If you look at the "Plow NYC" website in the Richmond Hill area, you'd have to surmise that they're airlifting plows in. There are one way streets that are unplowed then suddenly, the next block shows it was plowed in the last hour. Magic? Aliens? Maybe "Plow NYC" is a work of fiction?
Just sayin'..." - anonymous
Some neighborhoods not feeling the love today: Briarwood, Maspeth and Willets Point. (Purple means they were plowed 12-24 hours ago.)
the commissioner is for of S___ -- there was no plowing down in queens and when a truck came down the block their plows were 5 feet in the air -- who is kidding who now
I am on a "tertiary" street in Little Neck. We were plowed at least two times by 6:30 p.m. No complaints here. And Plow NY was accurate about the timing at 6:30 p.m.
The plows didn't come in whitestone until midnight. I live on a bus route and we didn't see a plow all day. And the schools in nyc are the only schools open. All the private schools in nyc are closed. The big asshole tells ppl to stay home but he puts the teachers and the children of nyc in danger by keeping the schools open.
they plowed forest hills
drove down queens blvd and the GCP service road and both were plowed clean. some of the smaller streets weren't
commish said they aren't going to get to the smaller streets yet
Streets on The north side of Queens Blvd in Forest Hills did not see their first plow until 10:45 last night.
Did a crappy job to boot.
Fugazio needs to get on the horn and talk to the "Plow King" and "Mr. Plow." :~)
Sanitation didn't do such a great job this time around. Last time we had less snow and the plows came down my block in Maspeth about 3-4 times ranging from 8PM-12AM. Last night the plow came at 10:30PM. Thank God I don't drive.
My street in Ozone Park was not plowed, and on the web sight it stated it was an hour ago. Freaking BS.
Joe Lhota 2017
It's all voodoo friends. Smoke, mirrors and fancy flashing lights. I believe magicians have been doing this for centuries, even before electricity and the internet. But I'm sure, once Bill Sandinista Duh-Blazio raises taxes on the "rich", and redistributes those millions to labor unions and city employees, all of this will be fixed, right? After all, that's why you all voted for him, right?
Little Neck, Douglas Manor north of the train station (where republicans live) still nothing !!
"A tale of two cities"
ALL the wealthy areas in Queens (with the exception of Forest Hills) were not plowed as well as upper east side Manhattan
Its all over Drudge report
I find it hard to believe they plowed willets point.
Anonymous Joe said...
" "A tale of two cities"
ALL the wealthy areas in Queens (with the exception of Forest Hills) were not plowed as well as upper east side Manhattan"
Oh, BS. I live here -a block from our former mayor. The northbound streets did get plowed but the southbound ones, especially 2nd avenue, did not until the traffic eased. That is the one all the bitching is about.
I can't say about the outer-boroughs but this storm hit at exactly the worst time for traffic here in Manhattan.
I do believe the schools should have been closed today, it is still extremely slippery and the corners are a mess.
Sanit commish looked like he was on his last leg standing at the press confer today. Looked sick.
Get off your asses and plow your own street!
What'ya think your taxes work for YOU?
Poor rich UES residents.
How will they get their $5 grande Sumatra coffee at Starbucks ?
Cry me a river...
lots of richmond hill is not plowed,
although I can't tell because idiots keep pushing the snow in the street,making a hazardous mix of slush and ice.
do these people think the snow will melt faster if the cars run over it?when its still below 10?
why don't I throw my empty beer bottles on the street,the glass will eventually be crushed
I don't understand. All they had to do was follow the guidelines from the Guiliani and Bloomberg administrations. I can't stand Bloomberg, but at least he understood that the worker bees need to get to work!
it said my street was plowed as well but it wasn't. Oh yeah, the truck came down with the plow up so their BS GPS can say it came down but it did nothing. The mayor was quite defensive on the news conference and needs to work on keeping his cool when he's in the wrong. Roads are still not plowed.
Thought you all might appreciate - when the UES for the most part wasn't plowed, they still sent a truck down E 79th st. And who lives there, around the corner from the park? Bloomie of course.
Inda, if you don't drive, why are you complaining?
What a totally stupid question. Emergency vehicles use roads. Buses use roads. Cabs use roads. Delivery services use roads. Not to mention pedestrians need to cross roads to get anywhere. You don't need to drive to understand why it is important to have roads cleared of snow.
The web site IS inaccurate. That much is certain. According to Plow NYC several streets in my neighborhood here in Queens haven't even been plowed yet. In reality, they were plowed yesterday.
Found it quite accurate for my nabe and my block in southern Q.
I live in bayside.....They did a half ass job plowing my street......There no blacktop showing at all still! The main street along the Clearview is good, but you get to my block, it's halfway done! I could've shoveled it with my feet better!
Loved all the whining 1 percent pieces of crap on the upper east side complaining about too much snow on the streets.
Karma for the entitled class.
"Non working GPS" on upper east side plows is code for "Non working Good Political Spin".
Worst Major ever... Cannot even handle cleaning our streets... plownyc is full of SH!T...
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