From the Politicker:
Manhattan Councilman Dan Garodnick has officially conceded the speaker’s race to his rival, Melissa Mark-Viverito.
Three weeks after Ms. Mark-Viverito declared victory and half an hour after the vote was set to take place, Mr. Garodnick released a statement throwing his support behind her.
“Today, that process comes to a conclusion, and in the spirit of strengthening the council, which animated my candidacy from the start, I now formally concede to the next speaker of the City Council, my colleague Melissa Mark-Viverito,” he said.
“I look forward to working with Speaker Mark-Viverito and to helping her to ensure that we can deliver a sound and responsible government for all New Yorkers,” he added. “I will do my part to resolve any rifts this process may have caused among our colleagues and am here to take any steps necessary to help move forward together.”
I wonder how the council members must have felt to have a candidate run unopposed.
From the Politicker:
Melissa Mark-Viverito held her first press conference as speaker of the City Council speaker this afternoon, where she brushed aside questions about her independence from the mayor and vowed to battle him on the front of member items.
“Those who continue to say that don’t know my track record of independence and a trajectory personally,” said Ms. Mark-Viverito in response to one reporter’s question on the topic. “We are a unified City Council. It’s gonna be a collective body, we’re gonna make decisions on the direction we want to go in.”
Clad in a white jacket and flanked by many of her long-standing backers, Ms. Mark-Viverito tried to demonstrate she would be an effective counterweight to Mayor Bill de Blasio–who played a pivotal behind-the-scenes role in her ascension to the speakership–by noting her disagreements with him in the past.
“I have differences with the mayor … on many issues, including the five-borough taxi plan, the soda plan, discretionary allocations,” she said, ticking off policies. “I have a consistent record of being able to be very vocal on positions that I, when I arrive at a decision, and now decisions will be made collectively obviously with my colleagues and I will express that.”
In her first time in front of the city’s large press corps as speaker, Ms. Mark-Viverito was cautious. She often spoke in generalizations and, unlike her predecessor or Mr. de Blasio, declined to call on reporters herself, delegating a press aide to do so. She also refused to delve into specifics about her legislative agenda, other than to express objections to the mayor’s plan to eliminate the ability of council members to dole out discretionary funds, abused in the past by corrupt members.
So tweeding is here to stay. Got it.
Another token Hispanic politician.
This is the same woman who refused to say the Pledge of Allegiance and lied on her taxes?
She was voted in unanimously? Wow - can you spell B-R-I-B-E-R-Y and C-O-R-R-U-P-T-I-O-N????
Our new mayor is a dishonest greaseball - it's not taking very long for everyone to discover this! Except the fucking press!!! Excluding you Crappy!
jeezus look at JVB peeking out over MMV's shoulder. If there's a picture he's gonna be in it, pathetic. Reminds me of David Weprin
Its crime time.... baby.
In Queens the real news (sorry "Honest Joe") is Van Bramer and the seamless transfer from Quinn to this one.
Stonewall Van Bamer may not answer his constituent's calls but her had plenty of time for photo stunts like this!
Cuban cigars for everyone! Bueno!
God Van Bramer is the photo bomb king...truly pathetic
It's Cathie Black part dos.
"Our new mayor is a dishonest greaseball"
Why do you feel the need to insult all greaseballs?
What a wonderfully diverse and vibrant crew of supporters she has.
Somehow I think she will leave office far wealthier than when she came in, another "wise Latina" like Sotomayor.
Van Bramer looks like a cockroach just when you turn the room lights on.
Are there any online petitions calling for her resignation yet? I read about some councilman's wife having her SEIU job threatened were he not to vote for MMV.
Why is Christie getting his ass kicked when this lying, cheating bitch and that other lying, cheating bitch, Katz, remain unscathed?
What can the average person do? And no, I did not vote for either of them - nor for Stinky, nor for The Greaseball!!!
Really - any ideas out there?
"Zelig"(aka Van Bramer)appears again
Well... fuck.
Who has pithier comments than George the Atheist???
Why do you feel the need to insult cockroaches, George?
The city voted for socialism across the board and now it's here. Have fun. We're going to have far bigger problems than we've had for years very, very soon.
Just wait until the first time you catch yourself wishing Bloomberg was still in charge. You'll be shocked at first. But it is going to happen.
What a sad day for all the people of this city. Radicals like this bunch will never stop pushing their agenda no matter the consequences, the real danger lies in the fact that they are convinced of their superior intelligence. Be prepared to unlearn everything you thought was so, evil is the new good and we deserve everything that we have coming to us. Disgusting that over 3 million people didn't come out to vote
This bunch answers only to George Soros, a fine member of the 99%
now the city tax revenue is controlled by totalitarians.
Joe McCarthy warned the citizens.
read the communist V. transcripts intercepted in the 1960's.
the push for her by the blaz is designed to confuse the public and reeks of obfuscation.all that feel good optimism on the second swearing in was all smoke and mirrors.
as for missing the funsize mayor don't count on it.He and his land and sky robber baron friends he has wrecked the city for a lifetime for the middle classes and poor.unless the minimun wage gets to 15,getting an apartment in the 5 boros will be unattainable for anyone.
as for the photo:
van bremer is a foul presence,like wormtongue to missy's saruman.I don't like this woman and I'm a socialist.
last anon:so you want to exhume mccarthy,have you no sense of decency?
!Viva Castro!
"Why is Christie getting his ass kicked when this lying, cheating bitch and that other lying, cheating bitch, Katz, remain unscathed"?
The answer is quite simple-party affiliation.
Good call on Grima.
Poor call on economics.
And McCarthy was right. Rude and drunk, but right.
You have a socialist lock on the city government now. No one can dispute that now.
Christie is getting his ass kicked now because he and his arrogant nasty stupid-ass cronies endangered lives. Pretty simple to me. No party affiliation needed. And also-Mark Viverito needs to go because she, also, views herself as above the law. See how simple that is? Crooks and scumbags are crooks and scumbags regardless of party affiliation.
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