Citizens’ personal electronic devices are now subject to search by Customs and Border Patrol personnel when you enter the country. This doesn’t mean you have to show the computer, it means that without suspecting you of a crime they can take it from you, turn it on, go through all of your files, and keep it for a “reasonable period of time” before returning it to you.
Homeland Security Can Now Search Without Warrants
I’d also like to point out that this amendment clearly states that probable cause is necessary – in other words, you have to be suspected of something. Notice that there also needs to be a clear description of the intent for the search and the things that the government is trying to seize – you can’t just go on a trolling expedition.
Does anyone really feel safer because of this? How long until we allow these clowns to search emails or monitor the websites we visit in the interest of national security? They already do that somewhere - it’s called China.
More here: Frightening Invasions of Privacy Allowed at the Border
Good Christ! I often disagree with Crappie and his/her interpretations of current events but right now there's no daylight between us. This is un-American in the extreme. True, with two-fifths of a billion travelers crossing the border every year they can't possibly search more than a tiny fraction of them. But that doesn't make the policy okay. If Russ Feingold really does introduce legislation to require that all searches be done on the basis of probable cause he'll deserve our support. And hopefully someone will sue the bastards all the way up to the Supreme Court.
I'm counting the SECONDS until Bush and his cronies are out of office. (I'd love to see some of them in jail cells, too, but that's perhaps too much to ask for.)
Greetings Uncle Sam
(in case you've decided to scope me
or my communications for any unfounded reasons you might choose):
I freely admit to posting on
anti over development websites such as "Queens Crap".
For many citizens like myself strongly feel that rampant over building without first attending to our nation's decaying and inadequate infrastructure is a crime in itself.
It's like a ticking time bomb (if you'll excuse my militant sounding description) waiting to explode.
Wow! Now I did it!
I just used the "bomb"and "explode" words.
That ought to light up a few government snoop circuits somewhere in Langley (or is it at that AT&T special office in California?)!
That's O.K. This 66 year old
senior citizen, born in the USA,
has got nothing to hide.
But please be gentle with the rectal exam!
There was a recent program on TV (maybe 6 months ago?)that talked about that special telecommunications office in California.
It was mentioned (if I remember correctly) that a govt/military(?) computer program exists that has the capability of reading (or scanning?) the contents of the Library of congress in about 15 minutes (?)!
Did anyone watch this program?
Am I right about the time frame?
If so, with that kind of speed,
"big ears" can snoop to their heart's delight with great ease!
I like how Ridgewoodian had to mention that he disagrees with Crappy on most issues before he says he agrees with him on this one. As if we hadn't figured that out.
Welcome to our Brave New World!
And with our country becoming even more "diverse", free speech is the next freedom that will be flushed down the toilet as well.
I like how Ridgewoodian had to mention that he disagrees with Crappy on most issues before he says he agrees with him on this one. As if we hadn't figured that out.
Of course! Ridgewoodian knows that his minders are electronically monitoring this blog, so he has to "cover his ass"!
I recently learned about microwave antennas being placed all over New York City by the Homeland Security Department. It is a $500 million project by Northrup Grumman. The purpose is to help the emergency service units of NYC (police, fire, EMS, etc.)communicate better. I applaud the effort.
However, what is not being talked about is the "other uses" that this system is capable of, including high tech cameras. Are they planning to peer into peoples' windows? Listen to private conversations?
Also, many communities were not informed of these installations and if they were, I have sincere questions about what was presented such the type of radiation that these towers emit. Are they REALLY safe? The bottom line is that this was shoved down the throats of the citizens without input.
With recent questions about the safety of cell phone technology, I fear that this system is, like the article suggests, going to restrict the freedoms that we thought that we had inherited from past generations...and do bodily harm to us to boot. Welcome to the New World Order!!!
This is our own faults. We have become a country where the constitution doesn't matter and what the majority wants will suffice of course the reason is usually for the better of....the country, our safety, let's not forget the children. It's a cloud of smoke for bigger plans and if the american people don't wake up we will be renaming Times Square, China Square.
I once came to the US in 1970 from a camping trip to Canada via the border crossing at Madewaska, Maine. The agent searched the car high and low, very thoroughly (he even poked around the batting of my sleeping bags) and confiscated some prescription meds I had which were in an unlabelled container. After about an hour, I was let out of "detainment" and found a nearby motel for the night. I asked the clerk where there was a restaurant to have dinner. She said I had to go back two miles into Canada where there was one open. I left all the car contents in the room to lessen the search time again at the US border on the return. After finishing eating around 11PM, back to the good ole USA and guess what? The border station was closed for the night, no gate on the road, no sign saying "Don't Enter", no Border Patrol, No nothing and the road was wide open back to the motel.
And 20 years later Islamic high-jackass crossed into the United Sates because of that same openness. They highjacked planes and flew them into the World Trade Center Twin Towers, killing almost 3000 people. Who do you think is looking at your laptops? These are hardworking middle class Americans trying to prevent another terrorist attack. They don't care who you vote for or which politician you trash. They are working very hard to keep us all from a nuclear, biological or chemical attack that could kill many more then the first time. Grow up and stop whining and thank God these hard working dedicated law enforcement workers have kept us safe for the last 7 years!
As if a terrorist is going to keep plans to blow up the country on a laptop as he drives across the border. That's what they have FTP servers for.
"Grow up and stop whining and thank God these hard working dedicated law enforcement workers have kept us safe for the last 7 years!"
Sure. Let us give up all of our personal rights and freedoms so that we can be protected. But who are we being protected from? Is there a moment in history, perhaps 70 years ago, where a society relinquished their freedoms to leadership with questionable intent. Aren't we supposed to learn lessons from history? I'm just saying...
The loss of civil liberties should be on everyone's mind. However, does technology exist that can control our thoughts? I did a little further research about microwave technology. Check out the link below. Any comments?
These are hardworking middle class Americans trying to prevent another terrorist attack. They don't care who you vote for or which politician you trash. They are working very hard to keep us all from a nuclear, biological or chemical attack that could kill many more then the first time.
You can't possibly be referring to the hardly-working, morbidly obese, pissed off, resentful, surly, disrespectful employees of the TSA? Could you?
Yeah, TSA those people who drive to the airport, won't use a parking lot there and park all over South Ozone Park and Howard Beach then get on air train free.
"However, does technology exist that can control our thoughts? I did a little further research about microwave technology."
I heard you can wear aluminum foil on your head and this will stop the mind melt.
I heard you can wear aluminum foil on your head and this will stop the mind melt.
It's "mind meld", you faux Trekkie poser!
Melt - Microwave, get it!
WADE NICHOLS And with our country becoming even more "diverse", free speech is the next freedom that will be flushed down the toilet as well.
So….what? We should all be the same? Why would we even NEED freedom of speech then?
WADE NICHOLS: Ridgewoodian knows that his minders are electronically monitoring this blog…
Maybe YOU need that tinfoil hat someone mentioned above.
WADE NICHOLS: … so he has to "cover his ass"!
So….what? We should all be the same? Why would we even NEED freedom of speech then?
C'mon Ridgewoodian, your minders are really feeding you some Orwellian double speak now.
You really think that diversity is compatible with free speech? Are you living in a cave in Zaire? Have you been reading anything relating to PC speech codes on college campuses in the past decade? Have you heard of James Watson? Why do you think places such as Singapore have such restrictive speech codes?
Next you'll probably try to tell us that a Swedish style welfare state is compatible with diversity!
The media reports just the facts. No one would try to deceive us. Right?
God save us from those that say they are protecting and helping us.
During my lifetime (55 years) the country has drifted so far from where it was, it is disgusting. Imagine a world without the EPA, HUD, Dept of Education. Imagine a world where judges adjudicated and didn't legislate.
you want to see how big our govenment is?
Everyone forgot to mention its probably connected to Comverse and Verint systems in Israel that have been given contracts by bush to place cameras all over( subways, tolls,streets, etc) and Israel has more control over viewing than the U.S. govt.Montreal is in the midst of having hearings over these companies in their transit system.Look it up.
Wade Knuckle dragger, just make your statements and dont throw you rightwing mud slinging, little kid comments.
Northrup Grumman,Rand,Verint,Halliburton,Center for Security and all these other spying defense contractors are rightwing to the core.So vote your freedom good bye again.
WADE NICHOLS: Are you living in a cave in Zaire?
Take a look at my handle. Think real hard. Go ask your long suffering wife. I bet she can tell you where I live.
I'll give you a bit of a hint, though: there's no such country as Zaïre so no, I'm not living in a cave there, and neither is anyone else in the whole world.
Scarily, that was your most rational sentence. As for the rest of your rantings - wow! - you’ve long since left reality far, far behind.
Okay, against my better judgment (my mommy taught me not to play with crazy things): So who would you get rid of so we can have our freedom of speech? And how would you go about getting rid of them?
Notice how "Ridgewoodian" has stooped to using his little statue of liberty icon in a tacky move to convince us that he's speaking for America
(or is even a citizen of our great republic)!
Notice how "Ridgewoodian" has stooped to using his little statue of liberty icon in a tacky move to convince us that he's speaking for America
(or is even a citizen of our great republic)!
Yes, I noticed the irony as well. Funny how when "Billy Bobs" in the "flyover states" engage in "flag waving", Ridgewoodian-esque types deem it: "jingoistic", "nationalistic", "Know-nothingish", "populist", or even "Archie Bunkerish".
Yet when Ridgewoodian juxtaposes his portly frame with the Statue of Liberty in the background (his body nearly eclipses the Statue of Liberty!), he's trying to equate himself as some sort of defender of the tired, poor, huddled masses, and wretched refuse of the world.
But the readers of Queens Crap are far more discerning than Ridgewoodian gives us credit, and can easily see beyond this tactic. It's a crude technique, something that social psychologists refer to as cheap signaling
ANONYMOUS: Notice how "Ridgewoodian" has stooped to using his little statue of liberty icon in a tacky move to convince us that he's speaking for America (or is even a citizen of our great republic)!
Sorry the Statue of Liberty offends your delicate sensibilities. And when you show me your passport I'll be happy to show you mine. Ass.
Oh here we go with the RW and WN show!
Like I have said before, "GO GET A ROOM"..................
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