New York University's $6 billion expansion plan all-but-collapsed Tuesday when a Manhattan judge ruled that construction cannot start unless the state legislature agrees that three tiny strips of city parkland can be used for the project.
“The legislature will never go for that,” Randy Mastro, the lawyer for the opponents, predicted Tuesday night as New York University officials mulled Manhattan Supreme Court Justice Donna Mills’ 78-page decision.
Mills rejected all the other arguments of the opponents — who included Greenwich Village celebrity residents like Matthew Broderick — but she agreed that they were right about the misuse of three tiny strips of land used as parks.
City lawyers had contended that they didn't need the legislature's permission to give the parkland to NYU because the strips were not dedicated parkland and are still on city maps as streets.
But opponents said these strips have been treated as official parks by the city for decades; they have used as parks by area residents; and they are on city websites as parks tended by the Parks Department.
“Land can become parkland ‘either through express provision such as restrictions in a deed or legislative enactment, or by implied acts, such as continued use of the parcel as park,’” Mills wrote.
“Land may become parkland by implication even...where the land remains mapped for another purpose, as here,” she added, ruling that for the city to give the property to NYU without the legislature's approval would violate the ‘public trust doctrine.’
So parkland is parkland? What an original concept! So this most likely means that the former site of Shea Stadium will be considered parkland. Tee hee!
But that's Manhattan and this is Queens. Big difference.
In court, they're equal.
Mills' decision doesn't follow precedent, so I expect an appeal.
And I wouldn't be so certain that conveyance of the "parks" to NYU cannot happen in the state legislature. Legislation like this falls under the category of "economic development" and gets rubber stamped.
"In court, they're equal."
C'mon crapster, that's what the good book says but we all know better than that.
Yes, but the Willets Point project would require both a ULURP and a state decision, and there aren't 40 acres anywhere I can think of that the Wilpons will be able to buy as a replacement.
Don't know if you read this letter to the editor at The ledger but it pretty much in a nutshell breaks down what is happening at Willets Point.
I think we are screwed.
It's, all that is going on. But there's something else brewing there. Stay tuned.
Did NYU have a preceding agreement to use the parkland like The Mets have for Willets West?
Doesn't matter. Case law in 1964 and since has made moot the type of agreement that Moses made with the Mets. It's just that someone has to challenge what is going on and that is about to happen.
How about Hallets Cove and taking parkland from the Astoria Houses by in building?
Same thing and the Village.
"In court, they're equal."
C'mon crapster, that's what the good book says but we all know better than that.
I agree Crapster, they have landmarks in the Village, we have Queensmarks. It might be one city but these are two separate worlds.
hey crapper does this affect St Micheal's cemetery land grab of NYC parklands posted here awhile back or will they get away with stealing land from our youth and giving it to the dead
This is not about landmarking our what Manhattan gets vs Queens. It's about bringing a lawsuit citing precedent.
Come on Crappy - this blog exists in part to show what everyone knows:
we get two different stories about everything depending which side of the river we live.
So Willets Pt wins? If they were smart they would back off for a time.
As it would be then business as usual for the rest of us in Queens it is really quite a meaningless 'victory' for they would be soon back again - and win that time.
Oh right. I guess I should tell them to call off the lawsuit and just give up. Maybe I should shut the blog down too, since it doesn't change things. Let's all wallow in self pity and let the bastards continue to win.
Don't give 'em those "tiny" strips of public land. It's just the start. THEY never get enough!
Don't you people understand that courts are a STATE entity? Yes, Manhattanites carry more clout, but judges have to answer to Albany, and they're not about to risk their necks when the mayor can't save them from the Attorney General's and higher circuit courts' wrath.
Jeezus Christ, some of you people are so jaded that you think cynicism substitutes for intelligence. This has the potential to create crystal-clear case law. If that gets subsequently ignored in a Willets Point appeal, it could affect land deals statewide. No judge is going to risk his law license, potential prison time, and the entire edifice of NY State real estate law over a few acres next to the Mets.
Let's get the ball rolling and stop whining people. This is an awesome victory for parkland and the residents of NYC. We can't let these shady deals continue. We need to challenge the system and illegal development on our parkland. A step in the right direction, Queens needs to act now to save Hallets Cove and of course Willets Point Project. Let us know Queens Crapper what we can do??? Also that cemetary in Corona needs to take action as well.
Let's get the ball rolling and stop whining people. This is an awesome victory for parkland and the residents of NYC. We can't let these shady deals continue. We need to challenge the system and illegal development on our parkland. A step in the right direction, Queens needs to act now to save Hallets Cove and of course Willets Point Project. Let us know Queens Crapper what we can do??? Also that cemetary in Corona needs to take action as well.
Sadly, this is the point where everyone posting here stops whining about this topic for the time being, and moves on to the next topic to complain about. They are so outraged and disgusted that they are ready to do absolutely nothing about things!
How about a Queens Crap Protest
at Queens Borough Hall ?
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