Voting YES on WP:
Melinda R. Katz
Maria del Carmen Arroyo*
Maria Baez
Leroy G. Comrie, Jr.
Inez E. Dickens*
Simcha Felder
Daniel R. Garodnick
Eric N. Gioia*
Sara M. Gonzalez*
Vincent Ignizio
Robert Jackson*
Jessica S. Lappin
John C. Liu*
Miguel Martinez*
Michael E. McMahon
Rosie Mendez
James S. Oddo
Annabel Palma*
Joel Rivera
Larry B. Seabrook*
Helen Sears*
Kendall Stewart*
Albert Vann*
* signed August letter denouncing eminent domain
This should be a good issue for anyone planning to challenge these pigs next November. (I'll personally help whoever runs against Gioia.)
Voting NO:
Tony Avella
Charles Barron
How can you "personally help" when no one knows your name?
There's a thing called e-mail that was invented in our lifetimes....
Avella has my vote for mayor.
personally help means you may actually use your name. Or is Queens Crapper your given name Mr Crapper?
I will also personally help anyone out there who wants to challenge anyone out there.
I will personally donate money to anyone who runs against Katz.. for whatever position the pig is seeking next election.
I don't have to give my name to help. I just need to gather and share information via e-mail as I did for other candidates this past election day.
To add insult to injury, our city coffers will be used to fatten the wallets of Mayor Doomberg's legal team on issues relating to the Willets Point property while the middle class struggles to keep up with their daily expenses. Tolls on the East River Bridges and paying for plastic shopping bags instead of reining in expenses. Good call City Council. Most of you are just a bunch of pandering, self-serving political hacks. Tony Avella for MAYOR!!!
Look at those last names!!
90% Jews and Minoritys! What did you guys expect?
There won’t be enough 'Archie Bunkers" and Middle Class left to throw them out in the next elections.
Avella or any white Anglo male dont stand a chance
Voting is sure get you a full week of dirt pay jury duty with all the lawsuits that are going to fly.
The last poster is a plant.
As a matter of fact, he does not sound smarter than a turnup!
I will personally donate to the campaigns of anyone running against these candidates:
Melinda R. Katz (I'll donate double on this one)
Maria del Carmen Arroyo*
Maria Baez
Leroy G. Comrie, Jr. (will explode from overeating next year, don't worry about him)
Inez E. Dickens*
Simcha Felder (paid off by Bloombitch)
Daniel R. Garodnick
Eric N. Gioia* (triple on this pig)
Sara M. Gonzalez*
Vincent Ignizio
Robert Jackson*
Jessica S. Lappin
John C. Liu* ( a sellout) (double on this guy)
Miguel Martinez*
Michael E. McMahon
Rosie Mendez
James S. Oddo (bad plugs)
Annabel Palma*
Joel Rivera
Larry B. Seabrook*
Helen Sears* (mentally challenged, feel sorry for her)
Kendall Stewart*
Albert Vann*
Think of the windfall of dollars and (union)votes Katz stands to get by voting for the WP plan. Where has she been for the last 8 years while rampant illegal overdevelopment was going on throughout all 5 boroughs??? And she wants to be Comptroller?
C.M. Liu...#1 son turned out to be a #2 piece of shit.. as usual!
Maybe Crown Waste
can pick him up for garbage
and dump him out in Suffolk county!
I'll even pay the freight!
I also would be willing to help defeat Gioia. As someone who lives in his district I can't wait for him to leave. He has done nothing to help the part of Hunters point that is not on the waterfront.
votes yes for willets point should be voted out of office they al had there pay day (scum bags)
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