According to DOB documents, Astoria business owner Vasilios Kourkoumelis applied in April to enlarge the rear of the one−family attached town house, owned by Vadim Fezamayev, and add a partial third floor. Additional work was to include general construction and plumbing.
The city granted work permits, but on Nov. 6 the DOB issued the stop work order because the demolition was unsafe, the documents said.
None of the approximate 10 neighborhood residents who spoke with the TimesLedger would give their full names — or their names at all — and some said they were concerned physical harm could come to them if they spoke out against the occupants of the house in question.
Construction in Forest Hills irks residents
These are all Melinda Katz' friends who are brazenly breaking the law by ignoring DOB. Katz will protect them--- she needs the dough if she is going to run for city comptroller. The fight is on!
Hopefully, someone at the 112th has read this and investigates.
Yes, if the NYPD can go out of their way to bother a guy painting over a sign on a truck, then surely they can investigate this activity.
The cops will likely refer this to the DOB.
Wow, petty, petty people. Rumors, accusations, no facts, afraid to use their own names. Go to Iowa or Idaho, live there among people like yourselves
Says the person who lists himself as anonymous. You and these criminals that should move to Iowa or Idaho! If you want to build big homes go to neighborhoods where small and "ugly, green" houses don't exist.
Says the person who lists himself as anonymous. You and these criminals should move to Iowa or Idaho! If you want to build big homes go to neighborhoods where small and "ugly, green" houses don't exist.
Or better yet, go back to Russia (or the UUSR, or Bukharia, or whatever they are calling it this week) and see how far you get with your shenanigans there.
In that country they dont even have plywood - they build their houses out of rocks. They should be thankful for living in the USA - the land of plenty - BUT "NO" they come here at give their finger to the law.
And we as natural born citizen - under the guise of political correctness must smile and say OKAY, and make up a dozen stupid excuses for them. Sickening!!
Russkie, mobskie, crapskie!
A former goat herder's idea of a family castle!
Stepping up from the eastern
European steppes!
Looks like the fines at 110-46 are up to $!5,000.
That's almost half of a cop's salary right?
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