Here's the $2M toilet at Elmhurst Park.

The story goes that someone graffitied the windows and parkies were told to clean it.

But unfortunately, the cleanser they used damaged them.

Lord knows how much it will cost to replace the custom windows. Being this is Elmhurst, they'll probably just leave them that way.
It cost $2M to build that bathroom? the one they built in Kissena Corridor Park this past summer cost "only" $1 million.
where do they get these costs?
not from those sensor toilets I hope.And what day was it when people became lever-phobic?
and those smears-I hate to say what they look like.
How many houses with multiple bathrooms could Habitat for Humanity have built with $2MM?
Couldn't the architects/developers have been consulted about the graffiti and donated a few bottles of the proper cleanser???
This calls for an investigation!!!
Does every NYC politician steal from his constituents????? Yes! Except for Tony Avella - he's the only honest one in the bunch!!
Queens is run by losers.
"Does every NYC politician steal from his constituents????? Yes! Except for Tony Avella - he's the only honest one in the bunch!!"
You don't KNOW that.
It cost $2M to build that bathroom? the one they built in Kissena Corridor Park this past summer cost "only" $1 million.
Geez, maybe it has two bocce courts inside.
A that hideous structure looks exactly like a $2 million crapper.
When you flush a toilet the waste probably ends up in the Gowanus Canal.
That's the ugliest building I've ever seen!
You ever see the creature they hire to clean the parks? Lets just be happy they could find their way to and from home every day. Doing their job correctly is asking a lot from them.
The Parks workers get very little training and supervision.
They are for the most part lazy and careless.
What is wrong with a few holes in the ground and some Portasa Potties?
Who the he'll approved this piece of crap ??!!!!!
It was built to resemble one of the gas tanks that stood there fo 60 years. The restroom facility doesn't produce as much gas however.
Wanna get the windows fixed real quick?
Put a brick through them!
"Who the he'll approved this piece of crap ??!!!!!"
We'll never know, and that is the real problem. Unnamed and protected desk jockeys in the government can waste all the money they want without consequences.
Try that in the private sector.
People, I think everyone is forgetting that this is Queens. The politicians love to shit on us. Two million dollars for that piece of crap. Add up the cost of materials and labor. Someone pocketed a bundle from this bungle. That's what happens when you keep voting for the same crappy politicians over and over again. You get the government you deserve.
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