When Crappy was a kid, bums used to rummage through the garbage, but only at night when cans were left out by the curb for pickup. But this generation of aggressive derelicts has no problem trespassing on private property on any day of the week, in broad daylight, to rifle through people's trash (and they aren't neat about it either). And from what I understand, there are burglars who now use the can-collecting ruse to scope out and enter property because it is so commonplace now that homeowners don't give a second thought when they see them.
Does this happen in your neighborhood, too? Just think, we may soon have
more bottles to hide from them!
Raccoons are blamed for the mess. Even the brilliant M. Katz seems to think that raccoons are the ones rifling through the garbage and tossing stuff all around.
But, we forgive her stupidity; she just doesn't have the capacity to be any smarter. Think Dizzie Lizzie & Como (her new friend). Birds of feather.
In any event, let's not be too quick to blame the raccoons. They are beautiful, shy, harmless night creatures. And, much smarter than Katz, Fatz, and Dizzie, who would raid our wallets as often as possible and leave messes behind.
A nostalgic article. Brought back memories of Mugsy's father. You remember Mugsy. The coke dealing loudmouth whom Pinky appointed to the Community Board.
This ain't going to happen in my yard if I have anything to say about it.
I've already (let's just say) "scared" a few bums away .
They won't be back.
Then there's my neighbor to the right who has a bona-fide NYPD premises/target permit for his .38 & 9mm.
And the guy to my left has a brace of pit bull mixed breeds
(outwardly menacing but inwardly extremely docile)!
The raccoons, who visit, are the only cute welcome bandits
allowed on my premises besides squirrels and opossums birds etc.
I suggest you all employ some creative thinking to adopt
your own protective measures.
The Racoons in my area all seem to be of Chinese extraction. They tear open all the garbage at the curb and feast through them leaving a mess behind them.
Bold as this might sound, they enter fenced front yards to access refusge cans - tresspassing no?
Buy some more garbage cans
and properly secure the lids.
Too lazy or just cheap?
You're a contributing part the litter problem!
Don't blame dumb animals for following their instincts.
You on the other hand, are supposed to have a brain!
If you bring your bottles and cans to the store and recycle you'll get some $$ and you won't have to deal with degenerates rummaging through your crap.
Oh yes on our block (Linden St-Traffic Ave) we have stiff competition amongst the can people. Our regulars are "shaky lady" and "the chinese guy" and sometimes "the bummy guy". We just make it easy for them and attach the bag of empties right on the stoop railing so they don't have to rummage thru our garbage.
I have had this problem myself. The losers have actually scratched my car trying to get to my garbage in my driveway behind a latched gate.
I hate that crap. Stay the F!@#$% out of my yard you bastards and get a real F!@#$% job.
This one asian lady actually argued with me and yelled at me when I found her in my yard and chase her out with a broom! The arrogance and nerve of this bitch to argue with me about being on MY PROPERTY going through MY garbage.
I don't care if you go through the garbage at the curb but put it back the way you found it and don't leave a mess so sanitation can come by and give me a ticket.
I hate can people! They should do away with can/bottle returns altogether!
there is a little asian lady who goes down my block in middle village regularly
last summer she was rattling bottles and cans at 10pm and i had to tell her to beat it (2x)
these people have no problem going into your driveway or yard for their booty
i do not drink soda or beer so unless poland spring or dog food cans are refundable no such luck at my place
20 cans is 1 dollar get a job at mickey dees at least you can eat food as well
People were going thru my recyclables when i put them on the curb here in bayside as well. I didnt mind until they kept ripping the bag open and leaving everything strewn in the street, I wouldnt even tie the bag with a knot. Now i remove the labels from the few items with a 5 cent deposit that i do put out.
If I found someone in my yard going through my garbage, I'd sound the panic button on my house alarm and let it ring until the cops showed up (I have an outside siren so it's nice and loud!)
WTF -- if I didn't read this blog regularly I'd swear it was a joke. OUT OF CONTROL!
On any other blog, if you state the obvious - that the majority of these can people are illegal elderly Chinese aliens brought over by their children, placed on welfare and social security then left to rummage in garbage for recyclable cans - you'd get banned. This happened to me on Gothamist.
The 2 or 3 can people near me are always polite and respectful. I put deposit bottles in a separate bag on the side for them, and they don't rummage through the rest of the trash. I'm sure they're not all like that, but I hope you at least tried talking to them like human beings before chasing them with brooms or threatening them with guns or dogs. You might be surprised. Just sayin'.
One word: Slingshot.
Non-lethal, but soooo effective.
One came behind my fence and made off with my baby's stroller.
In any event, let's not be too quick to blame the raccoons. They are beautiful, shy, harmless night creatures.
And day laborers are hardworking, low paid useful creatures.
Give me a break.
On any other blog, if you state the obvious - that the majority of these can people are illegal elderly Chinese aliens brought over by their children, placed on welfare and social security then left to rummage in garbage for recyclable cans - you'd get banned. This happened to me on Gothamist.
You fool! You cannot crit the tweeded. Too many right people are making money off them, so, despite the fact that you are American citizen, voter and taxpayer, you have no right even to SAY those things!
As in any one party state, some things are just taboo.
And other things that are 'gospel' in official voice is simply bullshit in the real world.
Thank God for Crappy, the PEOPLE'S VOICE!
I recycle my cans- and I'm not homeless.
Here's a better idea- put up a sign on your trash bins: "No cans inside. Stay Away." If needed, have the sign translated into Spanish and Chinese.
Maspeth mom says: I would rather have these bottles collecters taking away my garbage that the likes of Como and Gallagher peons leaving "garbage" in my mail box.
Queens! Exciting! Vibrant! Diverse! Immigrant! Democrat! Tweeding! Machine!
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