Queeny, the tiny hen who delighted Forest Hills residents for a year by prancing along 71st Avenue and Station Square, is thriving in her new home at an upstate farm animal sanctuary, the owner of the farm said.
“She lives the best life,” said Kurt Andernach, 50, of the 60-acre And-Hof-Animal Sanctuary in Catskill, N.Y., where Queeny was taken just before Hurricane Sandy.
Queeny, a Bantam Araucana hen who ate bagels and blocked traffic in Forest Hills, now hangs out with a flock of seven other chickens of the same breed. Among her "best friends" are two roosters, Henry and Herbert, and a hen named Silly, Andernach said.
Most of the Bantam chickens at the animal sanctuary were rescued from post offices, after the birds were injured during shipping or people who ordered them failed to pick them up, he said.
Queeny was taken upstate just before Hurricane Sandy hit, after a group of Forest Hills residents worried the chicken would not survive winter and the dangers of Queens traffic, and asked Andernach to take her in.
She was loose for an entire year??????
Shame on the people that saw her and did not rescue her!
We fed it bagels for a year and she was happy. ( no lox)
We kept an eye on her.
More than that, Anonymous. I called the police multiple times after I found the animal wandering in the middle of Station Square during rush hour causing traffic problems, and I'd eventually see her out there again a few months later.
When I was on jury duty I saw several loose chickens in the blocks between the courthouse and forest park. It was pretty cool.
Central Queens has had a reputation for ignoring chicks in their time of need for 50 years now.
I had pet Bantam hens in Ridgewood, they had a little house under the rear porch (near the sewer plate to keep it clean) but had to move them to Mattituck to avoid poaching.
Bantam's enjoy people company, very docile birds.
Sadly It seems these new savages moving into Ridgewood will cook and eat anything including people's pets.
Has anybody seen a live adult cat in Flushing in the past 8 years ? Used to be many around the LIRR but not anymore.
Farm animals should not be roaming contemporary NYC streets.
Why not? I'd rather have a flock of chickens in Station Square than pigeons.
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