempt by them to straighten out these streetwalking criminals would most likely cost them vacation days, a lawsuit or two, or maybe even prosecution and the loss of their job. Imagine being sued, losing your job and home, or possibly going to jail for these illegal slobs!
There are simply not enough jobs to support more people. We do not need and cannot handle more people.
The idea that 'Americans don't want to do these jobs' is preposterous. Americans have been picking up horse shit, washing 80th story windows, and decapitating chickens for as long as I can remember.
Anybody who refutes that the saturation of unskilled laborers has driven down wages in the job markets which employ them is only fooling themself. They simply no longer offer a livable salary.
Will the children of the people who come here to do the 'jobs we don't want' be just as lazy as the rest of us Americans? Will we need to have a never-ending stream of millions of newcomers to do 'these jobs'?
Will the children of the people who come here to do the 'jobs we don't want' be just as lazy as the rest of us Americans? Will we need to have a never-ending stream of millions of newcomers to do 'these jobs'?
Jason, that certainly seems to be what our elected officials want. They simply refuse to admit there is a problem, much less do anything about it.
What the above said about the NYPD being restricted in their enforcement is true. They are not allowed to deal with them.
Xenophbe: A word conjured up by liberal elitists designed to put down anyone with the audacity to speak up against their moronic socialist propaganda, and the imposing of their destructive failing social programs on what was once a productive and flourishing society. See also Archie Bunkers, Archie Bunkerism.
Amen to that brother (or sister?)!
That's why the new definition of "Racist" is someone who's winning an argument with a liberal!
thats what most posters on this site do Italian Girl --
they make broad generalizations of people based on their race or creed or color or country of origin.
Its called prejudice and it is alive and well on this site.
If joe is not a card carrying member of the KKK he is certainly a sympathizer of their beliefs.
Does anyone know what illegal means? You can be as sympathetic to these people as you want, but they are breaking the law. When you break the law you are a criminal. That's what they are. This has nothing to do with racism. It's about the mayor and law enforcement not doing anything about these criminals and about illegal aliens bringing down our quality of life.
Isnt it up to any president to stop letting people in and make it more difficult?Canada has restrictions and policies in place to curb that.
....And who are these people waiting to be hired by.......? It isn't other Mexicans, nor is it Salvadorians etc. No, It is is those "great Americans" who pull up with Rush/Hannity on their AM car radios looking for someone cheap who'll do work around their tacky houses. They are also those righteous republican businessmen who want off-the-books labor for their restaurants, contracting operations etc, along with the guarantee that these workers will never be able to unionize.
Stop hiring them: they go away.
Stop patronizing businesses that hire them: they go away and are replaced with Americans (be prepared to pay more for the products and services).
Otherwise, go back to your sitcoms and ballgames and shut up.
"And who are these people waiting to be hired by.......? It isn't other Mexicans, nor is it Salvadorians etc. No, It is is those "great Americans" who pull up with Rush/Hannity on their AM car radios looking for someone cheap who'll do work around their tacky houses. They are also those righteous republican businessmen who want off-the-books labor for their restaurants, contracting operations etc, along with the guarantee that these workers will never be able to unionize."
Not in Queens, bub. In Queens we have the previous generation of immigrants exploiting the new generation. See previous post about illegal alien who owned construction company and hired another who died at the site.
Hey guys, lets start to take a look at Ugly Betty.
She is the updated poster child for Archie Bunker by the media as the Queens Achtype.
Gotta stop this. We let Archie get away with murder and will not let that hapeen.
What about our government fining the companies who hire these illegals. If you hit them in the pocket, it might send a message to them. Everyone wants a cheap deal, but in essence they are buying slave labor. Wasn't slavery abolished? Time for our law enforcement, city, state and federal government to do something.
Many years ago,at a community bd 1 meeting, residents from the area of bdwy/steinway st,voiced true concern about the rude,crude and lewd behaviour of these poor,downtrodden labourers.
They were congregating mainly by tsagonia's and that subway station.
Women were being harassed and felt ill at ease to walk by.
Captain from the 114 stated they had "no legal grounds" to even make them MOVE. Polite protests on verbal harssment,LOITERING,were met by the same reply.
they can.
they do.
and they will.
All I know is,that back in the day,someone's father,uncle and brothers would make them move.
Now they're across the street.
For any individual that entered this coutry legally, and proudly observed all laws,this is simply a slap in the face and makes us aware of the level our politicians have lowered us all to.
Why the hell don't they enforce the existing laws ?
They obviously work(ed) as you ever saw this mess prior to the
80s in nyc.
....And who are these people waiting to be hired by.......? It isn't other Mexicans, nor is it Salvadorians etc. No, It is is those "great Americans" who pull up with Rush/Hannity on their AM car radios looking for someone cheap who'll do work around their tacky houses. They are also those righteous republican businessmen who want off-the-books labor for their restaurants, contracting operations etc, along with the guarantee that these workers will never be able to unionize.
YOU're obviously off your meds without physician approval.
back up YOUR bs with ONE fact.
Xenophbe: A word conjured up by liberal elitists designed to put down anyone with the audacity to speak up against their moronic socialist propaganda, and the imposing of their destructive failing social programs on what was once a productive and flourishing society. See also Archie Bunkers, Archie Bunkerism.
Xenophbe: A word coined by someone who doesn't know how to spell xenophobe (a real word, if you know how to use a dictionary!) someone who thinks "elitists"* would be interested in "moronic socialist propaganda."** The believer in xenophbe also believes that society is no longer productive and flourishing, and blames "social programs" rather than his/her own lack of creativity in trying to address the apparent downfall of modern society. This person is marginally dangerous, but only to his/herself.
*Elitist: person who believes society should be ruled by an elite
**Socialist: political and economic theory advocating for means of production, etc. to be owned or regulated by the whole community
Xenophbe was obviously a typo wiseass. The post you respond to was obviously written by someone who knows how to spell and form proper sentence structure, so I am sure that we can all overlook what appears to be the accidental omission of an o. By the way, the poster of that XENOPHOBE definition hit it right on the head if you ask me.
If you don't believe that elitism can't co-exist with socialism, at least to a point to acheve a certain ends, then you are deluding yourself pal.
Xenophbe was obviously a typo wiseass.
Oh, really? You'd better notify your good buddy Wade Nichols of that possibility - he seems to think typos are a sign of mental dwarfism, and frequently cites them to deliver ad hominem attacks on posters whose opinions don't jive with his.
If you don't believe that elitism can't co-exist with socialism, at least to a point to acheve a certain ends, then you are deluding yourself pal.
Uh, if we fudge the definitions of those two words so they no longer mean what they do... then I'll be happy to agree with you.
--a Salvation Army truck pulled up to the curb to serve the laborers hot lunches of chicken and rice--
WTF? Not for nothing, but my grandmother (born/raised here) was just cut off from meals on wheels (two small meals) because they say she doesn't qualify.
I should tell her to hit that corner on a daily basis to get some grub.
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