Heh, sorry, couldn't resist writing that headline. This photo was actually in last Friday's AM NY, and the story is about people who are such fans they
order official MLB coffins for their final journey.
Because ripping you off while you're alive isn't enough for Major League Baseball...
For those who live and die by the team, the Mets will generate a good business.
If you can't be an athlete, you can always be an athletic supporter.
baseball is not a religion.
ANONYMOUS: baseball is not a religion.
I dunno....ever been to a game in Boston? Or Chicago? Or New York? Or even Baltimore? It's truly a pagan ritual in those places, life and death on every pitch. Personally, I greatly prefer it to religion.
As for MLB caskets - eh, what the heck? The traditional American casket is an unabashed product of the funeral industrial complex in any case and exists for no other reason than to squeeze money out of the departed and their survivors. By definition they're almost all in bad taste - so who cares if the product line gets diversified? (My favorite is the infamous KISS Kasket in which "Dimebag" Darrell Abbott was laid to rest.) People have always been buried with the objects and symbols that were meaningful to them in their lives - Vikings with their swords and horses, Christians with their crosses, etc. Me, I'd like to be cremated, or, if I have to be buried, buried in a simple pine box, like many Jewish people use, but if some Yankee fan wants to go to hell under the interlocking NY, who am I to say boo?
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