Published: April 17, 2008
MINEOLA, N.Y. (AP) — More than 20,000 pairs of counterfeit Nike sneakers, as well as fake batteries, baseball caps and Louis Vuitton handbags, were among $25 million in goods seized in raids in New York City, on Long Island and in New Jersey, the authorities said on Wednesday.
Two men, called “midlevel warehouse runners,” were arrested this month on federal counterfeiting charges. The arrests followed a six-month investigation involving local police and federal prosecutors working with immigration and customs officials, among others.
The authorities said they believed the goods were sold at flea markets, street fairs and other places in the region. They added that they were still investigating the operation, which they said they believed had links to China. The police said they seized records of money transferred to banks in China.
Warehouse raids in Edison, N.J.; Long Island City, Queens; and New Hyde Park on Long Island uncovered stacks of boxes filled with sneakers, handbags, hats and other clothing, including dozens of boxes of fake Timberland boots, law enforcement officials said.
Also found were generic batteries with brand-name logos like Duracell and Panasonic, the authorities said, adding that they had also seized printing and other equipment used to make and stamp fake logos on the items.
One of the men charged, Jin Ming Yu, 43, of Woodside, Queens, was being held without bail. The second man, Feng Ye, 44, of Corona, Queens, was released on a $250,000 personal recognizance bond. His lawyer, Hugh H. Mo, said he was studying the allegations and declined to comment on the charges.
The authorities said the men were not considered the ringleaders of the operation, but said there was evidence that one of them had transferred money to China.
”Several other people are being sought,” said Detective Sgt. Pat Ryder of Nassau County.
Yet another Chinese connection
in the counterfeit goods trade!
I was just watching a TV show
last night about counterfeit pharmaceuticals originating
in Colombia and China.
The rings use, among many toxic ingredients, lead paint
to formulate capsules and tablets.
Confucius say,
"Man who get caught selling Opium soon turn to business of providing fake drugs after release from prison"!
What is the relevance of this post to buliding or development issues?
What does the squirrel post have to do with building or development issues? Nothing. I felt like posting it. Don't like it? Blogger offers free hosting. Start your own blog.
Crappy how dare you shed light on the fact that pieces of the vibrant mosaic were caught doing illegal things! Don't you know Queens has a facade to maintain?
Maybe you posted it to spur more bigoted anti-immigration comments? You seem a bit testy about it.
Maybe you posted it to spur more bigoted anti-immigration comments? You seem a bit testy about it.
No, maybe Crappy should post happy thoughts and mindless slogans about the wonders of diversity and multiculturalism!
Move along folks, nothing to see here but vibrant diversity in action! Pay no attention to that man behind the curtain!
Maybe he should also fiddle while Rome burns!
The slogan of all good white liberals everywhere who wish to exhibit their moral superiority over other white people:
War is Peace
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
Diversity is Strength!!!
Eric, why don't you have the courage to actually state your opinion? Exactly why do you think racial diversity is a bad thing?
The point is that immigrants bring the less desirable aspects of their culture with them as often as they bring the more desirable ones. But to hear white liberals who live in condos among other white liberals talk about them, they have no faults. Immigrant shit stinks just like ours does, folks.
Eric, why don't you have the courage to actually state your opinion? Exactly why do you think racial diversity is a bad thing?
U.S.S.R.; Yugoslavia (Those 2 were such multi-racial/multi-ethnic paradises, that they no longer exist!)
Czechoslovakia - Lots of love going on there, that's why it no longer exists and we now have Czech Republic and Slovakia
Hapsburg Empire anyone? - Present day Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia and parts of what are now Bosnia, Croatia, Poland, Romania, Ukraine
Romanov Empire perhaps? - Russia, present day parts of Poland, Ukraine, and others
Or maybe you'd prefer a few Islamic examples, let's not be so "Eurocentric" here:
Ottoman Empire - Modern Turkey and parts of today's Bulgaria, Greece, Romania, Serbia and extended through much of the Middle East and North Africa as well.
Why did the former British colony of India split into present day Pakistan and India, divided along religious lines?
Why did Bangladesh break away from the former Pakistan? What about that "little" war in 1971?
Why are there so few Hindus remaining in Bangladesh?
Why are there less Christians in present day Lebanon?
Israelis and Palestinians have quite the love-fest going on, don't they?
What about the little known ethnic cleansing of Nepalese in Bhutan?
How about that "Woodstock of love" that went on in Rwanda?
Nigeria is quite the example of ethnic harmony also!
I could go on and on.....
But of course you can't provide any present day examples of secure, stable, multi-ethnic/multi-racial nations, with the exception of the U.S., and that case is on shaky foundations at best!
But who needs facts, when you can simply start yelling "RACIST!" when you know you're losing the argument!
Belleview is calling.
It's spelled "Bellevue"
Belleview is calling.
It's spelled "Bellevue"
NO, I think he actually meant Belleview. That is probably the name of one of these new "luxury condo" buildings going up in LIC/Astoria. That is probably their catchy advertising slogan to all the yupps, "Are you ready for the next level of luxury living in what was formally a real neighborhood, but is now a cesspool of towering monstrosities with no supermarkets?? Then, Belleview is calling!"
Hey Eric, the Nazi party is calling, they are want their political handbook back.
Hey Eric, the Nazi party is calling, they are [sic] want their political handbook back.
Last I heard, Baroque O'Blarney's minister Reverend "God Damn America" had a first edition of that book.
I believe Queens Crap moved to a system where posts are not approved in advance by the Crapper so that we would not have to be held accountable for the racist rants that he has been explicitly approving over the years. Now he can sit back and throw up his arms and say boys will be boys. The hidden agenda that the Crapper has is pro-white anti-immigration.
First they complain that the comments are moderated, then they complain that they aren't. You can't please everyone. Democracy is messy, ain't it?
How is pointing out the flaws of the religion of diversity/multiculturalism "racism"?
Where is there any "racism" in the comments section here?
How many immigrants a year does Japan accept? How many does China accept? How does Mexico treat illegal aliens from Guatemala?
If there are so many "Nazis" on the streets of Queens and on this web page, how come you're not a lamp shade?
Mike, this is a classic example of Godwin's law in action.
"Free speech for me, but not for thee"
Free speech is the second thing the communists/socialists/Marxists/Maoists/progressives
diversicrats/multiculturalists wish to eliminate on the road to Utopia.
The first thing they take away are your guns!
Keep up the fight Crappy!
There are fairly "secure, stable multiethnic/multiracial" societies out there besides the U.S. - Singapore, Malaysia, Canada, Belgium and Switzerland all come to mind offhand.
I think this blog is great but I have to wince when some of the know-nothing immigrant-bashers come out in the comments section. Can't we criticize individuals and groups for their actions without generalizing or stereotyping on ethnic or racial grounds?
There are fairly "secure, stable multiethnic/multiracial" societies out there besides the U.S. - Singapore, Malaysia, Canada, Belgium and Switzerland all come to mind offhand.
Singapore isn't exactly a paradigm of democracy - rule by one party, headed by the Lee family since it's inception. Unfortunately for your thesis, free speech and multiculturalism are at odds with each other. Why doesn't Singapore have free speech? Why does it suppress any statements that it perceives as "threatening the social order"? Do you desire such laws in the U.S. also? Also - Why has there never been an ethnic Malay general in the armed forces of Singapore? Do you think it's irrational for the ethnic Chinese majority to question the loyalty of the Malays, especially since Singapore's most likely enemies in a military conflict (Malaysia and Indonesia) both have large populations of ethnic Malays?
Malaysia isn't quite a paradise either. Read up on various surveys conducted of the citizens there - most people have NO friends outside their racial/ethnic group. What about the affirmative action programs for the native Malays - the Bumiputras? The Chinese aren't exactly thrilled with that, since the Chinese dominate the universities academically, and are forced out of slots reserved for "Bumiputras".
Canada has a bit more social cohesion than the U.S., but it also lacks a large population of a certain racial group that the U.S. has. Ever wonder why Michael Moore never took the next step in questioning why Canada has fewer gun deaths from violent crime than the U.S.? Even Michael Moore knows that if you want to "one up" other white people, you have to play the game.
Belgium - Google "flemish separatists" to read up on how well Belgium is holding together
Switzerland - I'll concede this one, but Switzerland is pretty insignificant on the world stage. As Harry Lime says in the film "The Third Man" - "In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."
But why bother with facts, when you can simply scream "RACISM" or call your opponent a "Know-nothing immigrant basher".
I think this blog is great but I have to wince when some of the know-nothing immigrant-bashers come out in the comments section.
Aren't you supposed to be at a La Raza meeting?
Hold on! I didn't say those countries were paradises, I said that multiple ethnic groups get along in them fairly well. "Diversity" does not automatically result in Rwandas or Palestines every time!
I didn't call anybody a racist, either. (You seem to be very defensive about this, but I won't draw any conclusions.)
Look, I don't even know what La Raza is, but I'm no slave to any ideology. I'm all for puncturing political correctness and mocking politicians' doublespeak, especially when they invoke it to mask real problems. But it's the problems and the doublespeak I'm opposed to, not diversity in and of itself.
Different kinds of people are here, they're not going away anytime soon. Isn't it better to try to include them, or at least not to alienate them with attacks on ethnic grounds? It's just possible that eventually some of them will come to care about our communities enough to help us preserve them.
I have no problem calling Eric's comments racist or ignorant. I guess Eric doesn't think this country should have let in all the Irish or Italian immigrants 80-150 years ago, when some of the existing residents considered Italians to be criminals and Irish to be low class.
I have no problem calling Eric's comments racist or ignorant. I guess Eric doesn't think this country should have let in all the Irish or Italian immigrants 80-150 years ago, when some of the existing residents considered Italians to be criminals and Irish to be low class.
Wow! So, if anyone points out the obvious flaws of diversity/multiculturalism, you automatically consider that "racism"! If someone highlights problems in various countries, you consider that "racism"! Where in any of my writings can you cite where I specifically attacked any ethnic/racial group? Perhaps you advocate establishing "reeducation camps" in Zimbabwe for "thought criminals" such as myself! Is this the "Year Zero"?
Just remember - when the P.C. speech codes are finally drafted, and the U.S. Constitution is ripped up and used for toilet paper by the "new order", you'll be one of the first ones placed "up against the wall" with a blind fold and a cigarette in your mouth, comrade!
Eric Arthur Blair (aka George Orwell) was born on 25 June 1903 in Bengal, India.
"Diversity" does not automatically result in Rwandas or Palestines every time!
Interesting comment there, "anonymous"! I know of no country named "Palestine", nor is there any entity with such name in the United Nations.
Perhaps you're showing your political beliefs, or maybe an expression of your anti-Semitism/anti-Israel feelings?
Eric said that Canada has less violence and fewer gun crimes than the U.S. because it lacks a "certain racial group." You are blaming violence and gun crimes on race. Then you deny it. Not only are your comments racist, but you are intellectually dishonest.
Eric said that Canada has less violence and fewer gun crimes than the U.S. because it lacks a "certain racial group." You are blaming violence and gun crimes on race. Then you deny it. Not only are your comments racist, but you are intellectually dishonest.
What do the comparative crime statistics state, between the U.S. and Canada?
Or maybe you're insinuating that the statistics are "racist"?
No, you're being "intellectually dishonest"! Pay no attention to those statistics!
Don't blame the messenger!
Maybe Canada has more restrictive gun laws, and racial demographics are wholly unrelated. Of course a racist thinker would automatically correlate race to everything without thinking of anything else. Remember the old saying- There are lies, damn lies and statistics!
Hey, those are Lancaster's boots!
hello officier. I'd like to report a person accusing me of theft. Please send a detective over right away!
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