Thursday, December 6, 2012

Districting Commission makes withdrawal official

From NY1:

The city's districting commission, charged with redrawing the lines that make up the 51 City Council districts, voted to withdraw their original plan Tuesday and hold more public hearings before coming up with a new one. NY1's Zack Fink has the story.

The hastily called meeting came amid questions about whether the commission had the authority to withdraw the maps it had already submitted.

After receiving assurances from the the city's law department, the commission voted unanimously to take back its maps and hold a new round of public hearings.

But that wasn't all. The commission also voted for two changes to the maps.

One change addressed a controversy involving the embattled Assemblyman Vito Lopez.

After the maps had already been voted on by the commission, Lopez's ally, City Councilman Erik Dilan, requested that Lopez's home be moved to the neighboring 34th district where it would be easier for Lopez to run for City Council.

"My concern was that in voting on these several changes, which I don't disagree with, we leave the perception that that's all we are going to do," Padavan said.

Several organizations are seeking additional changes to the maps and their concerns were not addressed.

"I just wanted to make sure that it was understood that this plan isn't adopted because we just revised it," Ognibene said. "There still needs to be public hearings, this is not part of the adopted plan, and I wanted that clear."

The new round of public hearings are expected to take place in January.

N.B. The word unanimously is crossed out because Padavan actually abstained from voting.


Jerry Rotondi, BFHA member said...

That's what Padavan should have done in the first place--but better late than never Frank.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Don't cut Padavan that much slack.
He'a an ogre!

Hanky panky Franky has been screwing a lot of folks for a lot of years!

You're either on his good side or his bad side.
Ask the people at Creedmoor who got the royal shaft from Frank about his style of playing politics!

Anonymous said...

The problem is that "activists" got tricked by that hack Padavan for years. hey, Frank, who cares now ? Have you heard from the feds yet on that car you bought with your campaign funds from over developers who have destoyed our neighbnorhood ? just asking you hack.

Anonymous said...

Creating districts to ensure criminals like Lopez are perpetual office-holders. Amazing how stupid the voters are in this City. Well, no, actually, not amazing at all.