Our friends over at New York YIMBY got their hands on new renderings for 23-10 Queens Plaza South in Long Island City. The mixed-use building, developed by Property Markets Group and designed by SLCE, will rise in the Court Square neighborhood and add 345 units and 44 stories atop an existing warehouse, which will be converted to parking and loft office space. As YIMBY points out, by keeping the existing industrial building, the project will connect with the street "in a way that's atypical for new construction" in the neighborhood, an area where developers routinely tear down warehouses ahead of redevelopment.
Excuse me while I go spike my hot chocolate...
Isn't the 7 train too "loud" ?
Don't our moronic politicians understand that there are too many people in Queens?
Why do they allow this type of overdevelopment? The #7 is full all the time! So many building in downtown Flooshing remain empty.
Who wants to pay top dollar to live in a shit area. It's not as though this is urban homesteading whewre you get a good deal for fixing up a piece of property in a dicey neighborhood - these are overpriced apartments that nobody wants!!!
You wanna live in a high-rise? You're nutz. Thank you very much. I'm going to climb out my window if there's a fire.
Don't our moronic politicians understand that there are too many people in Queens.
Mystery solved.
Prissy Van Bramer, loathed by his district in Sunnyside, has a nice seat in Ratner's DeBlasio government cause 'Van the Man' knows all the Queens developers from his library experience?
Seamless transformation from Quinn to Ratner.
Thank you george! Those high rises are very unsafe! When There Is A fire, there are no fire escapes and to get out you have to run down 20 flights of stairs! Deport the illegals and take back some of the apartments.....you really want housing, there's the solution to your problem! Vibrant and diverse my ass!
Who wants to pay top dollar to live in a shit area. It's not as though this is urban homesteading where you get a good deal for fixing up a piece of property in a dicey neighborhood - these are overpriced apartments that nobody wants!!!
Speculators will snap them up and fill them with 6 - 10 people each. Make good money.
Helen Marshall's legacy coming to fruition.
Rotten fruition.
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