According to the proposed Maspeth Bypass Plan, put forth by DOT, there will no longer be access to the diner from the north - where a good portion of the diner's customers travel from.

If this whole scenario sounds familiar, that's because it's been the standard modus operandus of DOT lately.
Not surprisingly, the CB5 Transportation Committee already unanimously approved the dumbass plan and it will be up for a vote by the full board tonight. I think we can unanimously predict the outcome of this. And the elected officials are all keeping mum, mainly because the faster it's passed, the faster they'll be able to take credit for it. But they care about small businesses (yeah right)!
Man...The Mayor is really pulling the strings to "stick it" to those Maspeth people.
My condolences
DOT is only concerned with bike lanes, they could care less how vehicle traffic is routed.
Yet another example of just how much Mayor Doomberg really cares about small businesses in New York.
First, by delaying the park at the St. Saviour's site.
Then, by severing access to the Clinton Diner.
What a vindictive little monster!
It's too late, you wanted him, you got him! The worst kept secret in NYC is that DOT is run by a queen wacko and her court. Get rid of the incumbent council-people in the next election and send a message. It doesn't matter that they'll be replaced with another pack of morons, it's the message that counts.
If 1 tourist went there, it would be saved.
The DOT should just leave that intersection alone or put up a traffic light. The one ways are too confusing and will force trucks to use Grand Ave and drive on the side streets where there are homes. The plan was to get trucks off of Grand Ave not make them use it.
The DOT just wants to fix this quick and dirty by making one way streets and painting stripes on the streets. They need to put a traffic light up and not make us drive around in circles.
Maspeth is the geographical center of NYC where the city dumps all of their crap on. Right in the bullseye.
DOT is only concerned with bike lanes, they could care less how vehicle traffic is routed.
HEY! Why not just visit the Clinton Diner by bike? Problem solved. You speak, I listen.
By the way, didja notice that bike rhymes with Mike. Like? Now take a hike! Clever, eh?
What r u talking about? Since when is it illegal to make a left turn into a driveway? Not true as far as I know - and therefore the argument that this will "put the diner out of business" is ludicrous at best.
There are certain conditions where you are allowed by law to make turns over, and left turns out of, a driveway and crossovers from driveway to driveway as long as the flow of traffic is not impeded and no excessive speed is used. If oncoming vehicles must slow or make drastic maneuvers, these are not safe actions. In other words, it would be illegal to do so on Rust Street. Furthermore, when the local NYPD community affairs officer was asked about a similar situation turning left out of a gas station crossing a solid double yellow line on a busy road, he advised that it would be ticketable because it was dangerous.
Who would want to turn left on Rust Street into a parking lot? Furthermore, how can they have a left turn from Maspeth Avenue onto Rust Street? DOT studied the traffic there, determined it's dangerous and then made this suggestion? They are insane! Now it says "no turns" so they are allowing a turn where the most accidents happen, and that's supposed to make it safer?
So if you were coming south, you'd have to make an illegal left onto rust st. (current signs say 'no turns' @ that intersection) and then another left into parking behind the diner? Uhmm.... That's one seriously flawed plan.
They are putting in a left turn lane on Maspeth Ave as the 2nd map shows, but yes, even this is flawed. It was just brought to my attention that the back lot of the diner is not part of the diner property; the landlord rents it out as a commercial parking lot. So patrons couldn't even make the suggested left to get to the diner because trucks are usually parked there.
You wanted it, you got it.The Bypass .
We wanted the bypass as proposed by the community, not this stupidity.
When are these pesty Maspeth people going to get the hint and move away.
Making money comes first !!!
-Mike B
Where is the current parking, 57th Place? What about making a left from Rust onto 57th Pl? There appear to be breaks in the double yellow, presumably to allow such a turn.
I doubt Bloomshit would force this diner out of business. Not because he cares about the diner, or its peasant Queens clientele, but because of it's importance to the movie industry.
Mike the bike, the idea is not for them to move away, they are expected to bend over and take it without a whimper.
Yes, the parking lot for the diner is on 57th Place. There is no left turn from Rust to 57th Place and none proposed in this new plan. It just seems like no one thought about the diner.
Yet they can not get a one way on 5th avenue in Whitestone.
What the hell are you eating in a diner for any way? Scarfing down greasy hamburgers and oversalted soup?
Wow, The city is really intent on screwing Maspeth. I am disgusted by the stupidity this city has brought forth in my current hometown. For the 5 years I have been here, I am always slackjawed with the incompetence of the local politicians and the ever increasing vacant store fronts. The truck traffic have moved to the tiny side streets and will now be made even worse by this band-aid approach being employed.
Mayor Mike really has a hard on for Maspeth. He won't be happy until he destroys this once beautiful neighborhood. Maspeth has become Mayor Mike's dumping ground. He wouldn't do this to his precious Manhattan.
Here's the other thing - let's say the diner does go out of business. What industrial business is going to move in with limited access to the place? The place would remain abandoned for decades.
Just a few car accidents waiting to happen! You'll see!
NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! As much of a shit hole that place is, it is still my favorite Maspeth landmark. WTF. First St.Saviors and now this. How can they let this happen. We have to organize a protest. Over my dead body!!! Damn Bloomberg to hell!!!!1
Note to Mayor Bloomtard:
Im gonna throw these people some buisness next week when I go to Maspeth for plumbing supplys.
I get the open hot turkey sandwich with hot gravy and fry's.
F_ the scumbag mayor and his posse-commius (however that's spelled, --George ?)
this is why people are leaving NYC! cost of living and destroying communities... i didn't vote for this asshole, so i know i can sleep at night. he should focus on helping instead of destroying, he's going to go out as one of the worst mayors ever!
This is not the updated map. The latest version has no turns from Maspeth Ave on to Rust St.
"going to"
"posse comitatus"
We love -Joe! We love -Joe! USA! USA! USA! Hoo! Hoo! Hoo!
It seems like the DOT screwed up and instead of fixing this, they are looking the other way. They need to fix this the right way without hurting the businesses and residents from Maspeth.
I guess DOT doesn't have a copy of the latest map on their website. This one was marked April 26, 2011. Please send it in if you have it.
The DOT just posted another revised plan on the DOT website.
I heard that CB 5 did not approve this plan.
Does anyone know what happened at the CB 5 meeting?
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