"What do you do in Glendale, Queens when you get approval to build a 2 family house? That's right, you build a 4 family house in it's place!
71-41 72nd Place may look like a 2 family house to the untrained eye but take a closer look. Separate basement entrance- check. 1st and 2nd floors- check. Fancy 3rd floor loft- it's there but it is too high into the Craposphere to be seen by the human eye. Combine this jewel with the attached 3 units of 71-43 and you have 7 units where a one family woodframe home once stood. Thank goodness there is plenty of parking.....oh, wait....those garages belong to a business on the corner. I guess when the SUV's roll in, they will squeeze in somewhere." - Russ
Of course the SUVs will roll in....maybe even a pick-up truck or an Airstream trailer.....Texas style!
Then come the over-fed inhabitants screaming at their offspring (80 decibels) as they return from a marketing trip!
Pretty as a picture.....huh!
Who the hell is the building supply company for all this crap?
The same brick, the same ungainly railings, the same windows.
Why is Queens a place of no imagination and creativity?
haven't u read jane jacobs books? density is the secret for succesful cities. that seems like an excellent use of space.
The only 'density' in Queens we see is with the politicians ...
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