Mr. Bloomberg continues to receive attention from the national news media that would make a presidential candidate blush. On Wednesday, he appeared on NBC’s “Today” and CBS’s “Early Show” to talk about the killing of Osama bin Laden, and the previous week he was invited to discuss the economy, immigration and national politics on “Fox News Sunday,” PBS’s “Tavis Smiley” show and NBC’s “Meet the Press.”
But at home, Mr. Bloomberg faces an abundance of negative sentiment, much of it a result of New York City’s botched response to a snowstorm in December, his ill-fated decision to appoint Cathleen P. Black to lead the public school system and lingering unhappiness over his bulldozing of term limits in 2008.
The data-driven mayor, who has spent many millions of dollars on polls for his campaigns, has tried to bolster his public standing with a rare nonelection-year advertising campaign.
But now he is going further, arguing — already — that his legacy as mayor will overshadow short-term stumbles. At times it sounds as if he is trying to convince himself, as much as the public, that his current unpopularity will not define his tenure.
His legacy?
It's already dirt littered with some occasional dog droppings!
And when he's finally covered over with 6 feet of it, he'll be remembered as one of most eccentric, egocentric, out of touch demagogues our city has ever known.
This thin skinned, self loving wannabee emperor, will have to compete with his Maker for celestial power.
Too bad Mike won't be able to mount expensive ad campaigns to convince his constituency in Heaven or Hell, that he can do a "great job" there too!
You can't buy an election in the afterlife.
The worst mayor since John V. Lindsey, so bad in fact that they'll probably rename the George Washington Bridge after him!
He forces a non-existing legacy on us and watch out he is out to get that grand big project Bloomberg done before his term is up!
Tar and feather the rat bastard and escort him out of NYC!
You could have done this at the polls instead of complaining!
Mike certainly didn't get my vote!
I remember seeing some post on here just a week or so after the 2008 election and it showed borough to borough results of who voted for him. It was almost a white vs black thing. Neighborhoods with high white populations voted for bloomberg while populations with high black/minority populations voted for thompson.
80% of people who follow this blog are white (assuming).
With that being said Im guessing (give or take a few) that EIGHTY percent of people who follow this blog voted FOR bloomberg.
Considering this is an anti-Bloomberg blog, why would you assume that? I hope you didn't major in statistics or logic in college.
Speaking of the snowstorm, what ever happened to the Phantom Sanitation workers Hallorarn got to confess??????
That was Halloran's snow job!
Yeah, most likely, "doofy" Dan was quaffing a line up of frozen Daquiris at his favorite spot,
(Gambino's) "White House"in Whitestone!
Bloomberg finished just 5% ahead of Thompson despite outspending him by millions. If the playing field were equaled Thompson would have been even closer if not ahead.
Would Bloomie become a loved Mayor if he donates just half of his $ 20 BILLION fortune to NYC? He would still have plenty of $$ left to take care of his old age.
Imagine what this City can do with an additional $10 billion.
What I like is how City Council got him elected, now send their hacks here to divert attention away from them onto him.
Don't you love politics and politicians?
That is why you are losers for fawning all over them.
I can see the strings!! it' s a marionette.
Kevin Walsh, don't believe the hype on Thompson's campaign. They did not want to win.
Perhaps Bloomturd can explain where a check for $32 million given by multi-billionaire Eli Broad for NYC schools went? Inquiring minds want to know! I'm sure that over 6,000 teachers wouldn't be lost to our city's students!
Bloomberg, no mean philanthropist himself, admires Broad's "uncuddly" approach and the $32 million he has given to New York schools.
"Eli Broad sets the standard," Mayor Bloomberg said. "I think it's really being a role model for others. And they look at Eli and because of him, they get the ideas, 'I'm going to be innovative and be philanthropic and do some other things.' The leverage of Eli Broad is really quite amazing."
We always tend to speak of
that great, amorphous, entity---
when it comes to assigning the blame for political corruption.
"That's MACHINE politics for you"!
But EVERY MACHINE is made up of MANY GEARS, isn't it?
WHICH GEAR is closest to you?
More specifically, WHICH GEAR did you elect to represent you in the city council?
It's no secret, that I think Bloomberg is an inadequate, aloof, imperial SOB.
But it's your closest representative (gear) in "THE MACHINE"---be it your community board; district leader; councilman, etc.---
that you should be kicking in the ass if you feel they haven't been operating in your best interests!
But don't forget to give them your full support if they have.
What I like is how City Council got him elected, now send their hacks here to divert attention away from them onto him.
Don't you love politics and politicians?
That is why you are losers for fawning all over them.
So the hacks response is to lay anti-Blumberg comments on thick n fast.
HEY! If it weren't for me, you wouldn't have 2 brand new baseball stadiums we can't afford! So there!
So the hacks response is to lay anti-Blumberg comments on thick n fast.
And your point is...?
T R O L L !
So the hacks response is to lay anti-Blumberg comments on thick n fast.
And your point is...?
T R O L L !
No but a realization that much of our anti-Bloomberg comments are from the city council hacks that want to divert public anger away from them and on to him.
The point is almost all his actions were made possible by the council and they deserve even more blame than he for his antics - after all, they overturned term limits.
For the record, I went to the polls twice and voted for them, something you p*cks overturned.
Many of us have long memories.
if only s---head candidates for mayor are nominated by the n.y.c. democrat/media /complex, you must get a p.o.crap as mayor.
come to fifth avenue/59th street to RENT A BICYCLE. the law suits of crippled tourists will come soon.and your taxes will go up...up...up.
thank you Sadie &Mike .
fix the potholes and eliminate the N.Y.C.,NYS TAX ON $4.50/gal. gas purchases.
stop the class warfare and petition your gangster government.
Protest Mayor's Unfair Cuts to Education on May 12th at 4:00pm at City Hall Park
The mayor's budget means the elimination of over 6,000 teaching positions, while leaving the central and mid-level bureaucracy intact and continuing to increase spending on private consultants and contracts. Please join parents and education advocacy groups to protest Bloomberg’s inhumane budget. Meet with other organizations as we march to Water Street, urging the mayor and the City Council to ask wealthy New Yorkers and the banks to pay their fair share instead.
The point is almost all his actions were made possible by the council and they deserve even more blame than he for his antics - after all, they overturned term limits.
Personally, I blame the dumbass media, especially the "weaklies" that scrub the news and make heroes out of bums.
Well said, my friend, well said.
Just a point for Mr. Rotondi to consider...your Community Boards are not elected and most of its members have been around for a couple of decades! They need term limits and have the bylaws revised to oust them more easily. As it stands now they control there own destiny and are untouchable by the public. Sign the petition and unload your present City Councilperson next election.
Protests on the steps of city hall have become little more than ineffective social gatherings.
There are so many of these media events running...that they're scheduled on an hourly basis...booked way in advance.
Now...hang a few shifty city council members from the portico (of course, I'm only joking) and we might see some change for the better.
The point being...
it's your city council that's directly responsible for the fix we're in.
They gave Bloomberg the right to steal a 3rd term!
Maybe hanging is too good for them.
I think he will run for Vice President next year. Voters may read my book ("The Education and Deconstruction of Mr. Bloomberg") to learn much about his political record thus far.
Just because Bloomberg could hide in his office on 5/12 doesn't mean he can or should evade responsibility forever in all venues.Make his Memorial Day weekend particularly memorable by coming out to the College Point Memorial Dat Parade in NE Queens(near the Whitestone Bridge, a Target/BJs shopping center w free parking) and lots of friendly folks) Sunday 5/29 @1PM starting @ College Point Blvd. + 26th Ave., proceeding N to McNeil Park.College Point was home to the dearly missed Helene Orenstein, who died while Mikey was checking on the state of his lootings in Bermuda during THAT snowstorm. Let's all us unbooted and horseless hoi polloi show him the great welcome to which he has proven himself eminently entitled!
Data set 1: Bloomberg is a fraud and a failure.
Set 2 (to come) He is also a serial plunderer tax cheat, and financial meltdown enabler.Unindicted Madoff co-conspirator!
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